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There are over 640 muscles in the human body being fibro effects muscels I thought Id share a few things about
how these muscle effect complaints that we all have…I think one thing in our med cabinet needs to be a good
muscle relaxer.. we depend on a lot of different meds but the muscles are what is causing so much issues and if
helped right I believe would be so helpful in our pain.
Stomach issues:The stomach performs a little mechanical digestion as the muscles expand and contract to move
the food around in the stomach. This is in order to expose the food to more of the chemical secretions in the
stomach and thus digest it easier. The movement of food in the same way, through muscle contractions, also
occurs in the small and large intestines.
The expansion and contraction of muscles that occurs throughout the gastrointestinal tract during mechanical
digestion is called peristalsis. There are two groups of muscles that work simultaneously to move the food.
Circular muscles and longitudinal muscles work in conjunction. First one group contracts, then the other. An
earthworm moves through a similar series of muscle contractions.
constipation anyone?
After food leaves the stomach, it enters the small intestine where three more liquids are added to further digest it.
The liver produces bile and stores it in the gallbladder until needed. The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice which
is also used to break down food. Finally, food is further digested by enzymes secreted from the mucous
membranes within the small intestine. Still moving by means of peristalsis, the food leaves the small intestine
and enters the large intestine, where many nutrients are absorbed, and then the waste exits the body via the anus.
The process of defecation (having a bowel movement) requires the coordinated effort of different muscles. The pelvic floor
is made up of several muscles that support the rectum like a hammock. When an individual wants to have a bowel
movement the pelvic floor muscles are supposed to relax allowing the rectum to empty. While the pelvic floor muscles are
relaxing, muscles of the abdomen contract to help push the stool out of the rectum. Individuals with pelvic floor
dysfunction have a tendency to contract instead of relax the pelvic floor muscles. When this happens during an attempted
bowel movement, these individuals are effectively pushing against an unyielding muscular wall.
Hmm constant ladder infections or issues..
Bladder: The muscle in your bladder wall is called the detrusor muscle. The detrusor
muscle relaxes to allow your bladder to fill. When you go to the toilet, it contracts to
squeeze out urine
The internal sphincter is a ring of muscle that holds the neck of the bladder in
place. Your body opens and shuts it automatically without you thinking about it.
The external sphincter acts like a tap and keeps urine in the bladder. It is
controlled by the pudendal nerve, which is controlled by the voluntary nervous
system. This means it's under your control – you decide when to let it open. The
external sphincter is also called the distal sphincter
Eyes: having head aches a lot..eye issues eye ball hurt?
The ability to see is one of our most amazing and complicated senses. Muscles play a
very important role in the process of vision, as they are responsible for the movement of
the eyes (Figure 1). These muscles, known as the extra-ocular muscles, let you look up,
down and sideways. Responding to orders from the brain, they act to aim the eyes so that
both eyes look at the same place at the same time, thereby creating a single, clear picture
in the brain (fusion).n the brain (fusion).
Anything that makes it difficult for the eyes to aim properly can cause dizziness,
headaches, reading difficulty and blurred vision. Some patients with eye muscle problems
have only one of these symptoms, while others may have two or more symptoms. With
the wide array of symptoms, it is not unusual for these people to have sought help from a
number of different types of doctors, usually without adequate relief. Most people would
not think that the visual system could be the cause of these symptoms and as a result have
not sought help from a vision specialist