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5 Major Systems in the
Human Body
Miss Atkinson
7th Grade Science Class
NC Essential
Structures and Functions of Living Organisms
• 7.L.1 Understand the processes, structures and
functions of living organisms that enable them to
survive, reproduce and carry out the basic functions of
7.L.1.4 Summarize the general functions of the
major systems the human body (Digestion, respiration,
reproduction, circulation and excretion) and ways
these systems interact with each other to sustain life.
What are the five
major systems?
• Digestive
• Respiratory
• Reproductive
• Circulatory
• Excretory
Digestive system
What is the Digestive
It is a group of organs that work
together to digest food so it can be
used by the body.
The Digestive Tract is a series of
tube like organs in the digestive
system.The Digestive Tract includes
the mouth, pharynx, esophagus,
stomach, small and large intestine,
rectum and anus.
Respiratory System
What is the Respiratory
It is the system for taking in oxygen and giving
off carbon dioxide; in terrestrial animals this is
accomplished by breathing.
What organs make up the
Respiratory System?
Reproductive system
Reproductive system
What is the Reproductive System?
organs and tissues involved in the production
and maturation of gametes and in their union
and subsequent development as offspring.
What organs are in the Reproductive System?
Fallopian tubes
Testicles Ducts and Glands
Circulatory System
What is the Circulatory
The system moves blood through your body
to provide oxygen to all your organs and
tissues. It is made up of arteries, veins and
What is Involved in the
Circulatory System?
Heart - pumps blood throughout the body*
Blood-fluid that brings nutrients and removes
Blood Vessels - the containers for blood, the
Excretory System
What is the Excretory
The Excretory System collects and
eliminates wastes from the body and
regulates the level of fluid in the body.
•What organs make up
the Excretory System?
•Urinary Bladder
Working Together
The respiratory system brings oxygen into the lungs when you
breathe. The digestive system breaks food down into nutrients
such as glucose. Now the circulatory system enters the picture. It
transports glucose and other nutrients from the digestive system to
the cells. The circulatory system also transports oxygen from the
lungs to the cells. Now the cells have what they need for cellular
respiration: oxygen and glucose. The teamwork doesn’t end there,
however. The circulatory system also transports carbon dioxide
waste from the cells to the lungs of the respiratory system.
Through gas exchange in the lungs, the carbon dioxide waste is
removed from your body when you breathe out.