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Name: ________________________
Holden – Global I (9th Grade)
The Mayas
One major civilization influenced by the Olmecs was that of the Mayas, who flourished
from about A.D. 300 to 900. During this period, the Mayas developed a complex agricultural
society. They established large city-states in southern Mexico and throughout much of Central
1. What evidence suggests that the Mayas established a complex civilization?
Farming and Trade
Farmers made up most of the Mayan population. Men usually cultivated the crops, which
included corn, beans, and squash. Women were in charge of turning these crops into food. To
clear forest land for crops, the Maya practiced slash-and-burn agriculture. This method of
farming involves burning vegetation to clear land for planting. What was remaining after this
method was practiced served as a fertilizer for the season’s harvest.
Farmers paid taxes, in the form of food, to support the cities and their temples. Farming
did not provide everything the Maya needed. Villages started trading with one another to get
goods such as cotton and jade that came from different parts of Mesoamerica. The Mayas
accumulated much wealth from a profitable trade system. Traders carried valuable honey,
cocoa, and feathers across Central America along hard-packed dirt roads.
2. Explain the differing gender roles of Maya men and women?
3. Why did the Maya practice slash-and-burn agriculture?
4. Why do civilizations develop trade networks?
The Maya were polytheistic. Because of the significance of religion to the Mayas,
priests occupied an important place in the social hierarchy, or social structure. These religious
leaders held such importance because they alone could conduct the elaborate rituals that the
Mayas believed would ensure abundant harvests and victories in battle.
One common ritual involved offering blood to the gods, usually by piercing the tongue or
skin. Common religious rituals involved a ball game. In this game, players tried to get a heavy
rubber ball through a stone ring using only their elbows, knees, or hips. Losing teams often lost
their lives as well, with their hearts sacrificed to the gods. The Maya performed human
sacrifices only on certain occasions.
5. Why would priests and other religious leaders conduct rituals?
5. Who were the Olmecs and what did they accomplish?
Social Structure
Maya civilization featured a distinct social hierarchy. Each Mayan city-state had its own
ruling chief. Priests would be located below ruling chiefs. Below priests were the nobles.
Nobles served as city officials, military leaders, and professional warriors. Although those in
the ruling class were usually men, women could occasionally obtain some degree of power.
Just below the nobles were merchants and skilled craftpeople. Most Mayas, however, were
Complete the social structure triangle from the information found in the section above. Draw each class on the
triangle and explain each class on the lines provided next to the triangle.
Architecture In their cities, the Mayas
built impressive pyramid temples and large
palaces. In addition, canals were a major achievement of the Maya that served as vital
irrigation systems. Elaborate paintings5.and
the walls
from Maya
were theon
and what
did they
Despite the tropical_____________________________________
environment, the Mayas grew enough food to support
large city populations. Farmers made this
the densethat
forestsin and
3. What
are thebynames
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then building raised fields that were capable
of holding
the Americas?
they located?
Learning and Science
Perhaps the most impressive achievement of the Mayas was
their advanced learning. Mayas developed a hieroglyphic (picture) system of writing and
recorded much of their knowledge in books
made of tree bark. Mayan priests developed a very
accurate 365-day calendar. They used a numbering system and understood the concept of zero
before Europeans did.
Fill in notes for each contribution topic:
Learning and Science
Around A.D. 900, the Mayas
abandoned their cities. Historians
speculate that warfare or
overpopulation may have cause agriculture to decline or that there were revolts by the lower
Remnants of this great culture
remain, however. Today millions
of people in
and southern Mexico speak
Mayan languages.
Name: ________________________
Holden – Global I (9th Grade)
In the late 1200s, the Aztecs established their capital at Tenochtitlan. They were fierce warriors. In the
1400s, the Aztecs used conquests and alliances to build a huge empire. Their capital grew to become a
magnificent city with temples, palaces, gardens, and zoos.
In the early 1400s, Aztec leaders began forming alliances with neighboring city-states. An alliance is an
arrangement in which two or more countries or groups agree to work together in an effort to change or achieve a
mutual goal. The Aztecs soon became the dominant power in what is now central Mexico. Then, through a
series of military victories over smaller states, the Aztecs steadily expanded their empire. Each conquered state
was given an Aztec governor. The Aztecs became wealthy from tribute, payment they took from conquered
people. By the early 1500s, the Aztecs empire covered most of Mexico and included about 30 million people.
Religion was important to the Aztecs. Priests were higher in the social hierarchy because they led rituals
that were believed to appease the gods, who were thought to prevent disasters. The Aztecs built a huge pyramid
in the center of Tenochtitlan to honor their chief deity, the sun god.
To please the gods, Aztecs priests offered many thousands of human sacrifices. Both the Olmecs and
the Mayas had also practiced human sacrifice. Aztec sacrificial victims were usually captured enemy soldiers.
Rulers, Nobles, and Priests
Unlike the Mayas, the Aztecs were ruled by a single emperor, who was
chosen by a council of nobles and priests. Below this ruler was the noble class which consisted of priests,
government officials, judges, and city-state governors.
Warriors and Traders
The warriors came next in the Aztec class structure. A warrior might rise
into the noble class through superior performance on the battlefield. Traders were below warriors in social
status. They carried goods over long distances to exchange for products from peoples who lived beyond the
Farmers and Slaves
Most of the people in the empire were farmers. Slaves made up the lowest
class in the social structure. Members of this group were mainly criminals or enemy soldiers who had been
captured. Despite their low status in society, they still had certain rights guaranteed by Aztec law. Some slave
even owned land and eventually bought their freedom.
Learning and Science
Aztec priests devised an accurate calendar. They also established schools
and recorded historical events. Aztec medical practices were advanced enough that practitioners could set
broken bones and treat dental cavities.
Architecture and Engineering The Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan was one of the great achievements of
Mesoamerican civilization. Built on the site of present-day Mexico City, Tenochtitlan began as two small
islands in Lake Texcoco. Engineers filled in parts of the lake and built wide stone causeways to connect
Tenochtitlan to the mainland.
Architects designed high pyramid temples, an elaborate emperor’s palace, and busy outdoor markets.
An estimated 200,000 people lived in Tenochtitlan in C.E. 1500, making it the largest and most densely
populated settlement in Mesoamerica.
As their population grew, the Aztecs found effect ways to create more
farmland. They used a variety of fertilizers and converted swampy areas into productive farmland. They also
built chinampas, artificial islands made of earth piled on reed mats that were attached to the shallow bed of
Lake Texcoco. On these “floating gardens” Aztec farmers raised corn, squash, and beans. The Aztecs’ ability
to produce an abundance of food was a major factor in the success of their empire.
Name: ________________________
Holden – Global I (9th Grade)
Aztecs: Student Response Sheet
The Aztecs
What is the name of the Aztec capital? What did it contain that makes is a magnificent city?
What is an alliance?
How did the Aztecs expand their empire?
How did the Aztecs gain wealth? How was the Aztec conquering practice similar to Chinese dynasties?
Why were priests important members of society?
Why wouldn’t you want the Aztecs to capture you in battle?
Social Structure: Label and explain each class within Aztec society.
How was the Aztec emperor selected?
5. Who were the Olmecs and what did they accomplish?
How did the Aztecs treat their slaves?
3. What are the names of the civilizations that emerged in
Where was the city of Tenochtitlan built? How was
it built? Where were they located?
the Americas?
Describe a chinampa?
What do you think was the greatest contribution of the Aztecs? Explain why!
Name: ________________________
Holden – Global I (9th Grade)
In the 1400s, the Incas emerged from the Andes Mountains in South America and conquered a large area
that extended over 2,500 miles down the Pacific coast. The Incas ruled an empire made up a many separate
conquered peoples.
An emperor ruled the Incas. The first emperor was a warrior who led his armies through many
successful battles. The emperor held absolute power and owned all of the people, land, herds, and mines. The
emperor was also the chief religious leader and claimed divine status as the son of the sun.
The emperor headed a strong central government from the mountain capital at Cuzco. Nobles ran the
provinces along with local chieftains from the conquered people of each area. Other officials collected taxes,
enforced laws, and performed routine government business. The Incan government strictly controlled the lives
of the millions of people within its empire. Everyone had to speak the same language, Quechua, and practice
the Incan religion.
Incan religion affected all parts of daily life. The people worshiped many gods related to forces of
nature as well as guardian spirits in the home. The most important Incan deity was the sun god. A powerful
class of priests conducted rituals and led monthly religious festivals that featured sports and games.
The emperor could not have imposed this centralized rule over such a large area without a remarkable
system of roads. Runners used these roads to carry news swiftly from far-off provinces to the emperor in the
capital. If necessary, Incan armies could move quickly over the roads to crush any rebellion that formed in
distant corners of the empire.
Architecture and Engineering The Incan system of roads stands out as a major accomplishment of their
civilization. It extended more than 12,000 miles, included hundred of bridges, and even used tunnels and steps
to pass through mountainous terrain.
The capital city of Cuzco was home to other Incan engineering achievements. In the city center stood
the giant Temple of the Sun, built with huge stone blocks and featuring inner walls lined with gold. The
engineering of this temple was so advanced that the building was strong enough to withstand major
Like the Aztecs, the Incas frequently borrowed and built upon ideas from
other societies. Incan farmers used stone walls to improve upon terraces. Terrace farming is an agricultural
method in which farmers planted crops on strips of land on steep hillsides. Downward sloped hillsides were
dug and flattened which prevented strong rain from washing away the soil. The terraces made in possible to
farm effectively in places were flat land was scarce.
Incan government officials kept records by means of a system of colored
and knotted cords known as quipus. The colors and knots represented numbers and dates. Historians believe
that quipus maybe have been used to record dates and events as well as population and crop statistics.
The Incas had a calendar but were not as advanced in astronomy as the
Mayas had been. One areas in which the Incas excelled was medicine. The performed successful surgery to
treat head wounds. The Incas also had knowledge about diseases and medicines; they used herbs and
Name: ________________________
Holden – Global I (9th Grade)
Incas: Student Response Sheet
The Incas
Where did the Incas settle?
Centralized Government:
What factors lead you to understand the emperor’s power was absolute?
Where was the Incan capital city?
Would you want to live under Incan government? Explain yes or no!
Which religions that we have studied this year are similar to the Incas? Explain how they are similar.
What is the main Incan god?
An Empire Linked By Roads
Cross-Cultural Connection: What other powerful civilization had an advanced system of roads?
What were Incan roads used for?
Describe the Temple of the Sun at the city of Cuzco?
What is terrace farming? Why did Incan farmers practice this method of agriculture?
What are quipus?
What evidence suggests that the Incan’s were advanced in medicine?