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UNIT 7 Study Guide
Multiple Choice:
1. The statement “to every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction” is ______.
a. law of conservation of momentum
c. Newton’s second law of motion
b. Newton’s first law of motion
d. Newton’s third law of motion
The relationship among mass, force, and acceleration is explained by ______.
a. Newton’s first law of motion
c. Newton’s third law of motion
b. Newton’s second law of motion
d. the conservation of momentum
When a car turns left, the feeling of you being pushed to the right of the car is explained by ______.
a. Newton’s first law of motion
c. Newton’s third law of motion
b. Newton’s second law of motion
d. the conservation of momentum
A feather will fall through the air more slowly than a brick because of ______.
a. gravity
c. terminal velocity
b. air resistance
d. momentum
In the absence of air, a penny and a feather dropped from the same height will ______.
a. fall at different rates
c. fall at the same rates
b. float
d. not have momentum
The amount of gravitational force between objects depends on their ______.
a. frictional forces
c. inertia
b. speed and direction
d. masses and the distances between them
If a 300-N action force is exerted to the right, the reaction force will be ______.
a. 300 N to the right
c. 300 N to the left
b. 600 N to the right
d. 600 N to the left
When a force is exerted on an object, an equal and opposite force is exerted by the object. These forces are referred to as
a. centripetal forces
c. gravitational forces
b. friction forces
d. action-reaction forces
Acceleration due to gravity is ______.
a. 98 m/s2
b. 9.8 m/s2
c. 9.8 m/s
d. 0.98 m/s
10. A real car moving at 10 km/h has more inertia than a toy car moving at the same rate because ___.
a. its mass is greater
c. it moves faster
b. its mass is less
d. of friction
Laws and Definitions:
11. What are Newton’s 3 laws of motion, in order?
12. What is speed?
13. What is acceleration?
14. What is weight?
15. Does weight or mass change if we move to another planet?
16. What is our equation for weight?
17. What is a force?
18. What are our units for force?
19. What is a Newton?
Vocabulary Review: Write the term from the list that correctly completes each statement.
Newton’s first law of motion
Newton’s second law of motion
Newton’s third law of motion
20. The phrase “to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” is ___________________.
21. A net force acting on an object determines the acceleration of an object with a particular mass; this is _____________.
22. _____________________ is a force acting on two objects that are in contact with each other.
23. According to the ___________________ when a bowling pins are set up at the end of the lane, they will stay in that position until
acted upon by a bowling ball or other pins.
24. ___________________is the force that every object in the universe exerts on every other object.
25. An object’s ___________________is the measure of the force of gravity acting on that object.
26. The amount of gravitational force between two objects depends on their masses and the ___________________ between them.
27. Weight is measured in units called ___________________, while mass is measured in units called grams and kilograms.
Just like on the test tomorrow, for the following problems, make sure that you show all three steps!
Step One: Draw your triangle. Step Two: Plug in values
Step Three: Solve problem with correct units
A bobsled must reduce its speed from about 32 m/s to a stopped position in 8.0 sec. What is the bobsled’s acceleration?
The fastest crossing of the Atlantic Ocean by an ocean liner was made on July 7, 1952. The ship, the S.S. United States,
traveled 4727 km east by northeast in 3 days, 10 hours, and 30 minutes. Assume that the ship had traveled the same speed,
but directly east. What would the velocity of the S.S. United States be in kilometers per HOUR.
The elevators in the Landmark Tower in Japan, are among the fastest in the world. They
accelerate upward at 3.125 m/s2 for 4.00 sec to reach their final speed. If these elevators start
at rest, what is their final speed?
The little Ewoks on Endor fought a great battle and helped shut down the shield generator during
the rebellion assault on the Death Star. An ewok warrior can throw a 1.5 kg spear at a rate of 5
m/s2. With what force can the warrior use the spear?
In drag racing, acceleration is more important than speed, and therefore drag racers are designed to provide high
accelerations. Suppose a drag racer has a mass of 1250 kg and accelerates at a constant rate of 16.5 m/s 2. How large is the
unbalanced force acting on the racer?
The massive Imperial walkers used to assault the rebel base on Hoth. The walkers, starting from
rest, can reach a final velocity off 17 m/s in 7.4 seconds. If each step requires 63,250 N of force, what
is the mass of the AT-AT?
If a person has a mass of 65Kg, what is his weight on Earth?
A person has a mass of 45kg on Earth. What is its mass on the mars, knowing that mars has 1/3 the gravity of Earth.
Multiple Equation Problems…
1. A baseball with a mass of 1.2 kg has a momentum 30kg*m/s, is traveling a distance of 120m. How much time does it take the
baseball to travel that distance?
If a bird starts from rest, and accelerated to a final velocity of 11m/s in 4.2 seconds, what is the mass of this bird assuming that it
applied an unbalanced force of 40N to fly away?
If a rock has a density of 8.3g/cm , and is thrown at a constant velocity of 7m/s, then what is the momentum of the rock assuming
it has a volume of 119cm ?
Free Body Diagrams
4. Draw the arrows necessary for the box to accelerate with an unbalanced force of 5N to the left. Assume that the normal force of
the table is 9N, and the friction force between the table and the box is 2N.
Draw the arrows necessary for the box to accelerate with an unbalanced force of 11N to the right. Assume that the force of
gravity is 8N, and the friction force between the table and the box is 5N.
What is the normal force being supplied by the table?
Using the diagram below, what is the friction force present within the free body diagram if the box has an unbalanced force of 5N
to the left?