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What is a
What is a charity?
A charity is an organisation set up to help and raise
money for those in need
Charities usually raise money through donations
and have volunteers that help
Some charities you may have
heard of
Charities rely on money raised through fundraising
to continue doing their work and helping people
They often raise money
through fundraising events
like fun runs, cake sales
and active challenges like
parachute jumps!
CLIC Sargent
CLIC Sargent is the UK’s leading cancer charity for
children and young people, and their families
Through our work we help children and young
people cope with cancer and get the most out of life
Find out more through this video
How CLIC Sargent helped in 2011/12
We provided support to over 6,200 children and
young people with cancer
Our nurses supported around 1,000 children with
cancer and their families
We awarded 4,828 grants with a total value of
nearly £1 million to help families with the extra
costs a cancer diagnosis brings
How our school is helping
We are taking part in Wig Wednesday!
Wig Wednesday is on
Wednesday 22nd May.
On Wig Wednesday, CLIC
Sargent is asking everyone to
get a wig on for the day and
make a donation to help
support young cancer patients..
How our school is helping
• By taking part in Wig Wednesday we are helping
more people to learn about how difficult it is for
children and young people to go through
treatment for cancer, and how important it is to
show kindness and understanding to them during
this time.
• We are also helping to raise lots of money to help
CLIC Sargent support children and young people
with cancer and their families.
Thank you!
Find out more at