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The Human Digestive system
1. Define Nutrients
2. Describe how food is ______________ in the mouth,
stomach, small and large intestine.
3. Compare ___________ and ___________ digestion
4. Describe how nutrients are ____________ in the
digestive system
Nutrients are divided into six groups
1. Proteins
-Found in every living part of your body
-Made of __________
__________ found in foods
2. Carbohydrates
-Supply the body with ____________
-Energy measured in ____________
3. Fats
-Supply the body with _____________________
4. Vitamins and Minerals
-Aid in _________ and ____________ living tissue
-Prevent deficiency diseases ex. Scurvy
-Found in _________ __________ ___________
-Micronutrients ex. Vitamins: _______ Minerals: ________
5. Water
-Needed for all _____________ _____________
-Needed for transport of _________ in the _________
Digestion of Food
The digestive system carries out this function
Two Types of Digestion
1. Chemical:
2. Mechanical:
Steps of digestion
1. Food enters your mouth,____________ digestion occurs
2. __________________ of the ______________ transports
food to your Stomach by a process called ___________
Allows you to eat or drink upside down
3. Food enters your stomach and ___________
___________ takes place with the help of the
4. Food enters your small intestine, which is ___cm in
diameter and ____ feet in length
-Most digestion takes place in the small intestine
Digestive Aids
The __________ and the ___________ aid in digestion by
producing _________ which break up food
-The Liver produces ______ which breaks up fat molecules
Which type of digestion is this?______________________
Absorption of Nutrients
-After food is ________ it is _________ in the _________
-The small intestine is covered with millions of finger-like
projections called __________
-Digested food is absorbed through the Villi into a network
of blood vessels that carry nutrients to the rest of the body
-The Villi of the Small Intestine increase the __________
___________ of the intestine to allow for maximum
absorption of ____________
-The final stage of absorption takes place in the _________
______________ which is ____cm wide and ____ feet long
-Remaining _________ is absorbed in the large intestine
-___________ living in the large intestine aid in absorption
producing vitamins such as ___ and ___ which are
absorbed by the body
-Materials that are not absorbed by the small and large
intestines form _________ __________which is
____________ from the body through the Anus
The Human Digestive system
1. Define Nutrients
2. Describe how food is digested in the mouth, stomach,
small and large intestine.
3. Compare Mechanical and chemical digestion
4. Describe how nutrients are absorbed in the digestive
Nutrient: Raw materials your body uses for energy growth
and repair
Nutrients are divided into six groups
1. Proteins
-Found in every living part of your body
-Used to build and repair body parts
-Made of amino acids found in foods
Sources: meats, eggs, beans
2. Carbohydrates
-Supply the body with energy
Ex. Sugars and starch
-Energy measured in calories
Sources: Fruits, Vegetables & Grain products
3. Fats
-Supply the body with energy(stored)
-Insulate the body
-protect vital organs
4. Vitamins and Minerals
-Aid in tissue building and repair
-Prevent deficiency diseases ex. Scurvy
-Found in Fruits&vegetables, milk
-Micronutrients ex. Vitamins: B, C, E Minerals: Ca, P, Na
5. Water
-Needed for all chemical reactions
-Needed for transport of nutrients in the blood
Digestion of Food
Digestion: The process of breaking down food into smaller
substances(nutrients) the body can use
The digestive system carries out this function
Two Types of Digestion
1. Chemical: The breakdown of food by enzymes
2. Mechanical: The physical breakdown of food using
mouth parts
Enzyme: Special proteins that control chemical reactions in
the body
Steps of digestion
1. Food enters your mouth, Mechanical digestion occurs
2. Smooth muscle of the Esophagus transports food to your
Stomach by a process called peristalsis
Peristalsis: Wave-like muscular contractions of the
esophagus and intestine.
Allows you to eat or drink upside down
3. Food enters your stomach and Chemical digestion takes
place with the help of the enzyme Pepsin
4. Food enters your small intestine, which is 2.5cm in
diameter and 18 feet in length
-Most digestion takes place in the small intestine
Digestive Aids
The Liver and the Pancreas aid in digestion by producing
enzymes which break up food
-The Liver produces bile, which breaks up fat molecules
Which type of digestion is this?
Absorption of Nutrients
Absorption in the small intestine
-After food is digested it is absorbed in the small intestine
-The small intestine is covered with millions of finger-like
projections called Villi
-Digested food is absorbed through the Villi into a network
of blood vessels that carry nutrients to the rest of the body
-The Villi of the Small Intestine increase the Surface Area
of the intestine to allow for maximum absorption of
Absorption in the large intestine
-The final stage of absorption takes place in the Large
Intestine which is 6.5cm wide and five feet long
-Remaining water is absorbed in the large intestine
-Bacteria living in the large intestine aid in absorption
producing vtaimins such as K and B which are absorbed by
the body
-Materials that are not absorbed by the small and large
intestines form solid waste which is eliminated from the
body through the Anus