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Eating & lifestyle guidelines for IBS
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder where your bowels (also called intestines) don’t
work properly. You can read about the symptoms of IBS on HealthInfo.
Changing how and what you eat can help to improve your symptoms. Changing your lifestyle, for
example being more active and learning to manage your stress levels, can also help.
Tips to manage IBS symptoms
Eat regular meals
Eat at regular meal times – breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This can
help to keep your bowels regular. Don’t skip meals, eat late at
night, or just before lying down.
Always sit down to eat
Sit, preferably at a table, and not in front of the TV or computer.
Eat slowly
Make sure you chew your food well before swallowing.
Watch your portion sizes
Eating large meals may make your symptoms worse, especially if
you have diarrhoea, pain, or bloating. Have small meals and follow the healthy plate model for lunch
and dinner.
Eat a variety of healthy foods
Every day have food from the four food groups:
wholegrain bread and cereals
vegetables and fruit
low-fat milk and milk products
lean meat, chicken, seafood, eggs, legumes (cooked
dried beans, split peas, and lentils), nuts and seeds.
Change your fibre intake
In the past people with IBS were told to eat more fibre. High-fibre foods include vegetables, fruit,
nuts, seeds, legumes (cooked dried beans, peas and lentils), wholegrain breads and cereals. But we
now know that while this helps some people it doesn't help everyone. For most people with IBS, eating
more fibre can help constipation, but having too much fibre, especially wheat bran, can make
bloating, wind, diarrhoea and pain worse.
Drink plenty of fluid
Drink at least eight cups of fluid a day. Water is best. You might need to drink more during hot
weather, after activity, or if you are constipated.
HealthInfo reference: 28007
Issued: 1 May 2017
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Eating & lifestyle guidelines for IBS
Identify foods and drinks that make your symptoms worse – and avoid them
It may help to keep a diary and record whether certain foods and drinks make your symptoms better
or worse. You can then avoid those that make them worse.
Common foods and drinks that may make your symptoms worse include:
fried and high-fat foods, including many takeaways, cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, cream, ice
cream, thick shakes, most dips and mayonnaise, coconut cream, potato chips, hot chips, pastries,
pies, sausage rolls, and chocolate
spicy foods
caffeinated drinks, such as coffee, tea, cola, and energy drinks
fizzy drinks and fruit juice
gas-producing foods, including onions, garlic, leeks, mushrooms, cauliflower and legumes such as
baked beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, and lentils.
Be active every day
Being active can help to relieve stress and help to
keep your bowels regular. It can also help you to
feel better about yourself.
Do at least 30 minutes of moderate physical
activity most days. Be active in as many ways as
possible – move more and sit less.
If you are not active ask your GP or practice nurse
about a Green Prescription. This includes a free
consultation with a physical activity coach to
create a personal activity plan just for you, and also gives you a chance to take part in group physical
activity sessions.
Manage stress
Getting enough sleep and being active can help to reduce stress. Relaxation techniques such as deep
breathing, yoga, tai chi, or muscle relaxation exercises may also help.
Food intolerance and special diets
If your symptoms don’t get better by following these tips you may have a food intolerance. In this case
it may help to try a special diet to work out what foods you are intolerant to. A dietitian can help you
to work out if you have a food intolerance. Ask your doctor or nurse to refer you to a dietitian.
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Endorsed by GP liaison, Gastroenterology, Canterbury DHB. Updated March
HealthInfo reference: 28007
Issued: 1 May 2017
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