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Population: # of inhabitants of the same
species occupying the same area at the
same time.
Individuals moving to a new area
occupied by the same species
Individuals leaving an area
Births within a population
Deaths within a population
Provides information related to population
growth and age structure
# of individual of the same species
---------------------------------------------Total area
Immigration rate:
New arrivals/1000
Emigration rate:
Natality rate:
Mortality rate:
Natality Rate
--------------------- x 100
Mortality Rate
Open: Impacted by immigration, emigration,
natality and mortality
Closed: Impacted only by natality and mortality
Equilibrium: Pertains to populations
held stable by negative feedback (i.e.
population controlled by availability of
Determined by carrying capacity and the
predator-prey model
# of individuals of the same species an area
can maintain within stable limits
Determined by limiting factors:
examples: Availability of sunlight
Availability of water
Temperature range
Annual rainfall
Relationship between predator and prey
species in which prey populations are held
in check by predation and predator
populations are held in check by the
availability/abundance of prey