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The evolution of the amniotic egg gave reptiles a great reproductive advantage.
The Asian saltwater crocodile lives in estuaries and is adapted to life in the marine
Sea turtles have streamlined bodies and appendages modified into flippers.
Sea turtles mate at sea and lay eggs on the same beaches where the females hatched.
Sea turtles may migrate long distances between their breeding grounds and their
nesting beaches.
The marine iguana of the Galápagos Islands is the only marine lizard.
Sea snakes are mostly found in the shallow coastal waters of the Western Pacific
and Indian oceans where they feed on fish and fish eggs.
Shorebirds are adapted for finding food in shallow water and sand.
A variety of bird species including, gulls, pelicans, and tubenoses are adapted to
feeding on marine organisms.
Penguins are the birds most adapted to life in the sea.
Many marine reptiles and birds are endangered by human activities.
Marine Reptiles
Ancestors of modern reptiles appeared about 100 million years ago.
Reptiles adapted for success on land, then used the same characteristics to return to
the sea
Modern-day reptiles include:
– crocodilians
– turtles
– lizards
– snakes
Amniotic Egg
An amniotic egg is covered by a protective shell
– amnion
– yolk sac
– allantois
– chorion
Amniotic egg allowed longs development with less risk of predation
Copulatory organs allow efficient internal fertilization
Physiological Adaptations
Advanced circulatory system
Kidneys are efficient in eliminating wastes while conserving water
Skin covered with scales and lacking glands decreases water loss
Marine Crocodiles
Largest living reptiles
Feed mainly on fishes
Drink salt water and eliminate excess salt through salt glands on their tongues
Lives along the shore, where it nests
Females reach sexual maturity at 10 – 12 years of age, males mature at ~ 16 years.
Elevated nests contain 40 – 60 eggs, incubation period is ~ 90 days
Communicate with calls or barks
Good navigational skills
Sea Turtles
Seven species inhabit world’s oceans
Adaptations to life at sea
– protective shells that are fused to the skeleton
• outer layer composed of keratin
• inner layer composed of bone
• carapace
• plastron
– leatherback turtle lacks shell
Adaptations to life at sea
– shell is adapted for buoyancy/swimming
– fatty deposits and spongy bones add buoyancy
– front limbs are modified into large flippers
– back limbs are used for steering and digging nests
– generally solitary, interact for courtship
– remain submerged (up to 3 hrs) while at sea
– alternate between feeding and resting
– sleep on the bottom under rocks or coral
– in deep water, sea turtles can sleep on surface
Feeding and nutrition
– have a beak-like structure instead of teeth
– green sea turtle is the only herbivore
– leatherback sea turtles adapted to eat jellyfish
– salt consumed are eliminated as tears
– courtship
– nesting
– female can lay several clutches of eggs
– development and hatching
Turtle migrations
– migrate hundreds to thousands of km
– females return to beaches where they were born to nest
– many hypotheses explaining method for sea turtle navigation over long
• utilize smell and taste as well as auditory cues
• sense angle intensity of earth’s magnetic field
• use sun
Sea turtles in danger
– beach erosion/alteration
– artificial lighting near nesting beaches
– sea turtles are killed when trapped in fishing nests
turtles are hunted by humans
dogs, cats and raccoons dig up nests and prey on eggs
Marine Iguana
The only marine iguana is in the Galápagos Islands
Most are black, some mottled red and black
– absorption of heat
– high body heat allows swimming and feeding in cold water
few predators but vulnerable to feral predators
Feeding and nutrition
– herbivores with snout for grazing on seaweed
– some dive at high tide to feed on algae
– excess salt excreted by specialized glands
– good swimmers
– intruders are attacked when they enter territory
• rarely result in serious injury
Sea Snakes
Descendants of lizards
Adaptations to life in the sea
– scales
– tail
– nostrils
– single lung
– exchange gases through the skin
– can lower metabolic rate to use less O2
Feeding and nutrition
– eat mainly fish, fish eggs and eels
– salt excreting gland
– 3 oviparous species, others are viviparous
– congregate to mate
– have two penises - hemipenes
– gestation from 4 to 11 months
– can swim at birth
Sea snakes and humans
– venom is toxic
– rarely bite humans
– eaten in Japan
250 of 8,500 bird species live near or in the sea
Seabirds feed in the sea
Some spend months away from land
Types of seabirds:
gulls and their relatives
pelicans and their relatives
Adaptations for Flight
High rate of metabolism
Strong muscles, quick responses and coordination
Advanced respiratory system with 4-chambered heart
Excellent sight and hearing and large brain
Adapting to Life in the Sea
Large amounts of salt are consumed
– salt glands remove excess salt
– tears have high salt concentration
– oystercatchers use long, orange bills to slice through adductor muscles of
bivalve molluscs, pry limpets off rocks, crush crabs and probe mud
– have short, plump bodies
– nests in depressions or hollows on the ground
– heavyset birds, with upturned bills used like crowbars to turn over stones and
beach debris
– feed on small crustaceans and mollusks in sand
– long-billed curlew uses bill like a forceps to extract shellfish from their
Avocets and Stilts
– have long legs and necks and slender bodies
– avocets wade through shallow water, moving beak the water
– stilts probe the mud for small animals
Herons, egrets and bitterns
– widespread
– skinny legs and long necks
– most stand still and wait for prey
– some stalk prey or frighten prey into motion
Gulls and Their Relatives
Gulls have webbed feet and oil glands
They are not true ocean-going birds
Have enormous appetites but are not selective feeders
Relatives of gulls include terns, skuas, jaeger birds, skimmers and alcids
– herring gulls are the most widespread
– feeding
• noisy, aggressive, efficient predators and scavengers
• may drop prey to break the shell open
• highly successful at finding food
– nesting
• highly gregarious; gather in large colonies
• not picky about nesting sites or materials
• both sexes assist in incubating 2-3 eggs
• chicks hatch in 3-4 weeks
• not uncommon for only 1 out of every 5 hatchlings to survive
– small birds with brightly-colored bills and forked tails
– hunt by plunging into the water; will steal food
– usually gregarious nesters
Skuas and Jaegers
– very aggressive omnivores and predators
– “hawks” or “vultures” of the sea
– jaegers will pursue other birds to steal their prey
Skimmers (scissorbills)
– pupils that are vertical slits and a
– lower jaw protruding farther than the upper bill
– fly over water and create ripples that attract fish
Alcids - include auks, puffins and murres
– look like penguins but are related to gulls
• convergent evolution
• ecological equivalents
– nesting and reproduction
• alcids gather in dense, cliff side colonies
• both parents care for 1 pear-shaped egg
– parental care of the young
• young murres plunge into the water to be joined by the parents
• alcid parents spend most of their time gathering food for chicks
• adult puffins abruptly leave chicks to learn to swim after 6 weeks of
constant care
Pelicans and Their Relatives
Pelicans, gannets, boobies, cormorants, darters, frigatebirds, tropicbirds
Have webs between all 4 toes
Upper mandible is hooked in pelicans, cormorants and frigatebirds
Many are brightly colored, or have head adornments
large birds preferring warm latitudes and estuary, coastal and inland waters
require a large fish population
feed just under the water’s surface
• gular pouch
– dive into the sea from 18-30 m up to fish
– numbers of eggs may reflect food supply
– lack oil glands, must periodically dry their wings
– lightweight body and near 2 m wingspan
– cannot waterproof their feathers
– hence they feed by skimming surface with their bills
– pursue/attack other birds to steal prey
Petrels, albatrosses and shearwaters
Tubular nostrils on their beaks
Glands secrete concentrated salt solution
Glands in stomachs produces oil used for feeding hatchlings and defense
– gliders with wings nearly 3.5 m long
– most live in the Southern Hemisphere
– usually come to land only to breed
– elaborate courtship displays precede mating
– 1 egg is incubated by both
– small birds with long legs with fluttering flight
• feed with legs extended and feet paddling rapidly
• form long-term pair bonds for breeding
• live only in year-round cold water
• spot prey from the air, dive, and pursue prey by “flying” underwater
Swift swimmers
– streamlined
– flat, webbed feet for steering
– leap from the water to breathe
Eat fishes, squid and krill
Eaten by leopard seals and killer whales
Female emperor penguin lays 1 egg, which the male incubates while she feeds
– egg sits on his feet, covered by a fold of skin
– male can feed the chick
– crop
– both parents help
– by summer, the chick can feed itself,