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Relation of the HAS-BLED Bleeding Risk Score to Major
Bleeding, Cardiovascular Events, and Mortality in
Anticoagulated Patients With Atrial Fibrillation
Pilar Gallego, MD*; Vanessa Roldán, MD, PhD*; José Miguel Torregrosa, MD; Josefa Gálvez, BSc;
Mariano Valdés, MD, PhD; Vicente Vicente, MD, PhD; Francisco Marín, MD, PhD†; Gregory Y.H. Lip, MD†
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Background—Stroke risk in atrial fibrillation (AF) using oral vitamin K antagonists is closely related to bleeding risk. The
HAS-BLED (hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke, bleeding history or predisposition, labile INR
[international normalized ratio], elderly, drugs/alcohol concomitantly) bleeding score has demonstrated usefulness in
assessing major bleeding risk in patients with AF. However, risk factors for warfarin-associated bleeding also predict
stroke risk in patients with AF. We tested the usefulness of the HAS-BLED score for predicting both major bleeding
and cardiovascular events in a cohort of anticoagulated patients with AF.
Methods and Results—We recruited 965 consecutive anticoagulated outpatients with permanent or paroxysmal AF who were
stabilized for at least 6 months on oral anticoagulation (international normalized ratio, 2.0 –3.0). Medical history and
HAS-BLED score were assessed. Cox regression models were used to determine the association between clinical risk factors
and bleeding episodes, adverse cardiovascular events, and mortality. The median HAS-BLED score was 2 (range, 0 – 6; 29%
with a score ⱖ3 [ie, high risk]). Median follow-up was 861 days (range, 718 –1016 days). Independent predictors for major
bleeding were age ⱖ75 years (hazard ratio [HR], 1.74; 95% CI, 1.05–2.87; P⫽0.030), male sex (HR, 1.70; 95% CI,
1.03–2.80; P⫽0.036), renal impairment (HR, 2.12; 95% CI, 1.20 –3.73; P⫽0.010), previous bleeding episode (HR, 6.00; 95%
CI, 3.73–9.67; P⬍0.001), current alcohol consumption (HR, 2.28; 95% CI, 1.03–5.06; P⫽0.043), and concomitant malignant
disease (HR, 2.17; 95% CI, 1.13– 4.18; P⫽0.020). Independent predictors for adverse cardiovascular events were age ⬎75
years (HR, 2.20; 95% CI, 1.40 –3.46; P⫽0.001), heart failure (HR, 1.78; 95% CI, 1.20 –2.86; P⫽0.001), and previous stroke
(HR, 1.85; 95% CI, 1.20 –2.86; P⬍0.001). The HAS-BLED score was highly predictive for major bleeding events (HR, 2.04;
95% CI, 1.68 –2.49; P⬍0.001) and adverse cardiovascular events (HR, 1.51; 95% CI, 1.27–1.81; P⬍0.001). The incidence
of both bleeding and adverse cardiovascular events was higher as HAS-BLED score increased, and crude bleeding rates only
exceeded thrombotic events at a HAS-BLED score ⬎3. The HAS-BLED score also predicted all-cause mortality (HR, 1.68;
95% CI, 1.40 –2.01; P⬍0.001).
Conclusions—The HAS-BLED score not only is useful in the assessment of bleeding risk, but also shows some predictive
value for cardiovascular events and mortality in anticoagulated patients with AF, consistent with the relationship
between thrombosis and bleeding. Nonetheless, the HAS-BLED score has been designed for predicting bleeding risk
rather than thrombotic events per se, and specific risk scores for cardiovascular events and mortality should be applied
for these events. (Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2012;5:312-318.)
Key Words: atrial fibrillation 䡲 hemorrhage 䡲 cardiovascular diseases 䡲 mortality
placebo or control,3 and the decision of thromboprophylaxis
has classically been based on stroke risk, as assessed by
different stroke risk stratification schemes.4
trial fibrillation (AF) is associated with high morbidity
and mortality, with an increased risk of stroke and
thromboembolism.1 This risk of adverse events is increased
by the coexistence of other cardiovascular risk factors, such
as heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, or prior thromboembolism.2 Oral anticoagulation (OAC) is highly effective at
reducing the risk of stroke and mortality compared with
Clinical Perspective on p 318
Nonetheless, stroke risk is closely related to bleeding risk
in patients with AF.5,6 Indeed, many risk factors for throm-
Received August 18, 2011; accepted January 23, 2012.
From the Hematology & Medical Oncology Unit, Hospital Universitario Morales Meseguer (P.G., V.R., J.M.T., J.G., V.V.), and Cardiology Unit,
Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (M.V., F.M.), University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain; and Haemostasis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology
Unit, University of Birmingham Centre for Cardiovascular Sciences, City Hospital, Birmingham, UK (G.Y.H.L.).
*These authors contributed equally and are co-first authors.
†Joint senior authors.
Correspondence to Gregory Y.H. Lip, MD, Haemostasis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Unit, University of Birmingham Centre for Cardiovascular
Sciences, City Hospital, Birmingham B18 7QH, UK. E-mail [email protected]
© 2012 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol is available at
DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.111.967000
Gallego et al
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boembolism, such as advanced age, uncontrolled hypertension, history of ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, or previous bleeding events, have also been identified as
risk factors for bleeding.7 In clinical practice, estimation of
both stroke and bleeding risks are essential to guide the
selection of the most appropriate thromboprophylactic
To assess bleeding risk, many clinical factors have been
incorporated into risk stratification schemes, but up to now,
they have been based on complex scoring systems and,
therefore, are difficult to apply in daily decision-making.10
More recently, the European and Canadian guidelines8,9 for
AF management have recommended use of the HAS-BLED
(hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke, bleeding
history or predisposition, labile INR [international normalized ratio], elderly, drugs/alcohol concomitantly) bleeding
risk score to assist in estimating major bleeding risk in
patients with AF.11 The HAS-BLED score has recently been
validated in a large anticoagulated trial population.12 In the
context of clinical trials, patients often are carefully selected,
whereas patients with AF in real-life clinical practice tend to
be older with associated comorbidities and polypharmacy,
factors that may make accurate estimation of stroke and
bleeding risk more difficult. The aim of our study was to
evaluate the clinical usefulness of the HAS-BLED score in a
large cohort of stable patients with AF on long-term anticoagulation for assessing major bleeding episodes as well as
other adverse events, including all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality.
We recruited consecutive patients with permanent or paroxysmal AF
on OAC from our outpatient anticoagulation clinic. To homogenize
the cohort of patients, only patients who had an INR between 2.0 and
3.0 during the previous 6 months of clinic visits were included, so the
time of therapeutic range (TTR) of this period was ⬇100%. All
patients were anticoagulated with acenocoumarol. Patients with
prosthetic heart valves, acute coronary syndrome, stroke (ischemic or
embolic), valvular AF, or any hemodynamic instability as well as
patients who had hospital admission or surgical intervention in the
preceding 6 months were excluded from the study. A history of
malignancy was allowed if the patient’s expected survival duration
was ⬎6 months and the patient was not receiving chemotherapy or
radiotherapy at study entry. A complete medical history was recorded. Follow-up was performed through visits to the
anticoagulation clinic.
The HAS-BLED bleeding risk score was calculated as a measure
of baseline bleeding risk, as the result of adding 1 point to
hypertension, abnormal renal and liver function (1 point each),
stroke, bleeding history or predisposition, labile INR, old age (ⱖ65
years), and use of drugs and alcohol concomitantly (1 point for each).
Based on the inclusion criteria at entry, labile INR was quantified as
0 in every patient. Baseline stroke risk was assessed using the
CHADS2 (congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ⬎75, diabetes
mellitus, and prior stroke or TIA [transient ischemic attack] [doubled]) and CHA2DS2-VASc (cardiac failure or dysfunction, hypertension, age ⱖ75 [doubled], diabetes, stroke [doubled]-vascular
disease, age 65–74, and sex category [female]) scores, as described
in recent guidelines.8,9
Adverse cardiovascular end points (mainly thromboembolic) were
defined as stroke/TIA, peripheral embolism, acute coronary syndrome, acute heart failure, and cardiac death. Bleeding events were
assessed by the 2005 International Society on Thrombosis and
Bleeding Risk in Atrial Fibrillation
Haemostasis criteria.13 The definitions were as follows: fatal or
symptomatic bleeding in a critical area or organ, such as intracranial,
intraspinal, intraocular, retroperitoneal, intraarticular or pericardial,
or intramuscular with compartment syndrome, or bleeding causing a
fall in hemoglobin level of ⱖ20 g/L (1.24 mmol/L) or leading to
transfusion of ⱖ2 units of whole blood or red cells. Finally, we
recorded all-cause mortality and whether the cause of death was
secondary to a cardiovascular end point (stroke/TIA, peripheral
embolism, acute coronary syndrome, acute heart failure, and cardiac
death) or a hemorrhagic event.
Statistical Analysis
Continuous variables were tested for normality by the KolmogorovSmirnov test. Continuous variables are presented as a mean⫾SD or
median (interquartile range) as appropriate, and categorical variables
are presented as a percentage. Cox models were used to determine
the associations between clinical risk factors and bleeding as well as
between cardiovascular events and mortality. The independent effect
of clinical variables on prognosis was calculated using a Cox
proportional hazards regression model, incorporating in the multivariate model only those values that showed a P⬍0.15 in the
univariate analysis. To contrast prognostic accuracy, we constructed
areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve and calculated
C statistics. A P⬍0.05 was accepted as statistically significant.
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 15.0 for
Windows software.
We included 965 patients (men, 50%; median age, 76 years
[interquartile range, 70 – 81 years]) (Table 1). The median
CHADS2 risk score was 2 (interquartile range, 2–3), and 77% of
patients had a CHADS2 risk score of ⱖ2. The median
CHA2DS2-VASc score was 4 (3–5), and 94% had a CHA2DS2VASc score ⱖ2. The median HAS-BLED score was 2 (2–3),
and 29% of patients had an HAS-BLED score ⱖ3.
Median follow-up was 861 days (range, 718 –1016 days).
During this period, 103 patients (4.9%/y) experienced an
adverse cardiovascular event, for whom 37 (1.8%/y) were
strokes, 37 (1.8%/y) were acute coronary syndrome, and 27
(1.4%/y) were acute heart failure. During the same period, 75
patients (3.6%/y) presented with a hemorrhagic event; of
these, 15 (0.70%/y) were intracranial hemorrhages. Ninetyfive (4.5%/y) patients died during the follow-up, 28 (1.3%/y)
of whom as a result of a thrombotic event and 8 (0.4%/y) of
whom as a result of a hemorrhagic event.
Relation of Major Events to HAS-BLED Score
The incidence of both bleeding and adverse cardiovascular
events was higher with increasing HAS-BLED score (Figure). Annual bleeding rates only exceeded thrombotic events
at an HAS-BLED score ⬎3 and were statistically significant
for an HAS-BLED score ⬎4 (P⬍0.05).
Univariate Analysis
On unadjusted (crude) analyses, the HAS-BLED score was
predictive for major bleeding events as a continuous variable
(hazard ratio [HR], 1.96; 95% CI, 1.60 –2.41; P⬍0.001), and an
HAS-BLED score ⱖ3 had an HR of 3.68 (95% CI, 2.37–5.78;
P⬍0.001). For intracranial hemorrhage, the HAS-BLED score
as a continuous variable had an HR of 2.70 (95% CI, 1.76 – 4.14;
P⬍0.001). The HAS-BLED score was also predictive for
adverse cardiovascular events (HR, 1.51; 95% CI, 1.27–1.81;
P⬍0.001), where a high score (ⱖ3) had an HR of 2.22 (95% CI,
Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol
April 2012
Table 1. Baseline Clinical Characteristics of Patients With
Atrial Fibrillation
Baseline Characteristic
No. patients
Male sex
Age, y
478 (50)
76 (70–81)
Age ⱖ75 y
474 (57)
795 (82)
Diabetes mellitus
246 (25.5)
Heart failure
303 (36.5)
History of stroke or TIA
183 (19)
Renal impairment
Coronary artery disease
94 (10)
37 (4)
298 (31)
Current smoking habit
135 (14)
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Current alcoholic consumption
26 (3)
Previous bleeding episode
82 (8.5)
Concomitant malignant disease
61 (6)
HAS-BLED score
2 (2–3)
19 (2)
146 (15)
472 (49)
216 (22)
91 (9)
18 (2)
3 (1)
CHADS2 score
CHADS2 score ⱖ2
2 (2–3)
740 (77)
Concomitant treatment
Antiplatelet therapy
160 (16.6)
240 (25)
Calcium antagonist
210 (22)
294 (30.5)
202 (21)
181 (19)
396 (41)
Data are presented as n (%) or median (interquartile range).
TIA indicates transient ischemic attack; HAS-BLED, hypertension, abnormal
renal/liver function, stroke, bleeding history or predisposition, labile INR 关international normalized ratio兴, elderly, drugs/alcohol concomitantly; CHADS2, congestive
heart failure, hypertension, age ⱖ75, diabetes mellitus, and prior stroke or TIA;
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker.
1.50 –3.27; P⬍0.001). For stroke, the HAS-BLED score as a
continuous variable had an HR of 1.70 (95% CI, 1.28 –2.26;
P⬍0.001). Finally, the HAS-BLED was predictive for all-cause
mortality (HR, 1.68; 95% CI, 1.40 –2.01; P⬍0.001), where a
high score (ⱖ3) had an HR of 2.53 (95% CI, 1.69 –3.78;
Multivariate Analysis
Using a Cox regression analysis, independent predictors for
major bleeding were age ⬎75 years (P⫽0.03), male sex
(P⫽0.036), renal impairment (P⫽0.01), previous bleeding
episode (P⬍0.001), current alcohol consumption (P⫽0.043),
Figure. Hemorrhagic and thrombotic events according to
HAS-BLED (hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke,
bleeding history or predisposition, labile INR [international normalized ratio], elderly, drugs/alcohol concomitantly) score.
and concomitant malignant disease (P⫽0.020) (Table 2).
Independent predictors for adverse cardiovascular events
were age ⬎75 years (P⫽0.001), history of heart failure
(P⫽0.004), and previous stroke (P⫽0.005) (Table 3). Finally,
independent predictors for all-cause mortality, were age ⬎75
years (P⬍0.001), diabetes (P⫽0.025), previous stroke
(P⫽0.034), heart failure (P⫽0.027), current smoking
(P⬍0.001), and concomitant malignant disease (P⬍0.001)
(Table 4).
Predictive Value for Bleeding, Cardiovascular
Events, and Death
The HAS-BLED score had a C statistic for bleeding of 0.70
(95% CI, 0.64 – 0.76; P⬍0.001), whereas for adverse cardiovascular events, the C statistic was 0.58 (95% CI, 0.52– 0.64;
P⫽0.006); for all-cause mortality, the C statistic was 0.62
(95% CI, 0.56 – 0.67; P⬍0.001). Using statistical models with
significant variables (but not including the HAS-BLED or
CHADS2 scores), the multivariate analysis gave a C statistic
for bleeding of 0.75 (95% CI, 0.73– 0.78), whereas for
adverse cardiovascular events, the C statistic was 0.66 (95%
CI, 0.63– 0.69); for all-cause mortality, the C statistic was
0.77 (95% CI, 0.75– 0.80).
In this study, we show for the first time to our knowledge that
the HAS-BLED score not only is useful in the assessment of
bleeding risk, but also has some predictive value for cardiovascular events and mortality in anticoagulated patients with
AF. We confirm previous observations on the predictive
value of the HAS-BLED score for major bleeding11,12 and
show that bleeding rates only exceeded thrombotic events at
a HAS-BLED score ⬎3. Finally, we have validated the
HAS-BLED score for the first time, to our knowledge, in
consecutive patients taking acenocoumarol (rather than warfarin) as their OAC medication.
HAS-BLED Predicts Bleeding Events
Patients with AF are at high risk of both cardiovascular and
hemorrhagic events, as we show in this article and have
previously described.14 Common comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, chronic heart failure, and cardiac valve
disease were independent risk factors for AF,15 but such risk
factors are also well recognized for stroke and thromboem-
Gallego et al
Table 2.
Bleeding Risk in Atrial Fibrillation
Cox Regression Analysis for the Composite of Major Hemorrhagic Events
Univariate Analysis
Multivariate Analysis
HR (95% CI)
HR (95% CI)
Downloaded from by guest on May 9, 2017
Age ⱖ75 y
1.76 (1.08 –2.87)
1.74 (1.05–2.87)
Male sex
2.03 (1.27–3.24)
1.70 (1.03–2.80)
1.53 (0.79–2.98)
1.11 (0.67–1.83)
Previous stroke
1.29 (0.75–2.22)
Heart failure
1.36 (0.87–2.13)
Renal impairment
2.70 (1.567–4.69)
2.12 (1.20–3.73)
Previous bleeding
8.08 (5.13–12.71)
6.00 (3.73–9.67)
Current alcohol consumption
4.49 (2.16–9.34)
2.28 (1.03–5.06)
Hepatic impairment
2.10 (0.52–8.56)
Malignant disease
2.84 (1.53–5.26)
2.17 (1.13–4.18)
Antiplatelet therapy
1.38 (0.80–2.36)
HAS-BLED score
2.04 (1.68–2.49)
HAS-BLED score ⱖ3
3.68 (2.37–5.78)
CHADS2 score
1.23 (1.03–1.47)
HR indicates hazard ratio; HAS-BLED, hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke, bleeding history or
predisposition, labile INR 关international normalized ratio兴, elderly, drugs/alcohol concomitantly; CHADS2, congestive
heart failure, hypertension, age ⱖ75, diabetes mellitus, and prior stroke or TIA 关transient ischemic attack兴.
bolism as well as for cardiovascular events. Indeed, many risk
factors for stroke are also associated with a higher risk for
anticoagulation-associated hemorrhage.10 Thus, bleeding risk
increases with increasing CHADS2 score, and Hylek et al,6
for example, clearly described that the rate of major hemorrhage was substantially higher in patients with CHADS2
scores ⱖ3. Similarly, in another cohort of elderly patients, a
history of stroke (which confers a minimum CHADS2 score
of 2) was associated with a high risk for bleeding when taking
OAC medication.16
In a systematic review, some patient characteristics such as
advanced age, uncontrolled hypertension, history of ischemic
heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, anemia, or history of
bleeding and the concomitant use of other drugs such as
antiplatelet agents are identified as risk factors for
anticoagulation-related bleeding complications.7 The present
study also identifies advanced age, male sex, renal impairment, history of bleeding, current alcohol consumption, and
malignancy as independent risk factors for bleeding in this
cohort. Of note, sex was not identified in the systematic
Table 3. Cox Regression Analysis for the Composite End Point of Adverse Cardiovascular
Events (Stroke, Acute Coronary Syndrome, Acute Heart Failure)
Univariate Analysis
Multivariate Analysis
HR (95% CI)
HR (95% CI)
Age ⱖ75 y
2.38 (1.52–3.75)
2.20 (1.40 –3.46)
Male sex
0.92 (0.62–1.36)
0.86 (0.54–1.39)
1.45 (0.95–2.20)
1.38 (0.90–2.10)
Previous stroke
1.89 (1.23–2.91)
1.85 (1.20–2.86)
Heart failure
2.11 (1.43–3.11)
1.78 (1.20–2.86)
Coronary artery disease
1.48 (0.95–2.31)
1.36 (0.86–2.13)
Renal impairment
1.47 (0.82–2.63)
Current smoking habit
1.38 (0.83–2.28)
1.05 (0.69–1.59)
HAS-BLED score
1.51 (1.27–1.81)
HAS-BLED score ⱖ3
2.22 (1.50–3.27)
CHADS2 score
1.38 (1.18–1.60)
HR indicates hazard ratio; HAS-BLED, hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke, bleeding history or
predisposition, labile INR 关international normalized ratio兴, elderly, drugs/alcohol concomitantly; CHADS2, congestive
heart failure, hypertension, age ⱖ75, diabetes mellitus, and prior stroke or TIA 关transient ischemic attack兴.
Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol
Table 4.
April 2012
Cox Regression Analysis for All-Cause Mortality
Univariate Analysis
Multivariate Analysis
HR (95% CI)
HR (95% CI)
Age ⱖ75 y
3.45 (2.04 –5.83)
3.60 (2.09 – 6.20)
Male sex
1.23 (0.82–1.85)
1.41 (0.79–2.50)
1.66 (1.09–2.54)
1.64 (1.06–2.52)
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Previous stroke
1.91 (1.23–2.97)
1.65 (1.04–2.61)
Heart failure
1.74 (1.16–2.61)
1.62 (1.06–2.49)
Coronary artery disease
1.04 (0.63–1.72)
Renal impairment
2.16 (1.28–3.65)
1.57 (0.90–2.74)
Current smoking habit
2.11 (1.33–3.36)
2.78 (1.70–4.53)
0.61 (0.37–0.98)
0.61 (0.37–1.00)
Previous bleeding
1.59 (0.87–2.92)
1.21 (0.65–2.24)
Current alcohol consumption
2.02 (0.82–4.98)
1.52 (0.59–3.91)
Hepatic impairment
2.74 (0.87–8.67)
2.46 (0.75–8.08)
Malignant disease
5.06 (3.18–8.05)
4.39 (2.73–7.07)
HAS-BLED score
1.68 (1.40–2.01)
HAS-BLED score ⱖ3
2.53 (1.69–3.78)
CHADS2 score
1.56 (1.33–1.82)
HR indicates hazard ratio; HAS-BLED, hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke, bleeding history or
predisposition, labile INR 关international normalized ratio兴, elderly, drugs/alcohol concomitantly; CHADS2, congestive
heart failure, hypertension, age ⱖ75, diabetes mellitus, and prior stroke or TIA 关transient ischemic attack兴.
review for the UK-National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence clinical practice guidelines and the HAS-BLED
score, although there are other scores that recognized female
sex as a risk factor for bleeding.17,18
In the patients of the present study, the rate of major
hemorrhage in those aged ⱖ75 years was 4.2% per year,
which was higher than the whole population (3.6%/y) and
almost twice that seen in patients aged ⬍75 years (2.5%/y).
Several studies have shown that elderly patients are at greater
risk of bleeding.6,16,19, Nonetheless, OAC is still the most
effective therapy for reducing stroke, and of note, OAC is
associated with similar rates of major bleeding to antiplatelet
therapy, particularly among elderly patients.20,21 We did not
identify concomitant OAC and aspirin intake as a bleeding
risk factor in the study population perhaps because of small
numbers. Similar to the HEMORR2AGES (hepatic or renal
disease; ethanol use; malignancy; older [age ⬎75]; reduced
platelet count or function; hypertension, uncontrolled; anemia; genetic factors; elevated risk of fall, including neuropsychiatric disease; stroke) scheme and Kuijer risk score,17,22
we also identified a history of malignancy as a risk factor for
bleeding. It is important to note that none of the patients in the
present study was having chemotherapy or radiotherapy, and
their expected survival was ⬎6 months.
Both the CHADS2 and HAS-BLED scores were able to
identify patients at risk of bleeding, with an HR of 1.96 and
1.23, respectively. Indeed, patients with a low CHADS2 score
(eg, 0 –1) have a lower major bleeding risk than those patients
with CHADS2 ⱖ2. Of note, bleeding rates only exceeded
thrombotic events at an HAS-BLED score ⬎3 and support
recommendations in current guidelines for caution and regular review in patients with an HAS-BLED score ⱖ3.8 Indeed,
because of their high thromboembolic and cardiovascular
risk, OAC medications are not contraindicated per se, as the
risk-benefit ratio could potentially be worse if the patients
were untreated.
Interestingly, the C statistics in predicting bleeding events
were similar for both the HAS-BLED score and the multivariate analysis, essentially showing that the HAS-BLED
score, although simple, performed as good as a multivariate
analysis in the present study population. Indeed, the HASBLED score is simple and practical, whereas a multivariate
analysis model is more complex and not useful for everyday
clinical practice.
HAS-BLED Predicts Cardiovascular Events
and Mortality
We also demonstrate that an HAS-BLED score ⱖ3 is a risk
factor for cardiovascular events and mortality, which are end
points significantly influenced by OAC therapy. For example,
according to a meta-analysis by Hart et al,3 OAC not only
reduces stroke compared with placebo or control, but also
significantly reduces cardiovascular events and mortality,
whereas among elderly patients, OAC has an increased
absolute benefit on stroke and cardiovascular events with
increasing age, at the cost of a small increase in serious
bleeding events.21 Of note, we have previously described the
ability of the CHADS2 score to predict cardiovascular events
in stable anticoagulated patients with AF,14 and the strongest
risk factors for cardiovascular events were age ⱖ75 years and
acute heart failure. This is unsurprising given that the incidence of thrombotic events (including stroke, myocardial
infarction, and vascular death) in an elderly anticoagulated
AF population was 5.9% per year.20 As expected, age ⱖ75
Gallego et al
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years, diabetes, heart failure, stroke, and malignant disease
were also independent risk factors of all-cause mortality in
the present study. As well, current smoking habit was found
to be an independent risk factor of all-cause mortality in our
study population, consistent with other studies in non-AF
Given the multifactorial nature of death and cardiovascular
events, it is not surprising that the predictive power of the
multivariate analysis was slightly better per se for cardiovascular events (C statistic, 0.66) and mortality (C statistic, 0.77)
compared with the HAS-BLED score (C statistic, 0.58 and
0.62, respectively), although the 95% CIs for cardiovascular
events overlapped with those derived for the multivariate
analysis. Our hypothesis was not to prove that HAS-BLED is
the most accurate score to predict death or cardiovascular
events but to show how HAS-BLED can be related to both
bleeding and thrombotic events, given the strong link between thrombotic and bleeding risk6 –16 and, thus, to mortality. Additionally, the HAS-BLED score was designed to
predict bleeding (and it does well in this analysis) rather than
thrombotic events per se.
Finally, in the present analysis, we have validated the
HAS-BLED score for the first time to our knowledge in
consecutive Spanish patients taking acenocoumarol. Acenocoumarol is the most common vitamin K antagonist used in
Spain, with its main difference from warfarin being related to
the much shorter half-life of this drug (9 hours for acenocoumarol versus 36 – 42 hours for warfarin24), which is perceived
to have some practical advantages in the clinical setting.
Clinical Implications
The main advantage of the HAS-BLED score is that it is
simple and user friendly yet offers useful predictive capacity
for bleeding. Additionally, the HAS-BLED was designed so
that clinicians can think about the potentially correctable
bleeding risk factors (controlling blood pressure [the H in
HAS-BLED], avoiding concomitant aspirin and nonsteroidal
antiinflammatory drug use [the D in HAS-BLED], etc). For
an HAS-BLED score of ⱖ3, the HR for having a bleeding
event is high at 3.68. Although the C statistics were modest,
the HAS-BLED score was not designed to simply make
clinicians stop prescribing OAC for patients with high scores
but to identify patients who have to be more carefully
managed and reviewed or to highlight the common correctable bleeding risk factors. Indeed, the net clinical benefit of
balancing ischemic stroke against intracranial hemorrhage is
even higher in patients with high HAS-BLED scores given
that the absolute beneficial reduction in ischemic stroke
with anticoagulation would exceed the much smaller
absolute increase in serious hemorrhage.25 Additionally,
the HAS-BLED score was not designed as a predictor of
thromboembolic events (where other scores, eg, CHADS2 or
CHA2DS2-VASc, have been well validated) or mortality.
This aspect is shown by the differences in C statistics and by
our multivariate analysis. Nonetheless, the present study
shows the close relationship between thrombosis and bleeding events, drawing attention to the management of those
patients at high risk of both.
Bleeding Risk in Atrial Fibrillation
There could be a selection bias because patients were steady
at entry, so unstable patients who are more prone to have
adverse events were excluded. Similarly, they were all
“experienced” patients with coumarin treatment. It is known
that the risk of bleeding on anticoagulant therapy or having a
thromboembolic event is highest during the period immediately after coumarins are initiated.26 Although TTR on
admission was 100%, we did not have details on TTR over
the follow-up period. Most studies (even clinical trials)
manage TTR rates of between 60% and 75%, and thus, our
cohort may not represent real-life patients. Indeed, TTR has a
significant relationship with adverse outcomes, and with good
INR control, bleeding risk is lowest.27 However, the strength
of our study is its inclusion of consecutive patients attending
our anticoagulation clinic, and even when reducing 1 point on
the HAS-BLED score, it still maintained its predictive power
on bleeding events. We also performed follow-up by mainly
reviewing clinical records and conducting phone interviews
with patients.
We demonstrate the predictive value and usefulness of the
HAS-BLED score for predicting major bleeding in a large
cohort of consecutive patients taking acenocoumarol. We also
demonstrate the close relationship between thrombosis and
bleeding and show that the HAS-BLED score has predictive
value for cardiovascular events and mortality. This simple
risk score can be used in everyday clinical practice as an easy
risk assessment in anticoagulated patients with AF.
Sources of Funding
This work was partially supported by Sociedad Española de Cardiología, RECAVA (Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en
Enfermedades Cardiovasculares) RD06/0014/039 and PI11/1256
from Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Dr Roldán has received funding for consultancy and lecturing from
Bristol-Myers-Squibb and Boehringer Ingelheim. Dr Valdés has
served as a consultant for Boston Scientific. Dr Vicente has served as
a consultant for Boehringer Ingelheim. Dr Marín has received
funding for research, consultancy, and lecturing from Boston Scientific, Bayer, AstraZeneca, Daiichi-Sankyo, and Boehringer Ingelheim. Dr Lip has served as a consultant for Bayer, Astellas, Merck,
AstraZeneca, Sanofi, BMS/Pfizer, Biotronik, Portola, and Boehringer
Ingelheim and has been on the speakers bureau for Bayer, BMS/
Pfizer, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Sanofi-Aventis.
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Stroke risk is closely related to bleeding risk in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). Indeed, many risk factors for
thromboembolism such as advanced age, uncontrolled hypertension, and history of ischemic heart disease or cerebrovascular disease have also been identified as risk factors for bleeding. In clinical practice, estimation of both stroke and
bleeding risks are essential to guide the selection of the most appropriate thromboprophylaxis. Because the HAS-BLED
(hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke, bleeding history or predisposition, labile INR [international
normalized ratio], elderly, drugs/alcohol concomitantly) bleeding score has been demonstrated as useful in assessing major
bleeding risk in patients with AF, we tested its usefulness for predicting both major bleeding and cardiovascular events in
a cohort of anticoagulated patients with AF. We recruited 965 consecutive anticoagulated outpatients with permanent or
paroxysmal AF who were stabilized for at least 6 months on oral anticoagulation. Follow-up was performed for ⬎2 years,
and adverse events were recorded. The HAS-BLED score was predictive for major bleeding events and all-cause mortality
and shows a close relationship between thrombosis and bleeding. The main advantage of the HAS-BLED score is that it
is simple and user friendly yet offers useful prediction for bleeding. Additionally, the HAS-BLED score was not designed
to simply make clinicians stop prescribing oral anticoagulation in patients with high scores but to identify patients who
have to be more carefully managed and reviewed or to highlight the common correctable bleeding risk factors).
Relation of the HAS-BLED Bleeding Risk Score to Major Bleeding, Cardiovascular
Events, and Mortality in Anticoagulated Patients With Atrial Fibrillation
Pilar Gallego, Vanessa Roldán, José Miguel Torregrosa, Josefa Gálvez, Mariano Valdés,
Vicente Vicente, Francisco Marín and Gregory Y.H. Lip
Downloaded from by guest on May 9, 2017
Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2012;5:312-318; originally published online February 7, 2012;
doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.111.967000
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