Download 10 th grade World History, Mrs. Cooke, Room

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10th grade World History, Mrs. Cooke, Room #813
Dear Students & Parents,
Welcome to 10th grade Social Studies, World History! This is a two semester class that is
required for high school graduation. Our units of study are based on the California State Standards
and we use the World History: Modern Times book as our core curriculum. In this class, we will
cover the first civilizations, the Glorious Revolution, Enlightenment, French Revolution, Industrial
Revolution, Imperialism, World War I, Russian Revolution, World War II, totalitarianism, the Cold
War, current events, and much more!
Please allow me to introduce myself. I was born in San Diego, California where I have spent
most of my free time playing sports and going to the beach. I moved to Riverside to attend the
University of California, Riverside where I earned a basketball scholarship. I was a starting
forward for the division one UCR women’s basketball team and we won two Big West
Championships in the four years I was there. I earned my B.A. in history and my M.A. in
education from UCR graduating with honors. This is my 6th year teaching and my 4th year at
Bonita High School. If I was not a history teacher, I would have a career in sports journalism, but
history is my passion and I love being a teacher because I get to work with awesome people every
day and tell amazing stories!
I look forward to a successful year! Please contact me anytime regarding this class, e-mail is best.
Mrs. Cooke
Email: [email protected] Website:
Supplies for Success: Because of school budget limits, I recommend that you buy your own school
supplies and bring them to class every day. It’s easier for you to access your own supplies during
class; you won’t need to wait around for my limited public-use supplies and you’ll have what you
need for home as well. So, stock up on these supplies for success:
*Agenda or Calendar
*back pack
*Internet access (home or public library)
* 100 page Spiral notebook college ruled (by Friday)
*pencils with erasers, 2 blue or black pens
*pencil sharpener
More on other side…
*colored pencils
*glue stick
* 1 whiteboard marker
* red pen
Student Interactive Notebook: SIN (100 points): Students will turn in all warm-ups, notes, worksheets, maps, study guides and other
assignments together at the end of each unit in their SIN. Mrs. Cooke will collect and grade the SIN based on punctuality, completeness,
organization, correctness, visual appearance, originality, critical thinking, understanding, and exceeding standards. See Table of Contents on the
board to check assignments.
Assessments :
Unit Exams (100 points) : (Multiple Choice, T/F, Fill in, Short Answer)
*study guides provided but will be closed book/note exams.
Quizzes (20-50 points): given mid chapter to check vocabulary and understanding
Projects (100 points) : Creative work and writing assignments outside of notebook assignments, 1 per unit.
Midterm/Final Exam (200 points): given at end of each semester
100 - 90
89 - 80
79 -70
69 - 60
59 - 0
What does the score mean?
Advanced --- Exceeded standards
Proficient --- Met standards
Basic --- Met most standards
Below Basic --- Met few standards
Far Below Basic --- Met few to no standards
All assignments and
assessments will be written
on the whiteboard! There
is no excuse for missing
upcoming work or tests!
Be prepared!
Stay informed!
General Classroom Procedures:
Absences: See the What did I Miss? binder in class for notes & assignments or check the class website ( This is your
responsibility to find out. It also helps to notify Mrs. Cooke before if you know you will be absent so she can give you work ahead of time. If
you are absent on the day of an exam, it is the students responsibility to schedule a time to come in to make it up (before school, or intervention).
Restrooms & Drinking Fountain: Take care of these needs during passing period. DO NOT ask for a pass at the beginning (first 10 min) or
ending (last 10 min) of class or while I’m teaching. You may bring a water bottle as long as it’s not a distraction .
Tardies: Do not come to class late without a pass. You must be sitting in your assigned seat and have your materials ready BEFORE the bell or
you will be marked tardy and receive a DETENTION.
Arrival & Dismissal: End your personal conversations at the door. Once seated, get out your materials and write down the SWBAT of the day.
There is absolutely NO talking at the beginning and ending of class. Before dismissal, pick up trash & materials and straighten desks & books.
Do NOT pack up early, wait until Ms. Cooke has instructed you to do so.
During Class: Listen and follow directions. Do not distract from teaching & learning. Raise your hand to speak and wait to be called on. Work
silently during an “independent activity” and work cooperatively during “group work.” Get permission to get out of your seat, don’t wander
around the classsroom.
Make-up Policy: Students who score 69% or lower on any unit exam have the option to complete a make-up assignment to raise their exam score
to passing. We will go over the make-up assignment in class after the first exam.
Homework: Homework is given on a daily basis. All assignments are due at the beginning of class and will be stamped to show completeness.
Late work is accepted, but will be marked down 10% for each day it is late, unless there was an excused absence. Contact me if needed.
Classroom Rules:
1. Be respectful and polite towards yourself and others
2. Be prepared for class every day
3. Be in your assigned seat with supplies out when the bell rings
4. Raise your hand and wait to be called on to talk.
5. Stay focused, positive, and on task
6. No food or drink inside the classroom, except water
7. Follow all school rules (no electronics out unless told otherwise)
Disciplinary Consequences:
1. verbal warning,
2. isolated seating
3. after school detention 4. phone call to parent
5. rapid exit/referral
**loss of school privileges, and additional assigned
tasks, may occur in combination with any
consequences listed above.
Please cut on the dotted line, sign, and return tomorrow.
Print student’s first, middle, and last name: _______________________________________________
Parents, please initial one of the following:
________ I give my child permission to view PG-13 rated World History videos for the purpose of enrichment and
providing visual examples of events in US History.
________ I do not give my child permission to view PG-13 rated World History videos and understand that my child
will be sent to the library or another classroom to do an alternative assignment.
We have read and understand the information regarding World History class and promise to have a great school year.
Student Signature & Date___________________________________________________
Parent Signature & Date____________________________________________________
Parent e-mail address and/or phone number:___________________________________________________