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Chapter 5 and 6 Study Guide
15 multiple choice questions and 7 fill in the blank with word bank provided
Topics covered are:
Parent material for all rock
Know how igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks are formed
Cementation and compaction –sedimentary rocks
Intrusive and extrusive- igneous rocks
How does sedimentary rock become metamorphic rock
Igneous intermediate family in called andesite
Felsic is high in silica
What is conglomerate rock made from?
Sedimentary graded and cross bedding
Difference between contact and regional metamorphism
Where does most metamorphic rock form
Igneous intrusive and extrusive
Factors that affect melting point of a rock
Valuable ore deposits are found in igneous intrusions
Two ways sedimentary rock forms
Igneous do crystals form when rock cools quickly
Know mafic and felsic several questions on this
Fill in the chart with work bank on igneous rocks; extrusive, intrusive, felsic,
mafic, porphyritic texture, layered intrusions pegamite zoned crystals
Three questions on the table on p. 107 in your textbook
Know how to read the chart
Figure 5-5 and b on p. 103 Bowens reaction series 1 question short answer
1 question on how to read a pressure vs. temperature chart