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UNIT 8 – The Renaissance and Reformation
Standard 6-6.1 – Summarize the contributions of the Italian Renaissance, including the importance of Florence, the influence of
humanism and the accomplishments of the Italians in art, music, literature, and architecture.
Standard 6-6.2 – Identify key figures of the Renaissance and the Reformation and their contributions, including Leonardo da Vinci,
Michelangelo, Johannes Gutenberg, John Calvin, and Martin Luther.
Standard 6-6.3 – Explain the causes, events, and points of contention and denominational affiliations (of nations) of the Reformation
and the Catholic Reformation (Counter Reformation).
The Italian Renaissance began, and had its greatest expression, in the ___________________________________. Because of the
_____________________ of the Italian peninsula (in relation to Western Europe, the Byzantine Empire, the Mediterranean Sea, and
the Muslim world), many Italian city-states became centers of ______________________ and ___________________ during this
time. This economic growth allowed city-states, such as ___________________, _______________________, and
______________________ to acquire great wealth and develop a degree of independence in governing themselves. These 2
attributes were critical in promoting the arts and ideas of the Renaissance, and were key components that explain why the
Renaissance began in _______________. Many Italian city-states flourished during this time, but __________________________ is
often considered the _____________________ of the Renaissance.
Renaissance Map of Italy- use page 583 in your textbook
Beginning in the early 1300s, Italy became the center of a new era which brought about the age of the Renaissance. Renaissance
Italy was not a country united under one powerful monarch. (In fact, Italy did not become a single nation until the 1860s.) Rather, it
was the landscape dominated by powerful rulers in influential city-states.
Using the map below, place each of the following in the proper places. First, draw the borders that separated the following citystates (Be careful here. You are not yet identifying the cities of the same names.): Venice, Milan, Florence, the Papal States, Genoa,
and the Kingdom of Naples (called Two Sicilies). Shade each state using a different colored pencil. Now identify the locations of the
following cities: Florence, Genoa, Milan, and Venice. Label the Mediterranean Sea, and the island of Sicily. Create a key, a title, and
a compass rose.
Renaissance means “____________________________.” It refers to the period that followed Europe’s Middle Ages.
Money for the Renaissance came from ____________________. One big idea that came from this time is that
__________________________________________________________ (no matter how much money they had and
everyone deserved an education). Increased __________________________________________ brought wealth to
Italian trade cities, leading to the Renaissance. The growth of wealthy trading cities in Italy led to a rebirth of the arts
and learning called the ____________________________________. Four northern Italian cities became _____________
____________________. They are:
The cities of Milan and Florence were ____________________________________ centers. Venice and Genoa were
___________ cities on the Mediterranean Sea, where the goods and services flowed. ___________________ kept
money for merchants all over Europe and made money by charging _______________________, a fee that lenders
charge people who borrow money from them. The _________________________________________ were the greatest
of the Florence bankers. They were the _____________________ family in Florence. Their fortune gave them political
power as well. ___________________________________ wanted Florence to be the most beautiful city in the world. He
hired _________________________ to decorate his palace. He also valued __________________________,
______________________________, and _______________________________. His workers needed to be able to read,
write, and understand math. The Medici Family were _____________________ of the arts. Patrons are ______________
______________________________________________________________________________________. They would
give money to support the artists or have the artists create works. During the Middle Ages, people were devoted to
__________________________________________. By the 1300s, scholars began to study subjects such as
_____________________, ________________________________, ____________________________________, and
_______________. These subjects were called the __________________________________, and they led to the
thinking and learning known as humanism. Humanism is ____________________________________________________
Art and literature had only been based on ________________________________, but now, the focus would be on
humans, politics, religion, and various styles of writing and art. Artists began painting portraits. The
_______________________ of the human body was being studied and human intelligence was recognized. An
interaction between subject and ruler began as well and ordinary people (sons of middle class families) became
_______________________. Another big change was that books started to be published in the language people spoke.
__________________________________ is the term given when the author writes in the language the people use so
they can read it. _____________________________ was one new subject being studied by people during this time.
Much of the inspiration for works of art during the Renaissance is a mix of __________________________________ of
the Middle Ages and ancient _____________________________________________ ideas. Together, these 2 ideas help
explain the artistic philosophy of the Renaissance. Some Renaissance ideas are:
 Painting –
Sculptures –
Anatomy –
Drawings of the Universe –
Education –
Use pgs. 587-595 to help you fill in this chart.
Lorenzo De
da Vinci
What did they
description of
Birth and Death
Artists of the Renaissance – Leonardo da Vinci (painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, and mathematician) is considered
the classic example of a “_____________________________________________.” Only da Vinci is considered greater
than another multi-talented icon of the Renaissance, ______________________________________. Remember that the
ideas of the Renaissance and Reformation spread quickly because of the ______________________________________
invented by the German inventor __________________________________________________. Some of the first books
printed were _______________________________ and other religious writings, showing how important
__________________________________ was during this time.
Remember that the Middle Ages were a period of time from about 500-1400 before large advances in science and art
were made. Many people were unable to ________________________________________. As the Middle Ages ended,
things began to change due to the _________________________ and ______________________________. What were
these changes?
The Renaissance means ________________________. It is a period of time (1400s-1600s) that showed a boom in
________________________________________________________. Italy, specifically __________________________,
became the center of the Renaissance. A man or woman with expertise in several different areas, such as math, science,
art and philosophy, was called a _________________________________________________.
Who was Leonardo da Vinci?
Who was Michelangelo?
The Reformation:
There are many factors that led to the Reformation (a time when people challenged the Church), including abuses in the
_________________________________________, the ability of most to _______________________________________
for themselves because of the _______________________________________, and the introduction of
______________________ thought (everyone is important).
Who was Martin Luther? What did he believe?
Who was John Calvin?
Reformation Outline
Chapter 20 Lesson 3: pgs 598-611
1. Reformers call for a change
A. Unpopular Church practices- John Wycliffe Speaks Out
1. Indulgence:
6. Wycliffe:
B. Desiderius Erasmus
1. Christian humanism:
2. Believed3. Praise of Folly:
C. Martin Luther
1. Luther was concerned by:
2. 1517:
3. Ninety-Five Theses:
4. He said: Christians had a right to read the _______ for themselves and confess
their sins _______ to God without the help of a priest.
5. New church:
6. Protestants:
D. John Calvin
E. Reformation in England
1. Henry VIII:
a. What made Henry go against the Catholic Church?
b. Act of Supremacy:
c. Church of England became known as the ___________ Church.
2. Bloody Mary:
Elizabeth I:
Calvinism in England:
2. Catholic Reformation (Counter Reformation)
A. Define:
B. Council of Trent
1. Pope Paul III:
2. Seminaries:
C. Jesuits
1. Purpose:
2. Founder:
3. Religious Wars
A. Catholic Spain/Spanish Inquisition
B. Spanish Armada
C. The Thirty Years’ War