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Optimal Serial Dilutions Designs for
Drug Discovery Experiments
Alexander N. Donev & Randy D. Tobias
First version: 11 September 2010
Research Report No. 5, 2010, Probability and Statistics Group
School of Mathematics, The University of Manchester
Optimal Serial Dilutions Designs
For Drug Discovery Experiments
Alexander N. Donev
School of Mathematics, University of Manchester, UK
Randy D. Tobias
Linear Models R&D, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC 27513, USA
Summary. Dose-response studies are an essential part of the drug discovery process. They
are typically carried out on a large number of chemical compounds using serial dilution
experimental designs. This paper proposes a method of selecting the key parameters of these
designs (maximum dose, dilution factor, number of concentrations and number of replicated
observations for each concentration) depending on the stage of the drug discovery process
where the study takes place. This is achieved by employing and extending results from
optimal design theory. Population D- and DS-optimality are defined and used to evaluate the
precision of estimating the potency of the tested compounds. The proposed methodology is
easy to use and creates opportunities to reduce the cost of the experiments without
compromising the quality of the data obtained in them.
Keywords: bioassay, population D- and DS-optimality, dose response study, high-throughput
screening, minimum significant difference
Corresponding author: A. N. Donev. E-mail: [email protected]
1. Introduction
Modern technology allows for using automated robotic systems to simultaneously
test and compare many compounds with respect to properties of scientific interest, e.g.
potency or toxicity in pharmacology. Such studies are common in the long drug discovery
process and are also important to the fields of biology and chemistry. This paper is
concerned with the design of such studies.
The properties of the compounds of interest are assessed in dose-response studies
where the response of interest is measured at different doses of the studied compounds.
Usually the doses of each compound are obtained by serial dilution from a single stock
solution. The same experimental design is used to study all compounds. Robots can be easily
programmed to pipette different amounts of the compounds by serial dilution. Typically
plates with 96, 384 or a larger number of wells are used, where each of the required
experimental conditions is tested in one or more of the wells in the plates.
For example, early in the drug discovery process, chemical libraries are searched to
identify compounds that have the potential to produce desirable biological effect, e.g.
potency. Initially, all compounds could be tested at a single dose. Those that show potential
are studied with a serial dilution design at the next stage where the focus is on identifying
useful chemical series. Therefore compounds with a wide range of potencies are tested and
only those that have negligible potencies are of no interest. This stage is known as highthroughput screening (HTS). New compounds are also introduced at this stage, as medicinal
chemists iterate changes to structures in existing compounds in efforts to improve potency.
This may lead to nominating a (still large) number of compounds to study further in the next
and subsequent stages. However, the number of compounds is considerably reduced from
stage to stage as the search focuses on looking for the most potent compounds that also
possess other desirable characteristics (e.g. selectivity and safety). Hence, ordering the
compounds with respect to their characteristics becomes the highest priority. Clearly there is
no one experimental design that can be good for all stages in the studies.
There are many reports in the literature of successful use of serial dilution assays.
Specific issues arising in the analysis of data collected in such experiments are discussed by
Lee and Whitmore (1999), and analysis software that is easy to use is presented by Ritz and
Streibig (2005). The effect of choosing different serial dilution experimental designs on the
accuracy of the estimation of the potencies of the compounds is discussed by Strijbosch,
Does and Buurman (1988), and by Macken (1999), though in somewhat different and
simpler experimental settings than those addressed in this paper. Mehrabi and Matthews
(1998) discuss the drawbacks of using ad hoc considerations in designing assays. They
propose the use of Bayesian optimal designs for immunological applications where the
proportion of subtype cells has to be estimated and the criterion of design optimality requires
this proportion to be estimated as precisely as possible. They question the practicality of the
designs they construct to be optimal with respect to a particular criterion (e.g. D-optimality)
with no restriction on the dose levels; they focus instead on easy to implement designs, like
the serial dilution designs, and show that the number of their support points depends on the
prior information about the parameter that has to be estimated.
Various aspects of compound screening experiments in industry are discussed in the
literature, see for example Eastwood et al (2006), Fox et al (2006) and Woodward et al
(2006). Examples of their use are also available (e.g. Parker et al (2000), Bhat et al (2006),
and Fox et al (2006)). However, there is no clearly defined common general practice of
doing such experiments at different stages of the drug discovery process and related
research. Practices vary across companies and experimental laboratories. However, it
appears that ad hoc considerations continue to play a decisive role in choosing the
experimental designs. In some cases this may lead to wasting resources; in others the results
could be ambiguous and inaccurate.
As the aim of the experimenter changes through the stages of the drug discovery
process, so should the designs used. We propose a unified systematic approach for their
selection that takes into account the aims and objectives of the stage where the design will be
used. Results from the theory of optimal experimental design are used and extended to
choose the best serial dilution design for each plate. We focus on the choice of the serial
dilution design used on each plate because it is repeatedly used in each study and therefore it
is crucial for the statistical properties of the results and for the cost effectiveness of the
In Section 2 the main features of the serial dilution designs and the typical analysis of
data collected by using them are described. In Section 3 we briefly review results of the
optimal design theory. As serial dilution designs are usually used to study a set, or a
population of compounds with different characteristics for their biological activity, we
extend the classical criteria of optimality to assess the desired properties of the designs when
such a population is studied. A method for carrying out power calculations is also shown.
Thus, we extend the suggestions made by Eastwood et al (2006). In Section 4 we show how
population criteria for design optimality can be used to select serial dilution designs for
typical experimental scenarios. The paper concludes with a discussion about the usefulness
of the proposed approach. Computer code implementing aspects of the method described in
this paper is available from the corresponding author on request.
2. Serial dilution experimental designs
A serial dilution design is specified by the maximum dose (MD) that is used, the
number of doses (ND) and the dilution factor (DF). For example, if MD = 81, ND = 5 and
DF = 3, the design requires the doses: 81, 27, 9, 3 and 1 to be used. Here, as well as in the
rest of the paper, the units of doses are omitted as the actual values depend on the nature of
the experiment.
We assume that all doses are randomized on wells of a single plate and that there are
no positional (e.g. edge) effects on the plates. Positive and negative controls are also
included in the design as they allow for estimating the response when no compound is used,
and when a very large amount is used; indicating when considering doses beyond the range
of experimentation can only be expected to lead to insignificant changes in the response. As
is common practice, we assume equal replication r at all ND doses. Situations when unequal
number of replications could be useful are considered by Donev et al (2008). The ideas
presented in this paper can be extended to such cases too.
The model
Yi = γ +
+ εi
1 + 10 ( xi −α )β
is then fitted to the data. In (2.1), Yi is the response observed at a dose whose logarithm to
base 10 is xi, ε i is the experimental error which we assume to be normally distributed with
zero mean and variance proportional to the expectation of the response, as practical
experience suggests. Also, β is known as the Hill slope, named after Hill (1913) who
proposed model (2.1). The parameter α is the base 10 logarithm of the IC50, the dose
required to achieve a response half way between the maximum and minimum possible
responses, δ and γ respectively. Thus the parameter α is a natural measure of the potency of
a compound, with smaller values indicating higher potency. This parameter is the primary
focus of the experiments discussed in this paper; we shall use “α”, “potency”, and
“LogIC50” interchangeably to refer to it. The use of logarithms is often seen as the natural
scale on which to compare potencies of compounds. The difference (δ-γ) defines the assay
window and usually it is estimated in a validation experiment prior to the main experiment.
The data can be scaled and therefore without loss of generality we assume (γ , δ ) = (0,1) .
Model (2.1) is nonlinear in the parameters and its parameters are estimated by
numerical optimization for each of the compared compounds using the data obtained on each
plate. Comprehensive descriptions of the available methods for estimating nonlinear models
are given by Seber and Wild (2005) and Bates and Watts (2007). Statistical methods in
bioassay are discussed by Finney (1979).
Highly potent compounds have small values for α. Usually considerable resources
are allocated to study such compounds further. Some of them may later be taken forward to
long and expensive clinical studies and eventually become drugs. Estimating the parameters
of model (2.1) precisely, especially α, ensures that experimental resources are spent on
studying the right compounds in subsequent studies. However, this is made difficult by the
dependence of the precision on the values of the model parameters. Naturally the tested
compounds are expected to have different values for α and β. Therefore, we recommend that
the experimental design for each stage of the drug discovery process be chosen in such a way
that it allows for estimating the properties of compounds of interest at that stage. In the
majority of situations these can be defined as compounds with potencies within a chosen
range, say between α L and α U . For example, there are two distinct possibilities about the
experimenter’s interest in these compounds:
Case (A): all of similar importance;
Case (B): importance increases as the potency gets closer to α L .
It is clear from the discussion in Section 1 that Case (A) covers typical situations at the start
of searching for useful compounds, while Case (B) is typical later in the drug discovery
process, when ranking the tested compounds with respect to their characteristics is the focal
purpose of the experiment. In Case B the difference between α L and α U is much smaller
than in Case (A). In both cases while it is possible to specify α L = −∞ it is not desirable to
do so, because such an unrealistic expectation would unnecessarily increase the cost of the
experiment. This is illustrated with an example later in the paper.
Similarly, values characterizing the range of acceptable values for the Hill slope β,
say βL and βU , can be specified. Then α L , α U , βL and βU define the set ℜ of compounds
of interest in the study. The statistical properties of the estimates of the model parameters α̂
and β̂ depend on the experimental design that is used to obtain the data, as well as on the
values of α and β. Therefore, an experimental design that allows for studying sufficiently
well all compounds that belong to ℜ has to be chosen.
We illustrate the typical statistical challenges and the methods of addressing them
with two examples of real applications that arose in pharmaceutical research. For reasons of
confidentiality, we cannot reveal the exact details of those experiments or the materials that
were involved.
Example 1. A large number of compounds were studied in the early stages of drug
development. While small values for IC50 are desirable, in this in vitro study it was
recognized that it is unnecessary to spend experimental resources in order to find precisely
the IC50 (or α) of compounds that are less than 1 μM. Also, compounds whose IC50 values
were bigger than 10 μM were not of interest either. Similarly, it was decided that the
desirable range for the Hill slope was between 0.5 and 1.5. Hence, the constraints
α L = log(1) , αU = log(10) , β L = 0.5 and βU = 1.5 defined ℜ. This is an example of a Case
(A) scenario.
Example 2. A medicinal chemist has developed 4 alternative chemical structures for the
molecule of a compound that has shown potency during HTS. These new molecules were to
be compared with the initial one. For the initial compound, a and b had been estimated to be
log(3) and 1.2, respectively. It was hoped that the potency of the new compounds would be
similar or better, but a possibility that it could be somewhat worse could not be ruled out.
The value of b for the new compounds was expected to be similar to that of the standard
compound. Hence, ℜ was defined by α L = log(1) , α U = log(3.5) , β L = 0.9 and β U = 1.4 .
Testing whether the structure change has a significant effect on potency and obtaining the
correct rank order of the five compounds with respect to their potencies would allow the
experimenter to select the best compound to study further in vivo. This is an example of a
Case (B) scenario.
3. Criteria of design optimality
There are many ways to characterize the optimality of experimental designs; for a
comprehensive review of the theory of optimal experimental designs and their applications,
see Atkinson et al (2007). Widely used is the D-optimality criterion. It requires the volume
of the confidence ellipsoid for the estimates of the model parameters to be minimized. This
is mathematically equivalent to maximization of the determinant of the information matrix of
the design (page 136, Atkinson et al, 2007).
The 4×4 asymptotic information matrix for a design with n observations ξn is
M (ξ n , α , β , γ , δ ) = X T WX σ ε−2 ,
where for model (2.1) W is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are the inverses of
the expectations 1 / f ( xi , ξ n , α , β , γ , δ ) ; X is the n × 4 Jacobian matrix for the design, so that
the ith element of its four columns are
( x − α)β
∂f ( xi , ξ n , α , β , γ , δ ) ( γ − δ)10 i
β ln(10)
( x − α)β 2
(1 + 10 i
( x − α)β
∂f ( xi , ξ n , α, β) ( γ − δ)10 i
( xi − α) ln(10)
( x − α)β 2
(1 + 10 i
∂f ( xi , θ)
10 ( x − α )β
1 + 10 ( x − α )β
∂f ( xi , θ)
1 + 10 ( x − α )β
respectively; as before, xi is the logarithm at base 10 of the dose used in the ith observation
and ln(10) denotes the natural logarithm of 10.
As the elements of M (ξ n , α, β, γ , δ) depend on the true values of the model
parameters, its determinant
D = M(ξn , α, β, γ, δ)
takes different values for different compounds studied with the design ξ n .
There are several possible ways to assess the D-optimality of serial dilution
experimental designs that will be used to study a set, or a population, of compounds with
different characteristics defined by ℜ. As a primary version of this criterion we propose a
natural extension of the standard criterion where the D values are integrated over ℜ. In
practice, instead of integrating over a continuous space it is easier to calculate the D values,
as defined by equation (3.2), over a fine grid Θ of possible values for α and β in ℜ and use
the weighted average
Dave =
∑ w M ( ξ , α , β , γ , δ)
α i , β i ∈Θ
as a measure of the population ℜ D-optimality of a design ξ n . No constraints are needed for
the values of γ and δ. The choice of weights wi , i = 1,..., n depends on the aim of the
experiment. For example, in Case (A) described earlier setting equal weights
wi = n −1 , i = 1,..., n would be appropriate, while in Case (B) the weights for small values of αi
could be chosen to be larger than when α i is large.
Another useful characteristic of an experimental design ξ n is the quantity
Dmin = min M i (ξ n , α i , βi , γ, δ) ,
αi ,βi∈Θ
as it identifies the worst properties with respect to the D-optimality criterion that a
compound that belongs to ℜ with parameters α i* and β i* may have.
The first two diagonal elements of the inverse of the information matrix (3.1) are the
variances of the estimates of α and β, σ α2ˆ = σ12 σ ε2 and σ β2ˆ = σ 22 σ ε2 , respectively, while the
corresponding off diagonal element is their covariance. Note that σ12 and σ 22 depend only on
the experimental design, while σε2 is common for all compounds tested in the same
experimental conditions and, hence, has to be estimated.
Example 1 (continued). Figure 1 shows a contour plot for σ12 when a serial dilution design
with MD=30, DF=2 and ND=10 has been used. Note that α will be estimated better for
compounds with low potency and the precision varies considerably with the Hill slope. In
fact, there are over ten fold differences between the values for σ12 for compounds with the
desired characteristics.
When the interest is in the precision for estimating a subset of the model parameters,
the resulting criterion is called DS-optimality (page 138, Atkinson et al, 2007). As discussed
earlier, estimating α precisely for all compounds is most important. Therefore defining
conditions for population DS-optimality of serial dilution designs that focus on the precise
estimation of α for the studied compounds is also useful. Similarly to the way the population
D-optimality was defined above, we define the following measures for the DS-optimality of a
population of compounds defined by ℜ:
S ave =
∑w σ
α i ,βi ∈Θ
S max = max σ12 .
α i ,βi ∈Θ
The weights wi , i = 1,..., n , can be chosen as discussed earlier.
Whenever the experimenter needs to rank compounds with respect to their potencies,
or to compare a standard compound to one or more new candidate drugs, it is useful to
define the minimum significant ratio (MSR) between IC50 values of different compounds, or
the minimum significant difference (MSD) between LogIC50 values of different compounds
that can be detected using each of the compared designs. Experience (Eastwood et al, 2006)
with analysing such data arising from different research areas suggests that the estimates of
α are usually approximately normally distributed. Then, the statistic
d r × ND
σˆ 12i + σˆ 12 j
can be used to summarize the evidence whether or not compounds i and j have different
potencies. In (3.3) σˆ 12i and σˆ 12j are the variances for the estimates of α for compounds i and j,
respectively, and d = αˆ i − αˆ j , with standard error
σˆ 12i + σˆ 12 j
r × ND
in the common case that
compounds i and j are tested independently. If σˆ ε2 is obtained using a large number of
observations, Z follows approximately a normal distribution. Then, compound j will be
declared more potent than compound i if Z > Z1−ν / 2 , where Z1−v / 2 is the critical value of the
standard normal distribution at the specified significance level ν . If the number of the
observations is small, Z follows approximately a t-distribution, and the critical value will be
larger than Z 1−ν / 2 .
In general σ12i and σ12j are different for any compounds i and j and for the purpose of
comparing experimental designs it is easier to use the formula for the minimum significant
difference between αi and αj that follows from (3.3), i.e.
MSD = Z1−v / 2
σˆ 12i + σˆ 12 j
r × ND
The statistical power θ to declare a difference αˆ i − αˆ j
significant, when
α i − α j = λ 0 , is approximately
λ 0 r × ND ⎞⎟
θ = Pr ⎜ z > Z1−v / 2 −
ˆ 12i + σˆ 12 j ⎟
where z is a standard normally distributed variable. The choice of λ0 depends on the aim of
the experimenter.
Eastwood et al (2006) use a similar approach to define the minimum significant ratio
(MSR) between IC50 values for any two compounds i and j for a particular design. They
assume that the standard errors for the compared compounds are the same, say a, and for
γ = 0.05 define MSR = 10 2
. However, as discussed before, in general the standard errors
for all compounds are different (see Figure 1 for example) and therefore this quantity could
be inaccurate. This approximation can still be useful when the compounds that are compared
are believed to have similar potencies, or when the variability across different occasions is
considerably bigger than that on different plates, or if estimation processes are used that
make the variation of the potency estimate less dependent on the underlying potency.
4. Selecting a serial dilution design
Choosing an experimental design to test a compound on a single plate requires the
experimenter to define: the population of compounds that is of interest, ℜ; the maximum
dose MD; the dilution factor DF; the number of doses ND and the number of replications at
each dose level r. The appropriateness of an experimental design for a particular study can
be judged by a chosen statistical criterion (e.g. population D- or DS-optimality), but it also
depends on the cost and the practicalities of the experiment. We illustrate this using the
scenario of Example 1. We choose population DS-optimality as a primary criterion, as
usually the same design is used to study the compounds with different characteristics defined
by ℜ. This criterion is also easy to interpret and is directly related to the aim of the studies
when such designs are to be used. We compare serial dilutions designs obtained for dilution
factor DF = 2, 3, 4 and 5, and number of doses ND = 4, …, 20.
Suppose ℜ is defined in such a way that α L = log(1) , αU = log(10) , β L = 0.5 and
βU = 1.5 , and that MD = 100. Figures 2 (a) and 2 (b) show Dave and Save for serial dilution
designs with different dilution factors when there are no replications, i.e. r = 1 . The values
for the optimality criteria for bad designs which do not allow for α and β to be estimated are
not shown. DS-optimal designs also perform well with respect to the D-optimality criterion.
Also, those with small number of doses are worse with respect to both criteria. The designs
improve as ND and n increase, but both Dave and Save converge to values depending on MD
and DF. We refer to these values as limits. These limits can be found precisely for any values
for MD and DF, but this has little practical importance and is beyond the scope of this paper.
Figures 2 (a) and 2 (b) show that if there are no limitations on the experimental
resources, using DF = 2 and large values for ND will always lead to designs that are best
with respect to the D- and DS-optimality criteria. However, balance has to be struck between
the design optimality and the cost of the experiment which increases with the number of
doses tested. It can be seen that increasing ND beyond 15 does not lead to a noticeable
improvement in the accuracy of estimating the potencies of the compounds. However, when
ND<15, the designs obtained using DF = 3 are better than those obtained with DF = 2.
Using small number of doses, say 7 or 8, may look attractive because it requires
much smaller number of observations than when the number of doses is 15 or more. This is
likely to shorten the experiment and therefore cut its cost. Such designs are possible to use if
the precision of the results is considered satisfactory. This can be judged by looking at the
values of the other two population criteria of optimality, Dmin and Smax, as they are concerned
with the compounds for which the statistical properties of the estimates of their parameters
are worse. Figure 3 shows the values of these criteria for the same designs as in Figure 2.
Indeed, using smaller number of doses may give reasonable accuracy in earlier stages of
drug discovery when the detection of biological activity is much more important than its
accurate evaluation.
It can be shown that, when replicates are assumed to be independent, doubling the
number of the observations of the response at each dose level halves Save. If replicates are
positively correlated (as is admittedly often the case) then the value of replication will be
less, but nevertheless the upper bound makes it easy to compare designs with different
numbers of replications and different numbers of doses on the plate. For example, when
DF=2 and ND=20, Save=0.69, while when DF=2 and ND=10, Save=1.54. Replicating the
latter design reduces Save only to 0.77, hence, the former design is better. However, when
DF=3 and ND=10, Save=1.33, and replicating this design gives Save=0.67. This means that,
even if only marginally, replicating the design with DF=3 and ND=10 is better with respect
to the population Ds-optimality criterion if 20 observations of the response can be permitted.
However, while the design giving Save=0.67 requires the use of 300 units of each tested
compound, that with DF=2 and ND=20 and Save=0.69 requires only 200 units. This
difference is likely to significantly lower the cost of the experiment with a negligible loss of
optimality; hence the latter design is likely to be preferred by the experimenters after all.
The two designs compared so far cover different dose ranges. If the experimenter
would like to cover the dose range of the design with DF=2 and ND = 20, then the replicated
design with DF=4 and ND=10 should also be considered as these designs have
approximately the same dose range. The latter design has Save=0.67, hence it ensures more
precise estimation of the compounds potencies. However, it is more expensive than the
former design as it requires the use of 267 units of the tested compounds.
A similar approach can be used to decide what maximum dose to be used in an
experiment. The properties of serial dilution designs with the same dilution factor but with
different maximum doses then have to be compared. For example, Figures 4 (a) and 4 (b)
show Dave and Save for serial dilution designs when MD=30, while ℜ is unchanged. Similar
trends that were seen in Figures 2 (a) and 2 (b) can be seen again. Comparing various options
when again 20 observations are allowed shows that replicating the design with DF=3 and
ND=10 is best. For this design Save = 0.62, even smaller than Save for the best design using
maximal dose of 100. Similarly, the best design with DF = 2 has Save = 0.66, but is
potentially considerably cheaper than the former design. Hence, using smaller maximal dose
in this case leads to a serial dilution design that would not compromise the quality of the
data, while requiring 70% less of the studied compounds compared to the design where MD
= 100 is used - a savings that cannot be ignored.
The design problem can be defined in ways different than those discussed here. For
example, there might be situations when the total number of wells that can be used to study a
compound are predetermined, while the experimenter is free to choose MD. Solution can be
found in a similar way be redefining the optimization problem. Clearly, as the requirements
for the experiment and the limitations change, so will the serial dilution design that will be
most appropriate.
A clear idea of the aim of the study and good scientific knowledge are required to
define ℜ well. If ℜ is unnecessarily large, the experimental resources required to achieve
sufficient population precision of the results increase. For example, Figures 5 (a) and 5 (b)
show Dave and Save for serial dilution experimental designs when MD=30 but α L is reduced
from log(1) to log(0.01). Serial dilution designs with DF = 3 ensuring similar properties to
the best designs seen so far have 11 or even 12 doses, compared to the required 10 doses
when α L =1. Hence, 4 more observations are needed for each tested compound in order to
obtain results with comparable accuracy. On the other hand, the design obtained with DF = 2
requires ND = 24 in order to match Save of the best design with the smaller ℜ, i.e. again 4
observations more. As the design is likely to be used to study a number of compounds, such
a difference may correspond to a considerable difference in the required experimental cost
by both designs. Therefore, using knowledge about the likely properties of the studied
compounds to define ℜ accurately may ultimately reduce the cost of the study.
5. Discussion
The results presented in this paper were based on specific assumptions that will not
always be satisfied. For example, as one of the referees pointed out, in binding assays the
slope parameter β must in theory be equal to 1. Hence, model (2.1) can be simplified by
setting β=1. The criteria of optimality will have to be modified accordingly. Once this
modification has been made, though, the choice of a serial dilution design can be made in the
same way.
There are situations when difficulties occur during the experiment and outliers have
to be removed from the data before analysis. Clearly the statistical properties of estimates of
the model parameters of interest will no longer be as intended. If such problems are
anticipated before the experiment, further care is needed to ensure higher robustness of the
experimental design, for example by increasing the number of replications.
Similarly, Eastwood et al (2006) pointed out that the estimates of the variance based
on the model fit may seriously underestimate the true population variance. This problem can
be considerably reduced by testing compounds of interest on different plates and on different
occasions. The same serial dilution design can be used each time.
One may certainly wonder whether designs based on Bayesian D- and DS- optimality
criteria would outperform the serial dilution designs considered in this paper. Extensive
empirical simulation studies carried out by the authors provided clear evidence that there is
hardly anything to be gained in terms of design optimality. A complete description of such
studies is beyond the scope of the present research, but the authors have no doubts about its
results - namely, a serial dilution design carefully selected according to the principles
discussed in this paper will be negligibly inferior to a corresponding Bayesian D- or DSoptimal design, while being much easier to implement in practice.
As shown in Section 4, using different serial dilution designs can lead to considerable
differences in the statistical properties of the results and the cost of the experiment. The
approach presented in this paper helps to choose the one that would ensure the results have
certain desirable statistical properties. It has already been successfully used in various
biological studies. We hope this paper will encourage more researchers to use it and, hence,
collect better data in the future.
Alexander Donev is grateful to AstraZeneca for the opportunity to gain knowledge about the
problem discussed in this paper during the time of his employment within the company.
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Figure 1. Contour plot for σ12 when a serial dilution design with MD=30, DF=2 and ND=10
has been used.
Figure 2. (a) Dave, (b) Save for serial dilution experimental designs with different dilution factors and a maximum dose of 100.
α L = log(1) , αU = log(10) , β L = 0.5 and βU = 1.5 .
Figure 3. (a) Dmin, (b) Smax for serial dilution experimental designs with different dilution factors and a maximum dose of 100.
α L = log(1) , αU = log(10) , β L = 0.5 and βU = 1.5 .
Figure 4. (a) Dave, (b) Save for serial dilution experimental designs with different dilution factors and a maximum
dose of 30. α L = log(1) , αU = log(10) , β L = 0.5 and βU = 1.5 .
Figure 5. (a) Dave, (b) Save for serial dilution experimental designs with different dilution factors and a maximum dose of 30.
α L = log(0.01) , αU = log(10) , β L = 0.5 and βU = 1.5 .