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Health Related Exercise
Learning Objectives
• Know the 5 aspects of HRE
• Understand how they relate to
physical activity
What is Health?
• Work with your partner to remember the
definition of health.
• Is it simply not having a cold, headache, or any
other illness or disease?
• A form of physical activity which maintains or
improves health and/or physical fitness
Do you remember
how they are
5 areas of Health Related
1. Cardiovascular Fitness
• The ability to exercise the entire body for long
periods of time. Remember this is important
for a healthy lifestyle
Where does CardioVascular come from?
There are two parts to the cardiovascular system
The heart which pumps
the blood around the
body (cardio)
The blood vessels
divided into veins,
arteries and capillaries
2. Muscular Strength
The amount of force a muscle can exert
against a resistance
Different Types of Muscular Strength
• Explosive maximum force used in one
movement i.e. power, fast twitch muscle
fibres contract quickly to give a fast
powerful action e.g. high jump and shot
• Dynamic repetitive application of force i.e.
muscle contractions. Dynamic strength is
needed in running, cycling and rowing
• Static maximum application of force
versus an immovable object, there is little
movement but force is applied to an
object. E.g. scrum in rugby
Can you think………….?
• Can you think of some examples of these
types of muscular strength?
• Maybe all from your sport or activity
3. Muscular Endurance
• Muscular endurance is the ability to
use the voluntary muscles over a
long period of time without tiring
• For how long can you do sit ups at a
nice steady pace? This is a measure
of muscular endurance
4. Flexibility
• This is how supple you are, ‘The range of
movement possible at a joint’.
• This is important in life as people get
older if they don’t retain flexibility even
simple tasks like dressing become
• In many sports flexibility allows force to
be applied for longer e.g. swimming,
javelin thrower
• Flexibility also helps prevent pulled
muscles and tendons
5. Body Composition
• The percentage of body weight which is fat,
muscle and bone.
• We can influence this through diet and
• It is largely down to the ‘genes’ you have
• Using your textbooks (pages 34 and 35)
write down the definitions of the 5
aspects of HRE.
• Don’t worry about making them look
attractive, we will do this later, just get
them down neatly in your exercise books.
Cardiovascular Endurance
Muscular Strength
Muscular Endurance
Body Composition
• Careless mice might fall backwards
• Chocolate makes me feel bloated
Your Task
• The following slide will show a number of
different sports people.
• You must pick 3 of those sports people and
explain how each of the aspects of HRE are
used in their sport.
• Remember that aspects of HRE are usually
required in combination but not necessarily all
at once or all in equal amounts.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
• Use the following website to work out different
sports peoples BMI.
• BMI caculator
Is BMI a totally reliable or valid measurement?
Why not?
Why might it be inaccurate?
Make your notes on the definitions of the 5
aspects of HRE look attractive.
Use colour
Print photos from the internet
Design a poster
Use your imagination
Learning Objectives
Can you do the following things:• Know the 5 aspects of HRE
• Understand how they relate to
physical activity