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CLA 3930,0957
Quiz # 4
F'04, Dr. J. Turner
(take home, 20pts..)
Student Name
Due Tuesday. 11/30 @end of class-some items covered in that lecture & rest of Pomeroy
1.(1/5 pt.ea.) True/False Put T or F in ea blank as is appropriate.
_F__the Athenian state paid for the education of orphans, but not for sons of war veterans.
_T__ Much education was by rote & boys had to study Homer’s Iliad & Odyssey..
_T__slaves could earn money & buy their freedom
_F__Spartans worked alongside their slaves, as did the Athenians
_T__ the best educated class of Greek women were the hetairai (= type of prostitutes).
2.-3.(1/4 pt.ea) Fill in the blanks. In the Athenian social class structure many of the lowest,
landless "citizen" class had an occupation as 'rowers' (Grk=thetes) in the navy. "Non-citizen"
classes included metics(= resident aliens) usually occupied in trade/business, and a larger
slave class ca. 25% of total pop. A male citizen's "public" social life required participation
in the Jury & in the ekklesia, & in religion. Most Greek houses had a dining room for men's
dinner parties known as (Gk word in pl.= symposia). Athenian girls married in their teens to
a groom usually ca.15years older.. Marriage betw/ 1st or 2nd cousins was common to
protect family property. A bride had a dowry wh/ had to be returned to her in cases of
divorce. Athenian law required an _epikleros_ (=a "brotherless heiress") to marry her
nearest male kinsman on her father's side of the family
4.(1/5 pt ea.)True/False .Put T or F in appropriate blank.
__F_ sophists were travelling professors who received a good reputation bec. they could
teach how to argue either side of a disputed question.
_T__ "fast dog" was the school/gym for non-citizen boys in Athens
_T__At 2ndary school boys often acquired an older male 'mentor'/lover
_F_ Pausanias in the Symposium says Heavenly Aphrodite is best is love of the body.
_F__ In the Gortyn (Krete) law code (Spyridakis) penalty for adultery was usually death.
5. (1/5pt.ea.) T/F (True/False) Put T or F, as is appropriate in each blank.
_T__ In Stoic philos., suicide was ok bec. it was the ultimate assertion of individual freedom.
_T__ As teen hostage @Thebes, Philip II learned how a small army can defeat a larger army
_T_ In Plato, Apology, Sokrates says in his defense besides recent accusers he has old
accusers from when Aristophanes misportrayed him in the comic play, Clouds.
_F__ In jail, Sokrates discussing death says that the pious go to a higher Earth above & are
re-united w/their (re-constructed) bodies.
_T__ Vergina is the probable site of the tomb of Philip II of Macedonia.
6-7.(1/4 pt.ea.) The 2 charges against Sokrates were: “Impiety” & _corrupting the youth_,
but he was prosecuted mainly for _political_ reasons bec. of earlier ties to the _Tyranny of
the Thirty_ (=group who briefly ruled Athens in 403 B.C.). Sokrates is imp. in Greek
philosophy bec. his teaching was a change to focus on _man_. For Post-Sokratics a main
interest was how man should live. Two of Sokrates' students whose writings provide
information about him were Xenophon & Plato. Plato's student (=Aristotle ) differed on the
concept of "ideal forms" & in 335 B.C., began his own "school" named the
8-9 (1/4 pt.ea.).Fill in the blanks. A school of philosophy wh/believed in "joy of a simple
life." was the _Cynic_ school. Its' most famous exemplar was _Diogenes_ who wore only a
barrel, drank from his hands. Zeno founded the Stoic _ philosophy, which stressed
"virtuous living", happiness through living in accord with _Nature_--which is "the
expression of Divine Will." Epicureans believed (Grk word =_ataraxia [=pleasure]_) is the
chief good--wh/ they defined as "_absence of pain_". The Skeptic philos. Founder (=
_Pyrrho_ of Elis) wrote nothing, but his pupil (= _Timon__) wrote about basic Skeptic
10-12.(1/4 pt. ea. Blank) In Plato's Symposium, Aristophanes says originally there were 3
sexes = man (child)-from the Sun; _woman__--from the Earth; &__man-woman
(androgynous) --from the Moon. Zeus, fearing their power (did what?)__split them in
half_ . Therefore, “True Love” = finding your _other half____ wh/ = your “Soul mate.”
Greek medicine was based on the idea of the body’s 4 _humors_.In late 5th c. B.C.,
Hippokrates founded the 1st known "teaching hospital" on island of _Kos/Cos_ where
doctors were priests of the healing god named _Apollo/Asklepios__. The hospital's body of
medical writings known as the __Hippokratic Corpus_wasn't compiled until 3 centuries
later (Hellenistic era) when famed researchers included :__Herophilus__, who invented
medical terms such as retina, neuron, duodenum; & _Erasistratos_ who dissected brains &
knew that the brain & spinal column controlled different nerves.
13-14. MATCHING l/5 pt. ea. Put letter of best answer in appropriate blank.
_J___ Sokrates' 'inner voice' wh/indicated something was wrong
A) Vergina
_I___believed that gods had no effect on human life & that
B) Eratosthenes
man should look inward, ignore the outside world
C) Aristarchos
_H__ "No knowledge is certain; therefore nothing matters"
D) Antiochos IV
_K__ his "Philippics" warned Athens of Philip II's ambition
E) Archimedes
_L__said, "The unexamined life is not worth living."
F) Isis
_D__ his attempts (177-164B.C.) to Hellenize the Jews
G) Pella
provoked uprising of Judas Maccabaeus
H) Skeptics
_C__credited w/"Helio-centric" view of the Universe
I) Epicurus
_A__ site of burials for ancient Macedonian Greek royalty
J) daimōnion
_B__made fairly accurate estimate of Earth's circumference
K) Demosthenes
_F__ Imp. ex. of Hellenization of Egyptian religion
L) Sokrates
15-17.(1/4 pt. ea.)Thebes ended Sparta's power in 371 B.C. at battle of _Leuktra/Leuctra_.
Two imp. Theban generals, Epaminondas & _Pelopidas_ used new tactics, giving Thebes
pwr until 362 B.C. at B. of _Mantinea_. The 3 most influential ppl in Alex. the Great's life
were: _Philip II (father)_; his teacher -=_Aristotle_; & _Olympias (mother)_-= who gave
him idea of his divine birth. Philip II’s victory @ at B. of _Chaeronea_, 338 B.C, united
Greece. Before going to Persia, Alex. performed rites at the city of _Dion_. Alex. founded
many cities, but most famed was Alexandria,Egypt -- esp. imp. for its' library/research center
named _Mouseion/Museum & begun by Alex's successor named Ptolemy (I) whose dynasty
ended in 30 B.C.E. with _Kleopatra VII_'s death. The other 2 successors of Alex. were:
Antigonos I_ (Greece) & _Seleukos/Seleucus I_ (Asia/Syria).
18. (1/2 pt. ea.) Briefly, in a few sentences discuss: 1)how useful Philip of Macedon's
accomplishments were to Alexander; Philip II’s main accomplishments, crucial to
Alexander’s success, were:_1) built up Macedonian military; 2) conquered/united
Greece; 3) goal(s)/vision—to conquer Persian empire. Philip II thus laid the necessary
groundwork which enabled (equally talented) Alexander within 2 years of Philip II’s
death, after suppressing minimal Greek uprisings, to invade Persia, executing Philip
II’s goals & expanding them further by conquests all the way to India.
& 2) discuss what you think was Alex. the Great's greatest achievement & explain
This answer has some ‘wiggle room’—can be to a degree a matter of ‘educated’
personal opinion. Therefore, the T.A.s will assess these answers as they grade these
19-20.. Matching: (1/5 pt. ea.) Put letter of best answer in appropriate blank.
__L___lst involved Greece w/Roman Empire
A) Korinth
__I___Rome made it the "free port" instead of Rhodes,166B.C.
B) Odeion
__J___wrongly believed man’s intellect was seated in the heart
C) Ptolemy V
__A__Greek city Rome destroyed as "object lesson" l46 BC
D) Gandhara
__H__author of famous saying, “Eureka!” (= “I’ve found it.”)
__G__ site of "breakaway" kingdom betw/ Bactria & Seleukid Asia
F) Pella
__B__ theater in center of Roman Athens' agora, gift of Agrippa
G) Parthia
__E__ Greek historian, Roman hostage@ Scipio's home, wrote
H) Archimedes
history to explain Romans' success to Greeks
I) Delos
__D__ art/sculpture style-legacy of Alex. & Greeks in India, origin of J) Aristotle
monumental Buddhist sculpture (Greek techniques, Indian motifs)
K) Thebes
_C_praised on Rosetta Stone for putting down a rebellion
L) 2nd Macedonian War
1 pt. E.C.: (1/2 pt. ea.)Write in Grk: