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The Prophet Muhammad
Slide Lecture
1.2A Arabia Before Muhammad
1.2A (cont’d)
A. Makkah
• Important Trade stop
• Religious center (Kaaba)
• Fresh water
• Diverse population
B. Arabs
Arab (abhar= to move or pass)
• Bedouins first inhabitants
• Origins uncertain
• Valued camels and swords
• No strong central gov.
• polytheistic
1.2A (cont’d)
C. Quaraysh
• Powerful local tribe
• Deposit idols in Kaaba and
promised protection for a
1.2 B Muhammad’s Call to
Muhammad’s Early Life
• Born into Hashim family or
Quraysh tribe
• Muhammad means highly
• Dad dies before he was
born; mom when he was six
• Raised by uncle
• Worked for Khadija, a
wealthy widow
• Married her; had 7 children1 survived
The Divine Revelations
• First revelation on retreat to
Mt. Hira
• Neighbor convinced him he
was a prophet
• Revelation that sinners
must submit to mercy of
God (islam)
• First converts: wife, cousin,
slave, and friend- Abu Bakr
• Not depicted in artwork
1.2 C Muhammad Spreads the Word of
1.2 C
A. Muhammad’s Teachings
• Major Points
1. only one god
2. all believers equal
3. rich should share with poor
4. live righteously
5. all subjected to judgment
• Miracles
– Passed through seven levels of
– Brought spring to Makkah
B. Angry Makkans
• M. wanted to abolosh idolsMakkans did not want to
• Critical of wealthy
C. Protection for the Prophet
• Able to remain in Makkah
because of his powerful and
respected family
1.2 D The Emigration to Madinah
The Hijrah
• Muhammad decided to leave
after death of wife
• Traveled to Yatrib
• Journey marks the beginning
of Islam calendar
Conflict in Madinah
• Muhammad hoped Islam
could win converts
• Jewish leaders did not
accept him as a prophet
Muhammad’s Welcome
• Accepted by Yatrib Jews and Arabs • Jews who opposed
Muhammad expelled
• Both hoped he could prevent civil
from city
• First Muhammad
• Renamed city to Madinah (City of
instructed prayer toward
the Prophet)
Jerusalem then changed
• Believers call themselves Muslim
to the Kaaba
(those who submit to god’s will)
1.2 E The Return to Makkah
1.2 E
The Quraysh
Became more hostile
towards Muslims
Muhammad and his
Muhammad’s army,
though outnumbered
won the Battle of Badr
• More battles fought in years
• Makkans sieged Madinah in
627– Battle of Trench
• 630- Muhammad captured
• Idols in the Kaaba were
• 632- Muhammad led the Hajj
• Dies @ 63 in Mecca, no
• Told followers to spread
1st 3 Caliphs: “Khalifa” = “Successor”
1. Abu Bakr: 632-634
• Close friend and father in law of
• 2 problems\
– Tribes began leaving after M. died.
– Others wanted Ali, Muhammad’s son-inlaw/cousin
• Expanded Muslim community into
Persia and Byzantium (Modern day
Iraq and Syria).
1st 3 Caliphs, Part 2
• Umar 634-644
• Defined Dar al Islam (A) and Dar al
Harb (B)
• Successfully expanded empire into
Egypt, Jerusalem, eastern
• Organized empire with governors
(emirs) and a tax system
• Assassinated by a non-Muslim slave.
1st 3 Caliphs, Part 3
• Uthman 644-656
• Muhammad’s son-in-law
• From powerful Umayyad family in
• Accused of nepotism (giving jobs to
• Too much poverty while rulers super
• Murdered by Egyptian rebels during a
Ali’s Caliphate and the division
between Sunnis and Shi’as
• Ali 656-661
• Also a son-in-law and a cousin of Muhammad
• Heavily opposed, even by Muhammad’s wife
– Clan (Hashim) rivals of Uthman’s clan, wanted his
death avenged, Ali couldn’t act fast enough
• Moved capital
• Lots of rebellion
• Asked to resign, then rival claimed caliphate,
then assassinated by another group
Ali’s Cliphate and Division Between the
Sunnis and Shi’as
Umayyad Clan: leader, Mu’awiya, also Syrian
Claimed Caliphate from Ali
Became SUNNI
Hashim Clan: Ali a member
Muhammad’s cousin, memo’d Qur’an
Became caliph, but murdered
Became SHIA
Civil War Between Muslims
• Mu’awiya and Ali’s armies fought at Siffin
• Both asked to resign
• Neither do, Kharijites attempt to kill both
• Only kill Ali
• Conflict over caliphs creates a permanent split
A Pivotal Point in Muslim History
Sunni: “custom or practice”
• Any devout Muslim could
be caliph
• Accepted rule of 1st 3
• Accepted Umayyad rule
• Believe in idea of
“consolidated majority”
• Make up 80% of current
world population
Shi’a: “shia’t Ali” = Party of Ali
• Only relative of Muhammad
can be caliph
• Ali should have been 1st caliph
• Ali’s son, Hussein, should have
been next caliph, never
• Only imams (leaders) can
interpret Qur’an
• Make up 15% of current world