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Science 7
Mr. Miller
Circulation, Respiration, and Nervous System Review
Name: __________________
Date: __________________
Use your notes, worksheets, and textbook to answer the following questions. Make sure to
complete all of the parts. Short, note-like responses are acceptable as long as you have answered
the question thoroughly.
1. What makes up the cardiovascular system?
The Heart, Blood, and Vessels_
2. Describe the path in which blood passes through the heart, out into the body, and back (both
circulation loops).
Right Atrium, Right Ventricle, Pulmonary Arteries, Lungs, Pulmonary Veins, Left Atrium, Left
Ventricle, Aorta, Body Arteries, Capillaries, Body Veins, Right Atrium
3. What are veins (describe their physical structure and what they do)?
Thin walled vessels with valves which carry blood back to the Right Atrium of the heart
4. What causes blood pressure? What happens to blood pressure as the blood moves away from
the heart?
The force exerted by blood on the artery walls; Blood pressure drops as it gets further and
further from the heart
5. Contrast white and red blood cells.
Red blood cells number in the trillions, carry oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide away from
cells, and are smooth. White blood cells are much larger, rough in appearance, and fight disease.
6. What does the respiratory system provide the body and what does it remove from the body?
The respiratory system provides oxygen to the body and removes carbon dioxide and water
7. Where does gas exchange take place? What gases are exchanged?
Gas exchange takes place at the alveoli (air sacs) in the lungs. Oxygen is exchanged for carbon
8. What is a stimulus? What then is a response?
Stimulus: any outside force which requires an organism to react in some way. Response: the
body’s reaction to a stimulus
9. What structures comprise (make up) the Peripheral Nervous System? What makes up the
Central Nervous system?
Interneurons, motor neurons; Brain and Spinal cord
10. Compare and contrast the Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems.
Automonic nervous system: controls most involuntary functions and reflexes
Somatic: controls voluntary actions
11. What are the functions of the circulatory (cardiovascular) system?
Carry needed substances to cells and remove waste products
12. What connective tissue carries needed substances to the body cells?
13. Compare and contrast the functions of the atria and ventricles within the heart.
Atria and ventricles pump blood; atria receive blood from the body; Ventricles pump blood out
of the heart
14. What is the pacemaker and where is it located?
A group of cells in the right atrium which monitor and control the heart beat
15. What are veins (describe their physical structure and what they do)?
thin walled vessels which carry blood back to the heart; have valves to prevent back flow
16. Which atrium receives blood with little oxygen?
Right atrium
17. What are capillaries and what happens there?
the smallest of the vessels; connect arteries to veins; gas exchange occurs here
18. What causes blood pressure?
the force with which the ventricles contract
19. List the 4 components of blood and state the function of each.
Plasma: the liquid portion of blood; 90% water
Red Blood Cells: Carry oxygen to the cells and remove carbon dioxide
Platelets: fragments of cells which aid in clotting
White Blood Cells: fight disease invaders
20. What is a valve? Where can they be found in the body?
A structure which prevents backflow of blood; in the heart and in the veins
21. Which chamber of the heart contracts with the most force? Explain why.
The left ventricle; it is thicker and pumps blood to the entire body
22. What happens when your pulse increases? Why does it happen?
Your heart beats faster because your blood oxygen concentration has dropped
23. What is a sphygmomanometer?
A device which monitors blood pressure
24. What is hypertension? Why is it the “silent killer?”
High blood pressure; there are no outward symptoms
25. What does the nose do for the respiratory system (3 things)?
Warms, moistens, and filters air
26. What part of the respiratory system is also used by the digestive system?
the pharyx; the back of the throat
27. What is an alveolus and why is it important?
an air sac; where gas exchange takes place in the lungs
28. What is homeostasis?
The maintenance of stable internal conditions
29. List the 3 types of neurons and describe what each does.
Sensory neurons: pick up an environmental stimuli
Interneurons: transmit information to other nerves
Motor neurons: cause a muscle to cause a response
30. What structure links the brain to the rest of the body?
Spinal cord
31. What are the three main parts of the brain? What does each do for you?
Cerebrum: memory, reasoning
Cerebellum: balance
Brainstem: involuntary processes
32. What is a reflex? Why are they important to our survival as a species?
An immediate, involuntary, response to a stimulus; the help a species to avoid injury
33. List the 6 major senses. Be able to discuss each.
Smell: chemical response; can trigger strong memories
Taste: chemical response; taste buds
Balance: the ability to maintain stable locomotion: semicircular canals
Sight: the ability to detect light and use it for sight
Touch: pressure, pain, temperature
Hearing: ability to detect vibrations as auditory input; conchlea
34. What produces sound?
vibrations which stimulate the eardrum and cochlea
35. Why is pain important for survival?
it helps an organism avoid injury
36. What do the semicircular canals control?
the fluid within them maintains balance
37. What is a synapse? What happens there?
the gap between the axon tip and the next neuron; messages get passed from one neuron to
This test covers a lot of material from a fairly large block of time. You will need to study if you
are to be successful. Make sure to complete this review sheet by Thursday, May 13, 2010 for it
will be checked and gone over in class on that day.
Good Luck in your studies…….