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3.3 Plates Move Apart
Learn about:
Different plate boundaries
What happens when plates move
How the direction and speed of
plates can be measured.
Plate Boundaries
There are three kinds of plate boundaries
Both the kind of boundary and the kind of
plate affects how plates interact
Divergent Boundary
Most divergent Boundaries occur on the
ocean sea floor.
Types of Divergent Boundaries
(What happens there?)
Mid Ocean
Oceanic – Oceanic
Rift Valleys
Mid-Ocean Ridges
Rift Valleys
Continental –
Rift Valleys
Oceanic-Oceanic Divergence
This is where two oceanic plates were
diverging forming new crust
Oceanic-Oceanic Divergence
This is where oceanic plates are being
ripped apart magma comes up from deep
within the earth’s crust and forms pillow
basalts and under water vents
The Mid Atlantic Ridge
The Mid Atlantic Ridge is an example of oceanicoceanic divergence
Over millions of years the continents have
moved enough to create an ocean
The ridge also contains the longest mountain
chain in the world
(6214 miles long)
(15 miles wide)
(6 miles deep)
Mid- Atlantic Ridge (continued)
Review Oceanic-Oceanic Divergent
With your neighbor, review what happens
at Divergent Oceanic-Oceanic Boundaries
Remember to put these concepts into your
own words.
How can you best remember the
(You have 2 minutes)
Continent-Continent Divergence
Continental plates diverge in the same
way as Oceanic plates
Cliffs and ridges are more easily visible in
continental divergence
Continental- Continental divergent
Same as Oceanic – Oceanic Boundaries rift
vallies will occur.
What is different?
In this case, rift valley’s happen on land.
Two piece of land are pulled apart, revealing
magma. (it will cool and harden)
Creating what is called a continental rift valley (it
could fill with water, making a lake.)
Rift Valleys
East African Rift Valley
The East African Rift Valley formed when a
three way split almost tore Africa apart
Example of a Continental rift valley.
East African Valley (On land Rift Valley)
Review the difference!
What is the difference between?
 Oceanic – Oceanic divergence and
 Continental – Contiental divergance
 (you have 1 minute)
3.4 Convergent Boundaries
What happens when:
two continental plates converge
 An oceanic plate converges with another
 One plate scrapes past another.
Types of Convergent Boundaries
Continental – Continental Collision
Contiental – Oceanic Subduction
Oceanic – Oceanic Convergent
When two continental crusts collide the
pressure builds up and they form Mountains
Since both plates are approximately equal density
neither subducts and no volcanoes are formed
Oceanic-Oceanic Convergence
When oceanic plates collide a subduction zone
One plate goes under the other deep beneath the
ocean floor
 (creating a deep ocean trench.)
Island Arcs- can form when oceanic plates
Japan is part of an Island Arc formed by
oceanic-oceanic convergence
Continental – Oceanic Convergent Boundary
Occurs when ocean crust and continental crust
are pushed together
What happens there? (Subduction Zone)
Subduction – one plate is pushed under another.
Which Plate always goes under? And why?
Subduction Zone?
What kinds of landforms are created at a
Subduction Zone?
•Deep Ocean Trenches
•Volcanoes (after a long period of time.)
•Coastal Mountain Ranges (Parallel to
the Coast.)
(see next slide for an illustration)
Transform Faults
Transform faults occur along divergent
oceanic and continental plate boundaries
Plates slide past each other building up
tension until the tension is released during
an earthquake
San Andreas Fault
The San Andreas fault is a surface fault
line going through San Francisco
In 1906 an Earthquake hit San Francisco
setting breaking gas and water lines and
causing fires that could not be stopped
Hot Spots
Another type of tectonic
activity are areas called
hot spots
A hot spot is where
magma rises to the
earths crust melting the
land and forming a line of
volcanoes as the earth’s
crust moves past it
Hot Spots
In oceans hot spots form Island chains
Since the hot spot is under mafic rocks the
lava flows smoothly down the mountain
creating shield volcanoes like Hawaii
Yellowstone National Park
Hotspots below continents are highly
explosive and form craters called calderas
The force required for Felsic rock is so
great the eruption vaporizes the land and
sends ash over large parts of continents