Download Meaning and Characteristics of the Italian Renaissance

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Meaning and Characteristics of the Italian Renaissance
Renaissance (1350-1550) “rebirth” of Greco-Roman civilization after Middle Ages
Jacob Burckhardt The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy
revival of antiquity, perfecting of the individual, and secularism
exaggerated individuality and secularism
failed to recognize the depths of its religious sentiment
Renaissance can be viewed as a distinct period of history from Middle Ages
Urban society
commercial preeminence and political evolution led to independent city-states
centers of Italian political, economic, and social life
secular spirit emerged as wealth created possibilities for enjoying worldly things
Age of recovery from 14th century
from Black Death, political disorder, and economic depression
accompanied by culture of classical antiquity
awareness of historical past - Greco-Roman culture
affected activities as diverse as politics and art
attempts of reconciling pagan philosophy with Christian thought
Emphasis on individual ability
Leon Battista Alberti “Men can do all things if they will.”
regard for human dignity and worth and a realization of individual potentiality
create social ideal of universal person - jack of all trades
The general Renaissance features apply primarily to wealthy upper class
achievements cam from a an elite rather than a mass
The Making of Renaissance Society
Italian merchants were expanding lines of trade by 14th century
sea routes through England and Netherlands brought Hanseatic League into
contact with Venetians, Black Plague in Italy led to Hanseatic dominance
Hansa = North German commercial and military association
After Italian withdrawal in the 14th century trade recovered dramatically
very powerful in northern Europe
Italians, especially Venetians, maintained empire even with pressure from
Ottoman Turks along the Mediterranean
The Italians stayed strong until transatlantic exploration in the 16th century
The economic depression affected manufacturing as well
Woolen industries of northern Italian cities were particularly devastated
As the cities recovered they developed and expanded luxury industries
New Industries: printing, mining, metallurgy to rival textiles
The House of Medici expanded from cloth production into commerce, real estate, and
Greatest bank in Europe
Principal bankers of the papacy
Went into decline due to poor leadership and bad loans
Social Changes in the Renaissance
Same structure from the Middle Ages
First Estate - Clergy
Second Estate - Nobility
During the 14th and 15th century incomes declined and cost of living rose
By 1500 reconstruction was under way
2-3% Nobility dominated society holding military and political posts
The Book of the Courtier Baldassare Castiglione (1478-1529) expresses ideals
expected of the aristocrat
fundamental native endowments: character, grace, talents, noble birth
cultivate achievements: military exercises, classical education
Third Estate - Peasants and Townspeople
85-90% of the population
General decline in serfdom and manorialism due to recession
By the end of the 15th century many peasants were becoming legally free
Town and city inhabitants, merchants and artisans who formed the bourgeoisie
were widely separated socially and economically
patricians, burghers (artisans, shopkeepers, guild members), propertyless
Slavery in the Renaissance
Started in Spain where Christians and Muslims used captured prisoners as slaves
In Italian cities slaves were used as workers, nursemaids, or play-mates
wealthy families might possess two or three
men taking slaves as concubines often led to illegitimate children
Slaves came mostly from the eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea
Tartars, Russians, Albanians, and Dalmatians, as well as Moors or Ethiopians
from Africa
By the end of the 15th century slavery declined dramatically
slaves were freed for humanitarian reasons and sources dried up after the Turks
conquered the Byzantine Empire
Estimates between 1444 and 1505 are that some 140,000 slaves were shipped from Africa
by the Portuguese
Family in Renaissance Italy
Family = parents, children, and servants (if wealthy), and could include grandparents,
widowed mothers, and unmarried sisters
Powerful family names conferred great status and prestige
The family bond was strong, a crime committed by one family member fell on the entire
family. Retaliation by the offended family would be a bloody affair involving many.
Marriage - arranged to strengthen business or family ties well in advance with a legally
binding contract
dowry - money presented by the wife’s family to the husband upon marriage.
involved large sums of money and was expected
indicated social status
Father/husband is the center of the family
gives name, manages finances, and responsible in legal matters
makes crucial decisions for children, authority is absolute
adulthood for children comes when fathers officially emancipate them