Download BIO00001H Advanced Topics in Developmental Biology Question only

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Specimen paper for Adv Topics in Dev Biol
(to accompany pdf of the paper Fisher et al 2002 Development 129: 1307-15)
1. a)
What evidence is presented in Amaya et al (1993), and Schulte-Merker and Smith
(1995) to indicate a role for FGF signalling in the development of the myogenic lineage? (2
marks, maximum of 5 lines.)
What previous work discussed in Fisher et al suggested FGF signalling was a good
candidate as a regulator of XmyoD expression in early Xenopus development? (4 marks,
maximum 10 lines.)
Based on the data presented in the paper, compare and contrast the expression
patterns of eFGF and Xmyod during gastrula stages. (2 marks, maximum 5 lines.)
2. a)In the context of the FGF signalling pathway what is meant by an 'immediate early
How was it shown that XmyoD expression is an immediate early response to
eFGF signalling? (4 marks, maximum 10 lines)
With reference to the experimental evidence, explain why contractile protein genes
do not respond in the same way to eFGF as XmyoD. (5 marks, maximum 12 lines)
Explain the evidence in the paper supporting the proposal that regulation of Myod
transcription involves a transcriptional repressor? (4 marks, maximum 10 lines)
What is the experimental evidence that not all early mesodermal genes are
regulated in the same way as XmyoD? (3 marks, maximum 6 lines)
3. a)
Outline an experimental approach to determine whether eFGF is involved in
regulating MAP kinase signalling in the embryo during normal Xenopus development? (3
marks, maximum 6 lines)
Outline an experimental approach to determine whether MAP kinase signalling
downstream of eFGF is required to activate XmyoD expression? (6 marks, maximum 12
Given your knowledge of the FGF pathway and the mechanisms for regulation of
Xmyod transcription discussed in this paper, propose a mechanism by which FGF signalling
might regulate Xmyod expression? (4 marks, maximum 10 lines)
4. A) From the lectures, you learned that in mice myoD and myf5 are essential for the
establishment and differentiation of the skeletal muscle cell lineage. Discuss the evidence
for this. (6 marks, 12 lines)
B) Describe how the experimental approach used by Rudnicki (1991) and (1993) is distinct
from that used by Fisher (2002). Distinguish the molecular targets of the methods of gene
inhibition used by each study. (7 marks, 10 lines)