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Let’s Write Sentences!
Lesson 4
Here is what you will learn in this lesson:
What is an adjective?
What is an adverb?
How do I use adjectives and adverbs?
Sally has a campfire, but she can’t tell us anything
about it. Sally needs descriptive words.
Sally, you need adjectives
and adverbs to describe
your campfire.
Let's join Colin and Sally as they talk about
adjectives and adverbs!
Part 1: Adjectives
Remember nouns? We talked about them in Lesson 1. They’re a person, place, or
thing. Sometimes, nouns are just plain boring. To dress up our nouns, we can use
adjectives. An adjective is a word that describes a noun. Adjectives make our
sentences much more interesting!
Let's take a look at adjectives at work!
Example 1: I ate a tasty marshmallow!
In this example, the adjective “tasty” is describing the noun “marshmallow.” It is
telling us more about what the marshmallow is like.
Example 2: The sun is warm.
In this example, the adjective “warm” is describing the noun “sun.” It is telling us
more about what the sun is like.
Part 2: Adverbs
Remember verbs? We also talked about them in Lesson 1. They’re action words.
In the same way that adjectives “dress up” nouns, we can use adverbs in a similar
way. An adverb adds more detail to verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Adverbs
often end in the letters –ly.
Let's take a look at adverbs at work!
Example 1: Colin and Sally are happily camping.
In this example, the adverb is “happily” and it is describing the verb “camping.”
It tells us HOW Colin and Sally camped. The did it happily.
Example 2: Sally pitched the comfortably dry tents.
In this example, the adverb is “comfortably” and it is describing the adjective
“dry.” It tells us HOW dry the tent is. It is comfortably dry.
Part 3: Using Adverbs and Adjectives
Remember, the main purpose of adjectives and adverbs is to make our writing
more exciting! They provide more details and help us visualize. Using adjectives
and adverbs, Sally can describe her campfire now!
The hot campfire burns brightly.
Descriptive words
are fun to use!
You're right, Sally.
They also make your
writing more colorful!
Let’s Write Sentences!
Lesson 4 Assignments:
When you type your assignments in Word, please make sure to use MLA
format. Also, when you e-mail me your assignments, please make sure that the
subject line includes your name, the class name (LWS), and the assignment number
or numbers.
Subject: BrianS LWS-4A
or (if sending more than one)
Subject: BrianS LWS-4B and 4C
4A- Sentence Scramble
Cut out the words below and arrange them into 3 complete sentences. You will
have 1 asking sentence, 1 telling sentence, and 1 emotion sentence. You will need
to use one adjective OR one adverb in each sentence. Please underline these.
Don't forget to capitalize the first word and add a sentence stopper!
When you’ve made your sentence, type it in a Word document to email it to me.
bear delicious
What’s wrong with these sentences?
Look at the following sentences. Then, in a Word document, tell me what’s wrong
in each sentence. Finally, write the sentence correctly.
Here’s an example to get you started:
Example: Colin cold.
You’ll type: 4B: Sentence 1: Colin cold.
1. It doesn’t have a verb.
2. Corrected Sentence: Colin is cold.
4B Assignment Sentences:
Sentence 1:
Sentence 2:
Sentence 3:
Sentence 4:
Sentence 5:
The _________ (Add an adjective) deer walked by the tree trunk.
Colin ________ (Add an adverb) hiked with Sally.
why do skunks smell so bad.
Don't play with matches
your tent over in the wind.
Write your own sentences!
In a new Word document, write 4 sentences of your own. You need to write two
sentences that have adjectives in them and two sentences that have adverbs in
them. Don’t forget a subject, a verb, a capital letter at the beginning, and a
sentence stopper at the end.
After your sentences, write the following and fill in the blanks:
My subject is _________ .
My verb is _______ .
___________ is my first word, and it is capitalized.
My sentence stopper is a (or an) ____________ .
My adverb or adjective is __________________.