Download Write your spelling words three times each

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Write 10 of your spelling
words three times each.
ant, ant ant
Word Magic
For 10 spelling words, write
the word once, then write it a
2nd time without the first
letter, then write it without
the first 2 letters. Repeat
until the word disappears.
Spell, _pell, _ _ell, _ _ _ ll,
_ _ _ _ l, _ _ _ _ _
Ransom words
Spell 10 of your words by
cutting out the letters
from a newspaper or
magazine and gluing them
to a piece of paper.
Computer Spelling
Type your spelling list 3
times each on a
computer, with each
list typed in a different
font. Print it out and bring it
to school.
Cloud Words
Write 10 spelling words in
puffy cloud-like letters.
“Rainbow Spelling”
Choose 10 words. Write
each using one color for
vowels and another color
for consonants.
Dear Diary…
Silly Sentences
Write 8 spelling words in a
Write a diary entry about an
silly sentence.
exciting day in your life.
Try to make us laugh!
Connect the dots
Write 10 of your words in
dots. Then use a colored
pencil or crayon to
connect the dots.
Write a letter to a friend
using at least 8 of your
spelling words.
Use at least 8 of your
spelling words in your entry.
* Underline your spelling
Write 10 of you words
three times: once
forward, once backward,
then forward again.
ant, tna, ant
Make up six
questions and
the answers to
go with the questions
using 10 of your spelling
*Underline each spelling
Underline your spelling