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Art and Religion
•Religion since ancient times has provided the impetus to create art
•Both religion and art raise us up and awaken in us a striving towards an ideal world
•Both have power to stimulate our imagination and take us away from our daily worries
•Right from Ancient times the unknown power was given various artistic shapes
•Sometimes the power was symbolized as a natural element like sun, moon, mountain,
tree..and sometimes as fantastic being..e.g composite animal
•Every natural phenomenon was attributed to some god
Anubis, Egyptian god of mummification and afterlife
•Ra- The Sun god
Natural Elements as gods
•In India in Vedic times we had
•God of rain –Indra
•Sun god- Surya
•Moon god –Soma etc.
•In Greek culture
•God of thunder- Zeus
•God of sea- Poseidon etc.
•Surya: the sun god
•Hindu mythology
•Marble statue of Zeus
•God of thunderbold
•Greek mythology
Greek god of Sea
•Human emotions and aspirations too were personified as gods
Cupid- god of love in Roman mytholody
Kama- god of love in Indian mythology
Saraswati- goddess of learning
Lakshmi- goddess of prosperity
•Kama and Rati
•God of love in hindu mythology
Cupid,god of love in Roman mythology
•Saraswati, goddess of learning
•Symbols and Attributes by which we can recognize a god
Shiva- Trident , 3 eyes, Jatamukuta and so on
Vishnu- Conch, Lotus, Gadha, Chakra
Saraswati –Vina
Cupid- Chubby child with wings
Buddha- Topknot, Sitting posture, Calm eyes
Greek mythology
Live snakes for her hair
Ravana shaking Kailasha, Ellora
Nataraja Shiva,
Abode of gods, temples, churches and mosques
•Art works in themselves
•Full of paintings and sculptures
•Ancient and Medieval Indian Art mostly related to temples and mosques
•Most of the art works before Modern times in west were linked to Church and
•Gothic Church
•Gothic Church
Durga Temple, Aihole, Karnataka