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Chapter 10 ------Biodiversity.
Biodiversity =The number of ___________________________ in a specific area.
Having many different species is_______________for an ecosystem=_____________
Many relationships = ________________________________=plants + animals
Extinction=When the last member of a ______________________________
It is thought that ____________ of species ever here on earth have become ______________
How much extinction is natural? Is it happening at a faster rate? Should we prevent extinctions?
1.7 __________________ known species on earth
Could be another 8 million to _______________________
Species diversity= # of ____________________________in area
Ecosystem diversity = # ______________________________and communities in an area
Genetic diversity= # _________________________in a population (ex. How many genes for fur
color in the squirrel population in the Mass. )
A Gene is a piece of ______________ that codes ___________________________
What happens if the dragonflies become extinct in the diagram?
Keystone species “_________________________________together-like the fish in the middle
Keystone Species here is the ____________________
Sea otters __________________-Sea Urchin numbers greatly _________________ eat kelp
Kelp levels very ________Protect otters and their levels increase so Urchin levels ____________.
This allows kelp levels to ______________________
(Otter very important to keeping levels of organisms from getting too low/high=keystone)
Why is it so important to have many kinds of species?
1. population __________________(food webs)
2. ____________________,Industrial and agricultural uses•
Many _________________from fungi (penicillin)
Many _________________ we eat are hybrids of two related species
Can’t rely on too few food sources (______________________)
Undiscovered species could bring ________________________
3. Species have a ________________________________- valuable or not
Tourism that __________________________________ and sustainable development of
ecologically unique areas
Safaris-rainforests etc
But many tourist spots are environment based: Yellowstone, Black Hills, Acadia National Park
Humans _________________beautiful environments. Do you?
10-2 Biodiversity at Risk
______________extinction= ___________________________in a short time
Happened a number of times, usually associated with ____________________________
_________________(1800-2100) maybe 25% of all species have/will become extinct
Human cause-habitat destruction. HOW??_______________________________________________
Who becomes extinct?
Organisms that have large populations and can______________________ are not likely to become
extinct-ex.rats, cockroaches
Organisms with ______________________in limited areas are likely to become extinct
If you _________________or need a large habitat (likely)
__________________by humans (likely)
Endangered=likely to become extinct without ________________________
Threatened=declining populations heading __________________________if not protected
Causes of extinction
______________________- (destroying ecosystems) 75% become extinct because of this
Introduction of ____________________________species
________________________species (ex. over fishing)
Habitat destruction
Land to ______________________ & harvest resources
__________________habitats (broken up by roads) Need to build ______________
Example. Florida panthers need a large area to roam to find food.
Invasive/Exotic Species
__________________to a particular area- _________________in a place before
Threaten native species because they have ______________________________against them
Often ____________________________
Often brought in by _____________________- ship/plane
Brought in as _______________________ plant and then they __________________
Excessive _______________-passenger pigeon-bison nearly extinct
Rare species ________________________________, food, wood or herbal medicine
Poaching=__________________________of protected species
______________________, cleaning agents, drugs are making their way into food webs.
Long term effects are _______________________
Bald Eagle was an example of a species endangered by ___________. (illegal to use here now
but _______________________________ here and used around the world)
Newest info on bees is their death likely caused by ____________. Bees ______________many
(food) plants (I’ll try to look for new info)
Tropical Rainforests
Cover ________of land surface
Estimate that ________________________the world’s species live in them
Most _____________________(described)
Could be __________________________sources found there
Coral reefs
Contain the ___________________marine biodiversity-area of ________________
Provide millions of people with _________________________income
Protect coasts from __________________
Sources of _____________________
60% are _____________________by human activities
New ______________islands form.
Colonized by ________________________of mainland species
_____________________into new species (found nowhere else in the world)
Also __________________________by invasive species like Hawaii’s Honeycreepers