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Teacher: Ms. Vince Class: ___________ #: ________ Name: ______________________
Grade 2 Science Section 3 Study Guide
Please use your worksheets, text book and this review sheet to review for the test.
 Butterflies are insects. They have 4 stages in their life cycle.
 The butterfly will lay its eggs on or near leaves.
 The larva (caterpillar) hatches from the egg and eats the leaves.
 When the caterpillar has eaten enough he builds a chrysalis and changes inside.
This is the pupa stage.
 When the butterfly is fully formed, it comes out of the chrysalis a fully formed
adult butterfly.
 Frogs are amphibians. They have 4 stages in their life cycle.
 Adult frogs lay their eggs in water, usually a pond. The eggs do not have hard
 The eggs hatch and come out as a tadpole. A tadpole is a very young frog. It has a
tail and no legs. It breathes and swims in the water.
 The tadpole starts to grow the back legs, then the front legs. As it grows legs, its
tail gets smaller. It starts to breathe air. This is a young frog. It has legs, a small
tail and lives mostly on land breathing air.
 When the frog is an adult. The tail is gone, it has strong legs for swimming and
jumping. It breathes air and lives on land, but near the water.
 Mammals have fur or hair, their babies are live born, and they drink their mother’s milk
when they are babies. Mammal babies need to be taken care of until they grow up.
People are mammals too.
 An infants is a very small baby, it cannot do much on its own. Babies need to be
cared for by their parents.
 A child is able to do many things on their own but they still need to be taken care of.
 A teen or teenager is the transition of the stage between child and adult. They need
guidance but can mostly take care of themselves.
 An adult is fully grown, they take care of themselves. They can have
babies/children of their own.
 Humans are special, unlike many other mammals we live much longer than we can
have babies. We call these people seniors or the elderly.
 Most plants are seed plants, this means they grow from and make seeds.
 A seed is planted or falls in the soil. If the conditions are right (enough soil, water,
hot, cold, etc. the seed will begin to grow. Roots will begin to grown down.
 The seed’s roots will grow down and the stem of the plant with grow up. Small
leaves will begin to grow. This is called a seedling, it is a young plant.
 The seedling grows bigger, grows more leaves, and more roots. Some plants grow
flowers which insects help pollinate. Pollinated flowers will grow new seeds.
 Living things often look like their parents. They can inherit, shapes, colors, sizes etc.
Inherit means to get from your parents.
Fuhsing Private School, Bilingual Department
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Teacher: Ms. Vince Class: ___________ #: ________ Name: ______________________
 A young animal often looks like its parents only smaller.
 The human body has many important parts that work together. Each part does something
important to keep you alive and healthy.
 Your brain is like the computer, it controls everything even the things that work
automatically. It receives information from your senses and then tells your body
what to do.
 Your stomach is part of your digestive system. It helps process and break down
your food so that you intestines can take the nutrients out and change that into
energy. Your body needs energy to grow, play and think.
 Your lungs take in air when you breathe. You need the oxygen in the air to live.
 Your heart is a big muscle that pumps blood to all parts of your body.
 Your bones are hard and strong. They fit together to make your skeleton. Your
bones help keep your shape and help you move around. Some bones like your
skull and rib cage protect important parts of your body like your brain, heart and
 Your muscles come in different sizes, they help you move and also help keep your
 If you were to mix two animals, you take the two names and mix the letters together to
make a new name. Like the dogs labrador retriever and a poodle, when they have a baby
together it is called a labradoodle. Or a lion and a tiger, is a liger. A fox and a shark
might be called a fark, shox, or a foxsha.
Words to know!
life cycle
The way a living thing grows and changes. Like a chicken from an egg
to a chick to an adult that lays eggs.
A young insect, a little worm like. Caterpillars are larva.
A stage in an insect’s life cycle, between larva and adult stages. In a
butterfly the pupa stage is when the caterpillar builds a chrysalis.
A very young frog that lives exclusively in the water until it grows up.
All the babies born to a mammal at the same time. Like a litter of
kittens, pigs, dogs, mice etc.
A young plant, it has small roots and a few leaves.
To inherit something from a parent. Examples of inherited traits are
eye color, height, eye shape, skin color etc.
What the bones in the body are called when they are all fitted together.
Muscles have some of the same jobs that your bones do. Muscles help
you move around.
Your bones are fitted together, they help your body keep its shape and
move around.
An organ that takes in air when you breathe, oxygen is in the air.
An organ that pumps blood to all parts of your body.
An organ that helps your body change food into energy.
An important part of your body, it controls what your body does.
Fuhsing Private School, Bilingual Department
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