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Phase 2
Food, drink and health
© CommNet 2014
To stay healthy, we need to eat a
balance and variety of food and drinks.
© CommNet 2014
Fruit and vegetables
We need to eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
Fruit and vegetables provide vitamins and
minerals which help keep us healthy. They also
provide fibre, which is important for healthy
© CommNet 2014
Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and
breakfast cereals
We need to eat lots of these types of food. These
foods provide starchy carbohydrate, an important
source of energy. These foods also provide fibre.
© CommNet 2014
Milk and dairy
We need to eat some milk and dairy foods every day.
Milk and dairy foods provide us with calcium which
is needed for healthy bones and teeth.
© CommNet 2014
Meat, fish, eggs, beans, nuts and tofu
We need to eat some of these foods every day.
These foods provide us with protein, needed for
growth and repair.
© CommNet 2014
Foods high in fat and/or sugar
We should only eat small amounts of food and
drink high in fat and/or sugar to stay healthy.
© CommNet 2014
We should try to limit the amount of salt we eat.
© CommNet 2014
We need to consume enough fluid to keep us
hydrated and healthy. Water can be found in all
drinks (e.g. juice, milk) as well as food.
© CommNet 2014