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1. Give the correct definition of stroke volume. “The amount of blood ejected from the heart
per beat”
2. Sulliman was aware that when he started to exercise it caused changes to his cardiovascular
system. Give an example of an immediate effect of exercise on Sulliman’s cardiovascular
system. “increased heart rate, increase stroke volume, increase cardiac output, increase in
blood pressure, blood shunting.”
3. Ria plans to sustain her involvement in exercise and physical activity. Identify one long-term
effect of participation in exercise on Ria’s heart. “cardiac hypertrophy, lower resting heart
rate, quicker recovery rate.”
4. One of the long-term effects adaptations of regular participation in physical activity is an
increased number of red blood cells. Explain the benefit of an increase in the number of red
blood cells to a long-distance runner. “Greater capacity to carry oxygen to working muscle,
therefore more energy provided and delayed onset of fatigue – leading to faster times.”
5. If an individual had high levels of LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol), which types of food should he/she
avoid in order to improve their health? “Saturated fats”
6. Give an immediate effect of exercise on the respiratory system? “Increased breathing rate,
increased tidal volume, increased minute ventilation, oxygen debt.”
7. Sulliman was aware that when he started to exercise it caused changes to his respiratory
system. Explain the reason for one immediate change in his respiratory system. “increase in
oxygen delivery to the working muscle, therefore more energy provided and delayed onset
of fatigue – leading to greater endurance.”
8. Give an example of a long term effect of exercise on the respiratory system. “increased vital
capacity, increased strength of diaphragm and intercostal muscles, increased surface area of
9. Outline the impact of an increase in total lung capacity as a result of regular participation in
physical activity on an individual. “increase in oxygen delivery to the working muscle,
therefore more energy provided and delayed onset of fatigue – leading to greater
10. In order to be a good performer Jared has to be fit. Define the term fitness. “the ability to
meet the demands of the environment.”
11. Give the definition of health. “a complete state of physical, social and mental well being, not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
12. Define the term muscular endurance. “the ability of the muscular system to sustain repeated
contractions over a period of time.”
13. Why would a marathon runner require good levels of cardiovascular fitness. “to be able to
last the full duration of the race without fatigue.”
14. Name the 5 components of health related fitness. “body composition, cv fitness, muscular
endurance, flexibility, muscular strength.”
15. Name the 6 components of skill related fitness. “balance, reaction time, agility, speed,
power, co-ordination.”
16. Why would a sprinter require good levels of reaction time. “to be able to react to the gun
quickly, to get a good start and ahead of the other performers.”
17. Define the term power and give an example of its use in a sport other than weightlifting.
“The ability to carry out strength performances at speed – any suitable application.”
18. Give a physical benefit of exercise. “increased bone density, increased muscle tone, lower
fat levels, increased cv or muscular endurance – any suitable long term adaptation.”
19. Name 2 social benefits of exercise. “make new friends, opportunity for competition, mix
with people of similar interests.”
20. Which hormone leads to an increase of the look good feel good factor? “serotonin.”
21. Explain how participation in physical activity can stimulate physical challenge? “can create a
situation where the body is pushed to its limits, but at the same time provides a sense of
achievement from the challenge.”
22. Jennifer is a good all-round sports performer and could represent the school in many
different sports but has chosen swimming. Give one way in which her family may influence
her choice of sporting activity. “family tradition, provide financial support, transportation,
23. Some people, for example an aging tennis player, continue to participate in sport as they get
older. Identify one factor that can influence people in sustaining their involvement in
physical activity. “delay onset of old age – such as lower bone density, improved cv fitness.”
24. What category of influence to access, availability and time belong too? “resources”
25. What are the four categories of cultural influences? “disability, race, age, gender.”
26. Jennifer is a good all-round sports performer and could represent the school in many
different sports but has chosen tennis. Explain how her family’s socio-economic status may
influence her choice of sporting activity. “Cost – tennis equipment and lessons can be
expensive, therefore family may not be able to afford to fund participation. Social status –
tennis considered an upper class sport – this may affect participation in sport.”
27. There are a range of roles available in physical activity. Name the roles that provide
opportunities to become, or remain, involved in physical activity. “Leader, official, volunteer,
28. As part of an activities week at school Richard tried ice hockey. At which stage would Richard
be placed in the sports participation pyramid? “foundation”
29. Outline why the elite stage of sports participation pyramid has the smallest number of
participants? “requires a high level of performance that not all athletes can reach. Involves
competing at national or international level.”
30. Describe a common purpose of initiatives, other than increased participation, developed for
getting more people involved in physical activity? “sustain physical activity, create more elite
level performers.”
31. Give one possible consequence of a poorly balanced diet? “obesity, high blood pressure,
heart attack, diabetes, stroke.”
32. Name the three food groups that constitute macro-nutrients. “carbohydrates, fats and
33. What is the purpose of macronutrients? “provide energy to the body.”
34. What does Vitamin D do? “aids the absorption of calcium.”
35. What is the most appropriate length of time to leave before exercising after a large meal? “
2 hours”
36. Why should a performer consider the timing of dietary intake? “After eating, the body
directs blood to the digestive system in order to break up food. When exercising this blood is
redistribution to the working muscle. If food has not digested properly, this could cause
under-performance and sickness and nausea.”
37. What is meant by the term antagonistic pair? “Two muscles that work together in order to
provide a contraction. The working muscle is the agonist, the relaxing muscle is called the
38. When a goalkeeper extends his arm at the elbow, the _____________muscle is the agonist.
Which muscle causes flexion at the knee joint? “hamstring”
What type of contraction allows a gymnast to hold a t-position on the rings? “isometric.”
Explain a short term effect of exercise on the muscular system?
What is the role of protein within the muscular system? “growth and repair of musles.”
Name 3 functions of the skeletal system? “support, protect, movement.”
What are the two movements available at a hinge joint? “flexion and extension.”
Give 2 examples of a ball and socket joint. “hip and shoulder.”
Give an example of a long term effect of exercise on the skeletal system. “increased synovial
fluid production, increase in bone density.”
Give 2 examples of a type of fracture. “simple-compound-stress-greenstick”
What is the typical somatotype of a sprinter? “mesomorph.”
Why would a high jumper benefit from the ectomorph body type? “lighter- easier to jump
higher heights. Longer limbs to be able to leap over the bar easier.”
Name the 6 different types of performance enhancing drugs. “anabolic steroids, beta
blockers, narcotic analgesics, peptide hormones, stimulants, diuretics.”