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* A joint or articulation is a point of connection between two
* Strands of connective tissue and ligaments hold the bones
together and ensure the stability of joints
* Joints are classified
in two ways:
* according to their motion capabilities (ranging from
immoveable to very moveable)
* according to the material that joins them together
* There are 3 types of joints:
Fibrous Joints: allow no movement
* Ex. Sutures of the skull
Cartilaginous Joints: allow limited movement
* Ex. Intervertebral discs
Synovial Joints: allow a range of movements
* Ex. Knee joint
* Characteristics of synovial joints:
* The ends of the articulating bones are covered in a protective
layer of connective tissue called hyaline cartilage
* The joint cavity itself is covered in a synovial membrane that
secretes synovial fluid, which acts to lubricate the joint
* Extrinsic ligaments are present to support the joint and connect
the articulating bones of the joint
* There are 6 types of synovial joints in the human skeleton (refer
to our skeletal system #1 notes for more information)
1.Hinge joint
2.Pivot joint
3.Condyloid joint (knuckle joint)
4.Saddle joint
5.Ball and socket joint
6.Plane joint (gliding joint)
* Sternocalvicular joint
* Connects the clavicle to the sternum
* The only joint connecting the pectoral girdle to the axial skeleton
* Acromioclavicular joint
* Unites the lateral end of the clavicle with the acromion process of the
* Where shoulder separations often occur in contact sports
* Glenohumeral joint
* Connects the upper limb to the scapula
* This joint has a wide range of movement, but a relative lack of
stability due to this ROM.
* There are 3 distinct joints are the elbow
* Humero-ulnar joint
* Humero-radial joint
* Radio-ulnar joint
* At the wrist you find the radio-carpal joint
* In the hand you find the following joints:
* Intercarpal joints (all gliding joints between carpal bones)
* Carpometacarpal joints
* Metacarpophalangeal joints (aka. Knuckles)
* Interphalangeal joints
* Hip joint
* Formed between the head of the
femur and the acetabulum of the hip
bone (ball and socket)
* Considered to be very stable, though
it does provide a wide range of motion
much like the shoulder
* Stable due to the deepened socket and
very strong intrinsic and extrinsic
* Not commonly dislocated, unless in car
* Knee joint (aka. Tibiofemoral
* Considered to be relatively stable
due to:
* Menisci (shock-absorbing discs)
* Anterior and posterior cruciate
ligaments (located on the centre of
the joint)
* Later and medial collateral
ligaments (extending from the
sides of the femur to the tibia and
* Strong surrounding musculature
* Talocrural joint (ankle joint)
* Involves several bones coming together (tibia, fibula, talus,
calcaneous) supported by many ligaments
* In the foot you find the following:
* Intertarsal joints (between tarsal bones)
* Help us adjust to running on uneven surfaces
* Enable inversion-eversion of the sole of the foot
* Tarsometatarsal joint
* Metatarsophalangeal joints
* Interphalangeal joints (strengthened by plantar ligaments, which
help maintaining the arch of the foot)