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NATION 2 Sunday November 14, 2010
‘Rahu Kaala’ for November 2010
Ascension to power
and fame for some
Grim prospects for artistes
and entertainment industry
Sagittarius (Dhanu)
You might move into a new or a renovated
house after December 6. Venus exalted in the
11th House of Libra assures you of a sharp
rise in income. You will receive help from
friends holding high office to achieve your
goals. There will be numerous problems financial, health and family-related in the
period up to November 30. You may have to
incur heavy expenses and you might get drawn into litigation.
The situation will change for the better after December 1.
From Siri in
I appreciate
your Astrology column very
much indeed.
This has
helped me to understand
how planetary movements
affect the life of humans.
I have undergone severe
hardships during my life. I
am told that I am heading for
a very bad period in about
two years time. I would like
to know how true is this and
in which way I will be affected and the remedial action I
should take if possible.
Answer: Everyone has to
go through some bad patches
in life. Shani Lagna Erashtaka at birth and Mercury in the
8th House may have caused
you some suffering during
your childhood. But, all in all,
your life should definitely be a
great success. You have got
a head start in life fortified at
birth by three powerful yogas:
Amala yoga, Lakshmi yoga
and Malavya yoga. Planetary
positions at birth point to your
being an intellectual, academic and a thinker. You must be
now in retirement after a successful career possibly in public service. You are running the
Rahu sub period in the Maha
Dasa period of Mercury. The
ongoing period up to February 17, 2011 is not auspicious.
You must be suffering from
food indigestion, rheumatic
pains and a few other minor
ailments which you need not
take too seriously. The situation will change for the better
when the sub period of Jupiter
comes into operation in February next year. The period after
November 1 next year will be
much better for you. The ongoing period is not auspicious
for your wife either. You are
also advised to exercise tact
in dealings with your children.
There are certain
rituals prescribed in Astrology to be performed to neutralise or counteract malefic
influences. But my advice to
you is: Practice meditation
and lead a righteous life. That
is the best remedial action you
can take.
From Sumana in
Question: What are the
planetary positions that lead
to re-marriage?
Answer: According to celebrated Indian astrologer Prof.
B.V. Raman, re-marriage is
possible when Two planets occupy the
11th House and when Mercury
and Saturn occupy the 7th
Lagna is a common sign
and when the lord of the 7th
House and the Moon occupy a
common sign or a Navamsa.
The Sun and Mars occupy the 7th House or have their
Navamsa in the 7th. (This will
result in the death or separation of the first wife and marrying for the second time.)
The lords of the 7th
House either from the Lagna
or the Moon and Venus are
favourably and strongly posited, there will be three marriages.
If the lord of 7th House
or Venus is in exaltation and
two or more planets occupy
the 7th House, there will be
three or more marriages.
Readers’ Column
We are pleased that it has now become possible to make
space available for a Readers’ Column in the Astrology
section, `The Nation Zodiac’ we invite readers to participate in the `The Nation Zodiac’ by sending their views and
suggestions relating to its contents as well as by seeking
answers to their Astrology-related queries.
Readers also may make their queries in Sinhala as well.
Please address all your communications to:
The Nation Zodiac,
The Nation Editorial,
RIVIRA Media Corporation (Pvt)Ltd,
742, Maradana Road,
Colombo 10
email: [email protected]
Capricorn (Makara)
You might undertake foreign travel, possibly as a pilgrim. Mercury, the lord of the
6th House now occupying the 11th House
in association with Mars, the lord of that
House may cause you financial losses.
However, Ravi in the 11th House is capable
of cancelling Arishta yogas. Venus posited
in exaltation in the powerful 10th House of Libra has produced
the Amala yoga. You are assured of career success and high recognition.
Aquarius (Kumbha)
Jupiter in the Lagna has conferred high
status on you. Meanwhile, Ravi in the 10th
House commanding Dig-bala has produced
a Dhana-yoga for you. Ravi- Mars’s combination in the 10th House has also produced
a Rajayoga assuring you of fame and high
recognition. Venus in the 9th House is very
auspicious for your father. Saturn in the 8th House confers longevity on you.
Pisces (Meena)
The lord of the 4th House Mercury occupying the 9th House with the lord of the 2nd and
9th Houses has produced a Dhana-yoga for
you. December 4 will mark a landmark event
in your life when two of the Aapo Tritvaya
(Watery Trinity) Scorpio and Cancer Mars
and the Moon respectively meet in your 9th
House of Scorpio .You might undertake a journey overseas, possibly in connection with an educational matter.
The movements of planets from November 1 to December 31
Ravi (the Sun)
November 16 - 17.18 - Scorpio
December 16 - 07.59 - Sagittarius
17 - 12.53 Libra
November 05 - 06.16 Scorpio
November 26 - 04.08 Sagittarius
November 30 - 06.32 - Sagittarius
December 31
November 1
December 06
December 23
Movements of the Moon from November 3 to November 30
November 03
November 05
November 07
November 09
November 11
November 14
November 16
November 19
November 21
November 23
November 26
November 28
November 30
In our previous article, we
discussed factors influencing foreign travel with particular reference to Houses
in the natal chart. In this
article, we propose to discuss what and how Planets
influence foreign travel.
Celebrated ancient Indian
Vedic astrologers have dealt
at length with factors causing a person to leave his
country of birth for a foreign land for purposes of
visiting relatives or places,
on official duty or for taking
up residence and they have
explained how planets influence foreign travel and under what circumstances.
The Sun: The Sun (Ravi)
in the 8th House at birth indicates travel from country
to country.
The Sun in the Lagna
shows one would find his
fortune in a foreign country.
The Sun in the 5th House
would make one a diplomat
required to serve in foreign
Foreign travel could take
place during the sub period
of Kethu in the Maha Dasa
period of the Sun if Kethu is
posited in the 6th or the 12th
House from the Sun. The
Sun in the 4th House would
lead to domicile in a foreign
country as a professional.
The Moon: A native who
has the Moon posited in an
angle which is a movable or
a common sign may travel
abroad a great deal
Foreign travel is possible
if the Moon is posited in
a watery sign like
Cancer or Pisces.
An exalted Moon
in the 12th, 8th or
the 9th House indicates stay in a foreign land following
a love marriage.
Rahu: Rahu is a
conferrer of foreign
travel and foreign
contacts as well as
foreign things. What
he confers can lead
to an unhappy ending.
Foreign travel is indicated when Rahu or Kethu
is conjunct with the lord of
the 7th, 8th, 9th or the 12th
Rahu in the ascendant or
in the 7th House shows foreign travel. The Moon and
the Rahu in the 10th House
holds the promise of high
office in a foreign land.
Rahu in the ascendant,
7th House or the 12th House
gives foreign travel.
Venus: Foreign travel is
signified when Venus is posited in the Aries sign.
Venus in the 6th House
would lead to the native’s possessions being stolen while
in a foreign land. Venus in
the 7th House indicates conjugal happiness abroad.
15 -
APR 14 - M
AY 1
JA N 1 4 -
Those born in the
Cancer Solar month
Planets influencing foreign travel
Dhana-yoga for you.
Readers’ queries answered
Eclipses are often feared as harbingers of death or some misfortune for some VVIP in a country.
They bring fortune too to important people like rulers. An
eclipse falling on the natal
Sun, Moon or the Ascendant is auspicious for
politicians at national level, business
executives and poets. For example,
well formed. Owners of this hand are lovers of beauty and art even if they are not
artists themselves. These people are sentimental and easily fall in love with the opposite sex.. But they always remain lovelorn. Their life is not a success in a worldly
sense. They very often find themselves in
reduced circumstances.
Ideal hand: This is supposed to be the
best kind of hand. This hand is well formed
and is neither too long nor too wide. These
people have the gift of premonition of what
is going to happen. When looking for a solution to a problem, they would spare no efforts to go deep into the roots of the problem.
They can face challenges with determination
and fortitude and are prepared to go through
any struggle to achieve their goals.
Mixed hand: This hand does not fall into
any of the above categories. Very often, the
mixed hand shows a blend of features of
the Workman’s hand and Philosopher’s
hand. These people would start some work
with much exuberance and their enthusiasm would wane and wear out as they proceed with the work. Very often they would
call it a day when a job of work is half
done. The mind of these people knows no
peace as it is always troubled by suspicion,
apprehension and uncertainty.
You are endowed with much energy
and drive and you are now perhaps going
through one of the most active periods in
life. You are also likely to undertake a journey abroad perhaps as a member of troupe
of artistes. Jupiter, the lord of the 2nd
House and the lord of the 10th House, Mars
now occupying the Lagna have produced a
Some to benefit by
ascension to power and
We, in a previous article, discussed the
hand divided into five kinds on the basis of
size and shape.
We propose to discuss in this article the
hand divided further into seven kinds depending on more other features mainly, the
thinness or the heaviness of the palm.
The seven kinds are:
1. Primary hand
2. Square hand
3. Workman’s hand
4. Philosopher’s hand
5. Artist’s hand
6. Ideal hand
7. Mixed hand
Primary hand: This hand is coarse, and
heavy. It is unsymmetrical. The owners of
this hand lack refined manners. They are
interested only in the basic needs like food,
clothing and shelter. They have no use for
finer things in life. They have no sense
of values and ideals. Most owners of this
hand are criminals.
Square hand: This hand can be easily
made out from the knots on fingers. Fingers on this kind of hand are supple unlike
those on the Primary hand. This hand is
thinner and less coarse than the Primary
hand. Owners of this kind of hand are geniuses and great intellectuals. They make
a great contribution to the advancement
of human civilisation. They are capable of
providing leadership to people. When they
die, they leave behind a legacy for the mankind. They do not earn wealth. They earn
fame and reputation.
Workman’s hand:
This hand is a
little long in relation to its width. The
mounts on the palm are muscular and
hard. Persons with this kind of hand
are very active. They do not like to idle.
They make a success of their life by dint
of perseverance. What they turn out as a
finished product is a harmonious blend
of creativity and exquisite workmanship.
Philosopher’s hand:
mount of Jupiter on this hand is
well developed. The head line is
slightly drooping to the Mount of
Moon. Finger of Mercury is s long
and straight with the first phalanx
pointed. Mount Mercury is fairly high.
People owning this kind of hand maintains a balance between sentiments and
practicability. They are natural leaders.
Their deeds bring honour to the country.
Great philosophers and intellectuals own
this kind of hand.
Artist’s hand: This kind of hand is soft
and supple. The joints of all bones are of
equal proportion. Fingers are long and
Scorpio (Vrushika)
The fact that the eclipse is to
occur in the 3rd decanate of the
Gemini sign foreshadows the
death of an illustrious and renowned person in the world.
The ongoing period up to December 6 is
very auspicious for you. A retrograde Jupiter now in Aquarius while commanding his
special aspect over the Lagna and your 9th
House of Gemini Venus in the 1st House has
produced both a Chamara yoga and Malavya
yoga and Jupiter in the 5th House have produced the Mahapurusha yoga. Your fame, depending on your preset standing in the
society will spread far and wide.
Hand further divided
Death of a renowned
Libra (Thula)
Hand tells tales, but does not lie
5 - JUL
As the eclipse is due to occur in the 5th
House of Sri Lanka’s natal chart, the event
portends inauspicious happenings having
You are on the way to acquisition of wealth
and fame. However, you are advised to desist
from using unscrupulous means to achieve
your goals. Ravi and Mars in the 3rd House
would endow you with courage and resourcefulness to overcome enemies and other obstacles in your way. Jupiter’s aspect over the
10th House would counteract forces threatening your career.
You are prone to diseases that can affect your
Adverse effects on artistes and
places of entertainment
an adverse impact on theatres and places of
amusement and entertainment. The birth
rate may drop, but the death rate may go up.
The period ahead is generally not auspicious
for artistes, the singers and actors in particular.
Chaos in the sector of education is also
Virgo (Kanya)
fore, the lunar eclipses can affect ordinary
people in the country.
Ravi-Mars-Mercury combination in the
5th House is very auspicious for you. You
are likely to undertake a journey abroad
possibly for educational purposes. Your
efforts to acquire a new housing property
or a vehicle might succeed. Your efforts
in educational pursuits too would bear
fruit. You are advised to resist the temptation to have extramarital relations.
This eclipse poses a serious
threat to aquatic life and shipping. Ships and boats face the
possibility of meeting with serious accidents thus affecting the
international trade and fisheries industry.
high ups having Mars in Gemini
or Sagittarius in the natal chart
which foreshadows death by assassination.
While the Sun represents the
king or the rulers, the Moon indicates the common people. There-
- JAN 1
Leo (Simha)
Serious threat to
shipping and fisheries
The USA will face the full impact of the upcoming eclipse,
the Gemini sign in which the
phenomena is to occur being the
Ascendant of the natal chart of
that country. South West England
and lower part of Egypt too are to
feel the effects of this eclipse according to principles of Mundane
Astrology. Among the cities to be
affected are Tripoli, London, Versailles, Melbourne, Plymouth and
St. Francisco.
political figures with the natal
Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant
in Gemini or in opposition to the
Gemini sign – in the Sagittarius
sign – may gain more power and
fame. However, this celestial
event is inauspicious for political
C 16
Your efforts to move into a new residence
or renovate your present residence will
succeed. You are also assured of peace of
mind, happiness in the family and success
in educational pursuits. You should be going through one of the best periods of life
enjoying high social standing, fame and a steady income. Your
children too would do well in their studies or in their vocations.
A change in your employment or place of work is indicate. after
December 1.
Eclipses in airy signs, according to Maharishis of India,
cause famines, communicable
winds and massive floods.
Effects of an eclipse can be
felt either a few weeks ahead or
for several weeks after the phenomenon.
Therefore, it goes without
saying that upcoming lunar
eclipse has already begun to
make an impact on the weather
patterns worldwide.
USA to feet the full
Cancer (Kataka)
This, the third and the last lunar eclipse to occur in the year
2010, will last for 72 minutes say
NASA astronomers. The impact of an eclipse is greatly felt
on territories from where it is
visible. However, the countries
like Sri Lanka to which these
celestial phenomenon will not
be visible cannot entirely escape the impact it makes on life
and environment on earth.
Eclipses occurring in airy
signs usually make a widespread impact covering a large
part of the world. Gemini, in
which the coming eclipse is to
take place, being an airy sign
(the first of the Vaayo TritvayaAiry Trinity) the influence of
the December 21 eclipse will
certainly be felt in our country
as well.
Communicable diseases,
famines, tempests and
stormy winds
You should be going through a very
auspicious period judging by the present
planetary configuration. Jupiter occupying the powerful trine 9th House is commanding special aspect over the 5th House
of Libra where Venus is posited in exaltation. You are assured of great success in
the fields of academics, arts or literature. Your skills while assuring you of career success would bring you high recognition
and fame.
Eclipses, be they Solar or Lunar, the study of which forms
a significant part of Mundane
Astrology, for eclipses wield
great influence on life and environment on earth, according to
ancient Maharishis.
Therefore, the astrologers
the world over have attached a
great significance to the total
Lunar Eclipse which is to occur
on December 21, about a month
The total lunar eclipse which
is due to occur in the 4th quarter
of the Muvasirasa or Mrigasiri
(Orionis) constellation in the
sign of Gemini (Mithuna), will
begin about 13:11 hours (local
time) on December 21 and the
greatest or the central eclipse
will occur at 13:47 hours.
This eclipse will be visible
only to North America and certain other parts of the continent.
Sri Lanka cannot escape
the effects
after 19.34
up to 01.40
after 21.16
up to 05.55
after 22.11
up to 02.27
after 05.23
after 05.33
up to 05.42
after 03.43
up to 22.17
after 07.34
OCT 17 -
Gemini (Mithuna)
November 02 Tuesday
November 03 Wednesday
November 06 Saturday
November 08 Monday
November 13 Saturday
November 14 Sunday
November 18 Thursday
November 19 Friday
November 20 Saturday
November 22 Monday
November 23 Tuesday
November 25 Thursday
T 17
You might inherit wealth from your maternal
relations. You are advised to desist from actions
that can make you very unpopular. Disputes with
the spouse are indicated. The period up to December 1 is inauspicious for you and your spouse.
You are likely to travel abroad. Comforts of
a good home and family happiness are assured if you succeed
in maintaining a good rapport with your
Auspicious days in November 2010
7 - OC
Taurus (Vrishabha)
December 21 total lunar eclipse
begins to make its impact
19.21 to 20.52
02.56 to 04.27
23.54 to 01.25
01.25 to 02.49
22.23 to 23.54
04.28 to 22.23
04.28 to 05.59
19.21 to 20.52
Ravi-Mars-Mercury planetary combination in the 9th House of Scorpio is not auspicious. You are advised to avoid involvement
or participation with your spouse and children in any activity entailing a risk element
such as boat rides, sea bathing or bathing at
waterfalls, picnics etc. at least until December
1. Gains from partnerships and a steady income from a permanent employment indicated. Success at examinations and contests is in the offing. You are prone to bowel diseases and accidents that can affect your left leg.
Monday 1
Tuesday 2
Wednesday 3
Thursday 4
Friday 5
Saturday 6
Sunday 7
Monday 8
Aries (Mesha)
07.27 to 08.56
10.52 to 16.21
11.54 to 13.23
13.23 to 14.52
10.25 to 11.54
16.21 to 17.50
16.21 to 17.50
07.28 to 08.59
(For the 3rd quarter of November 2010)
Stormy seas, tempests,
communicable diseases
What the stars foretell
for your Lagna
NATION 2 Sunday November 14, 2010
Venus in the 9th
House may mean
a second marriage
abroad. Venus and
Saturn in the 9th
House would confer
office as a diplomat
to serve in foreign
Mars: Mars in
the 10th House from
the Ascendant or
the Moon gives a long stay
Saturn in the
12th House can cause separation from family and residence abroad.
Mercury: Mercury in the
10th House when the Moon
is in the 12th if it is a movable or a common sign indicates foreign travel.
Those born in the Solar month of Cancer appear to be docile, but are firm in
their convictions. They are very sensitive
and emotional, but often maintain a calm
Cancer is the 4th sign in the Zodiac
representing home and domestic environment. Cancer subjects are attached
to home and their domestic environment.
They usually maintain a good rapport
with their neighbours and the community.
They have a great desire to go places
and explore new lands, despite their attachment to home.
Those born during the Cancer sign
are moody and melancholy. They are endowed with the gift of intuition and clairvoyance. They always get a premonition
of what is going to happen.
Cancer rules the stomach and Cancer
subjects take an interest in good foods
and cuisine.
They often suffer from emotional stress
and strain. They are prone to diseases
of the chest and stomach. They also fall
victim to melancholia and mental depression.
Cancer subjects make skilled workers,
teachers, eminent academics and great
thinkers. They are not wealthy people
and they are not interested in amassing
wealth either.
Cancer people can never become successful speculators or gamblers.
A landmark event would mark their
career at the age of 35. They would fall
victim to some intrigue or machination
at the ages of 20, 32 and 44.
Those born in the Cancer Solar month
are advised to marry persons of the same
sign or of Scorpio and Pisces.
For planting tubers:
Flower plants:
Coconut seedlings:
For laying the foundation
for a house and erecting
For feeding the first rice meal
For financial transactions:
Initiating into first
November 2010
Friday 26 - from 09.25 to 09.37Facing the North
November 3 Wednesday
from 05.58 to 06.10 - Facing the North
November 12 Friday
from 07.00 to 07.12 do
November 17 Wednesday from 06.03 to 06.13 do
November 18 Thursday
from 08.59 to 09.11 do
December 1 Wednesday from 07.55 to 08.57 do
December 16 Thursday
from 06.26 to 06.38 do
December 10 Friday
from 07.23
December 16 Thursday
from 06.28
December 17 Friday
from 06.17
November 12 Friday
December 10 Friday
December 10 Friday
December 16 Thursday
December 17 Friday