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Reaching the Unreached
There are Five Pillars or core beliefs of the
Islamic Faith:
 Confession
 Prayer (Salat)
 Fasting (Saum)
 Giving (Zakat)
 Pilgrimage (Hajj)
The Shahada is the Muslim profession of faith and the
first of the ‘Five Pillars’ of Islam. The word shahada in
Arabic means ‘testimony.’ The shahada is to testify to
two things:
(a) Nothing deserves worship except God (Allah).
(b) Muhammad is the Messenger of God (Allah).
“La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasul Allah.”
“There is no god, but God, and Muhammad is His
A Muslim is simply one who bears witness and
testifies that “nothing deserves worship except God
and Muhammad is the messenger of God.” One
becomes a Muslim by making this simple
 It is repeated five times in the call to prayer in
every mosque.
 Many people ignorant of Islam have misconceived
notions about the Allah, used by Muslims to denote
The Islamic prayer or the Salat is something
that takes place at five different times during
the day.
 Muslims will bow themselves down on their
prayer rugs and pray towards the Kabah (or the
temple shrine) in Mecca.
 Muslims believe that you will go to hell if you do
not pray five times everyday.
The Third Pillar of Fasting or Saum usually
takes place during Ramadan.
 Ramadan is a season of fasting that lasts
during the entire ninth month on the Islamic
 Muslims can not eat or drink, during daylight
 Ramadan usually ends with a great feast called
Eid Al-Fitr.
There is another pillar that requires Muslims to
give to the Umma, or the Muslim community.
 Charity is not just recommended by Islam, it is
required of every financially stable Muslim. Giving
charity to those who deserve it is part of Muslim
character and one of the Five Pillars of Islamic
practice. Zakat is viewed as “compulsory charity”;
it is an obligation for those who have received their
wealth from God to respond to those members of
the community in need.
In Arabic it is known as zakat which literally means
“purification”, because zakat is considered to purify
one’s heart of greed.
Like prayer, which is both an individual and
communal responsibility, zakat expresses a
Muslim’s worship of and thanksgiving to God by
supporting those in need.
A waqf is a larger sum of money given, usually as a type
of philanthropy.
The pilgrimage to Mecca or the Hajj is probably
the pinnacle of the Islamic faith.
 Every Muslim is supposed to visit Mecca one
time in their lifetime and retrace the steps the
prophet Muhammad took.
 A more intricate process than people realize,
Mecca has millions of people visit everyday,
seeking to complete the Hajj.
1. Confession- Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is
one LORD: (Deut. 6:4)
 2. Prayer- Pray without ceasing. (1 Thess. 5:17)
 3. Fasting- Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the
hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they
disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto
men to fast... But thou, when thou fastest, anoint
thine head, and wash thy face; That thou appear
not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is
in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret,
shall reward thee openly. (Matt. 6:16-18)
4. Giving- Every man according as he
purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not
grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a
cheerful giver. (2 Cor. 9:7)
 5. Pilgrimage- Dearly beloved, I beseech you as
strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly
lusts, which war against the soul; (1 Peter
Muslims believe that the Quran was given to
Muhammad by the angel of the Lord Gabriel
and that is was not written out, but given to him
orally as he was to recite it. Hence the name of
the Quran meaning ‘recitation.’
 Muslims do believe in Jesus Christ. They do not
believe he was crucified, but they do believe he
ascended into heaven and is returning some
• A common trend that Muslims use in their
worship and religion is through teaching.
• A transmission or direct line of teachers back
to the prophet Muhammad himself has been
established to ensure that the line of truth
remains undisturbed.
• Contrary to meeting on Sunday, Muslims
worship on Friday, their holy day of the week.
• Prayers are five times a day, usually at the
mosque, but if not on personal prayer rugs in
the home.
• It is a custom to remove your shoes when
entering into a mosque to worship.
• Women typically wear facial covering and long
black skirts to refrain men from lusting after
• Women enter and pray in separate places
within the mosque.
• Services have less songs and preaching and
more chanting and recitation.
The countries of Saudi Arabia,
Somalia, Maldives, and
Mauritania have the highest
Muslim populations
These countries are
believed to have a
100% Muslim
population. While most
likely not all of the
people of these
countries follow Islam,
this statistic exists
because Islam is the
national religion. They
live under Sharia Law
and will be persecuted
for not adhering to this
belief system.
The flags of these
countries are marked
with Islamic symbols
Saudi Arabia
In the US, Islam is most
popular among African
Some sources say that
California has the
highest population of
Muslims and others say
that Michigan does.
There are
sprouting up
all around
our country.
Even in the
most unlikely
Ideas on How to Reach Muslims
with the Gospel.
General Do’s and Don'ts
Remember I Corinthians 10:31-32!
• Always dress modesty
•Women talk with the Women; Men talk with the Men
• Talk about spiritual things in a serious matter
• Put your Bible on the floor
• Appear to free with the opposite gender
• Make jokes about religious/ spiritual topics
• Pat your dog in their presence
• Serve alcohol or any food containing pork or bacon, or
anything made with lard.
Tips on Witnessing to Muslims
Avoid stereotyping Muslims
Place yourself in places where Muslims go
Know what topics will be talked about
Establish the spiritual dimension in your friendship
Know what questions to ask
Use your gift of hospitality
Use your holidays as a teaching tool
Get the Scripture into their hands
• Explain the Gospel simply! It is not complicated!
Conversation Icebreakers
• Where are you from?
People love to share where they are from
• How long have you been here?
this question will help you know some of the issues
they may be facing
• Find a need-based issue and ask them if you can pray for
them on the spot, in Jesus’ name
99% of people will not object to prayer
• Give literature
People are always open to receive literature when you
have influenced them in a positive way
Be Open About Your Beliefs
• Know
your Bible. You may face a Muslim who has studied the
Bible just for the sake of criticism.
• Be sure you know what you are talking about. Many of them
have never read the Bible or part of it themselves.
• In your conversation, state what you believe clearly and
without apology, showing support from the Word of God - the
• Use the Bible. You will be more respected by Muslims in
standing strong for your Christian beliefs.
• If you don't know the right answer to a question or query, be
honest! Find out!
Using the Quran
• Surah 10:94-95
• If Muslims don’t understand they are to ask
• Surah 3:55
• Those that follow Christ will be superior.
Pray ye therefore the
Lord of the harvest…
That he will send forth labourers
into his harvest.
Matthew 9:38