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This information sheet is a short guide to the Federal Governments Child Dental Benefits Schedule.
For more information on the scheme visit
Child Dental Benefits Schedule Overview
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) will
commence on 1 January 2014. This $2.7 billion measure
will provide a Commonwealth funded capped benefit
entitlement for basic dental services for children. Around
3.4 million children aged two-17 in families who meet a
means test will be eligible for benefits each year. The
means test will be the same as the existing Medicare
Teen Dental Plan (MTDP), which requires receipt of
Family Tax Benefit Part A or other certain government
Services for basic dental treatment, such as check-ups,
x-rays, fillings and extractions will be included in the
CDBS. High end services, such as orthodontic treatment,
are not included. The total benefit entitlement will be
capped at $1,000 per child over a two year period,
however eligibility will need to be determined on annual
The program’s key features are:
• CDBS is a child dental benefits schedule for children
aged two to 17 years.
• The CDBS will commence on 1 January 2014 and
replace the Medicare Teen Dental Plan (MTDP).
• The benefits can be used in the public or private
• The benefit entitlement is capped at $1,000 per
eligible child over a two year period.
• Benefits are available from the beginning of each two
year period 2014/2016/2018 etc. If funds are depleted
in the first year access to another $1,000 benefits will
not occur until the new cycle.
• Private health insurance rebates will not be able to be
used to cover the gap between the benefit level and
provider fees.
Objectives of the Child Dental Benefits Schedule:
• Address declining child oral health, with a longerterm strategy to deliver improved population-wide
oral health into the future;
• Target Commonwealth expenditure on dental
services to those children in greater financial need;
• Build a unified national system for patient eligibility
and service delivery for children across the states and
• The scheme is means-tested in line with current
MTDP eligibility.
• CDBS focuses on benefits for basic dental services
including prevention and treatment (e.g. fillings and
extractions) with high end and orthodontic items
For more information on the Child Dental Benefits Schedule visit
Dental Care Network™
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)?
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule or CDBS is a
government initiative providing $1,000 of free dental
benefits to children aged two to 17 who meet the
eligibility criteria.
When does the CDBS start?
The CDBS replaces the Medicare Teen Dental Program
and will be in effect from the 1st January 2014.
How much is the CDBS benefit per person?
Each eligible person will receive $1,000 which is valid
over two calendar years. The first benefit will be available
from January 2014.
How long is the benefit valid for?
Each $1,000 benefit is valid for two calendar years.
Do I receive a voucher?
No. In place of vouchers eligible patients will be notified
by letter.
How do I know if I am eligible for the CDBS?
The Australian Government will write to eligible children
or their families in early 2014 to confirm eligibility.
Children aged two to 17 who meet certain means testing
are eligible for the CDBS. Families eligible for Family Tax
Benefit Part A (FTB-A) or certain other government
payments will be able to take advantage of the CDBS.
Eligibility is determined each calendar year however
funds are valid for two calendar years.
As the payment of benefits will be administered through
Medicare, using details held by Centrelink or the
Department of Veterans’ Affairs, you should ensure that
your details are up to date if you think you or your child
may be eligible.
To update your details with Medicare, phone the
patient helpline on 132 011.
For FTB-A matters, phone Centrelink on 136 150.
To contact the Department of Veterans’ Affairs,
phone 133 254.
What services are included?
Services for basic dental treatment, such as check-ups,
x-rays, fillings and extractions are available using CDBS
benefits. High end services, such as orthodontic
treatment however are not included. Certain services
have limitations in the frequency of treatment
application – please review the ‘Dental Benefit Rules’
for frequency and exclusions.
What if I spend all the benefit in the first year, when do I
receive another $1,000?
If a benefit is depleted, a new $1,000 benefit will not be
issued until the following two year calendar period. For
example if a 2014/15 $1000 benefit is used in its entirety
by November 2014 a new $1000 benefit will not be
issued until 2016.
Will I have to pay anything?
If the dentist bulk bills the service, you will not have to
pay anything. You will just need to sign a form allowing
the dentist to claim directly from the Department of
Human Services. Your Medicare number will be required.
If the dentist does not bulk bill the service and asks you
to pay in full at the end of the visit, you will need to take
(or send) your receipt to a Medicare Service Centre to
claim your dental benefit.
What if my dental bills are more than what I have left on
my benefits?
Dentists can charge different prices for a particular
service. If the cost of dental treatment exceeds that of
the benefit, the government will pay $1,000 towards the
eligible items on the itemised account and you will
need to pay the additional amount. There is a Schedule
of Items which provides a set rebate for each item code
which means you may incur an out-of-pocket expense.
Can I cover the gap using my private health insurance?
Private health insurance cannot be used in conjunction
with the CDBS.
Do all DCN dentists accept CDBS benefits?
Most DCN dentists do accept CDBS benefits. Please
confirm with the DCN practice whether they accept
CDBS benefits when booking your next appointment.
Do I need a referral from a GP to use my CDBS?
No, you do not need a referral from your GP to use your
CDBS benefit.
For more information on the Child Dental Benefits Schedule visit
Dental Care Network™