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AP World History Chapter 11 Study Guide-The Americas on the Eve on Invasion
1) During the post-classical period did the societies in the Americas have direct contact with the Old World? 
2) What were the characteristics of American civilizations during the post-classic period? 
3) Who were the northern nomadic peoples who entered central Mexico following the decline of Teotihuacán? 
4) The Toltec capital was established at; 
5) What was the relationship between the Toltecs and their predecessors in central Mexico? 
6) How did the Aztecs view the cultural achievements of the Toltecs? 
7) The Toltec empire lasted until about what date? 
8) After the sack of Tula, the center of population and political power in Mexico shifted to: 
9) The people who succeeded the Toltecs as the rulers of central Mexico were the: 
10) Around what year did the Aztecs migrate to the central valley of Mexico? 
11) In the period shortly after the arrival of the Aztecs in the valley of Mexico, what was the nature of the political organization of the
region? 
12) What was the city challenging for dominance at the time of the Aztec arrival in the valley of Mexico? 
13) What city did the Aztecs establish ca. 1325 on a marshy island in Lake Texcoco? 
14) In what year did Tenochtitlan emerge as the dominant force in the central plateau that it controlled along with Texcoco and
Tlacopan? 
15) As a result of the Aztecs expanded and conquered, what religious practice was expanded into an enormous cult? p
16) What was the impact of expansion and conquest on the Aztec social system? Describe the power structure
17) The Aztec prime minister responsible for the expansion of human sacrifice and the rewriting of previous histories was:
18) Describe the Aztec religious system, who was important, what did they worship etc… 
19) What were the major themes or cults of Aztec religion? 
20) The central figure of the cult of human sacrifice and the most sacred deity of the Aztecs was…
21) What was the Aztec view of history? 
22) Describe the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, its major buildings, what it looked like, it’s size: 
23) The Aztec innovation in intensive agriculture in the aquatic environments of the lakes of central Mexico was the development of
24) Describe / explain the Aztec economy: 
25) One of the most permanent features of Aztec society was its organization into clans or 
Stearns, et al. World Civilizations Advanced Placement Edition
26) What were the functions/duties/jobs of the Aztec kinship groups? 
27) Closely identified with the cult of sacrifice and the military, the Aztec social hierarchy developed a nobility referred to as the
28) Explain/describe the Aztec view of marriage and the family? 
29) While the position of Aztec women in many ways paralleled that of women in other civilizations at a similar stage of
development, what was the significant difference between the life of women in Mesoamerica and in the Mediterranean world?
30) What was the nature of the Aztec administration of subject territories, how did they treat them? 
31) The image of the Inca Empire as a carefully organized system in which every community collectively contributed to the whole
and the state regulated the distribution of resources on the basis of need is referred to as …
32) Why did Marvin Harris call the Aztecs a "cannibal kingdom", in other words why did cannibalism start? 
33) What was the primary difference in the political situation between the Mesoamerican and Andean zones following the breakup of
the classical states? 
34) The most powerful of the Andean states between 900 and 1465 following the decline of Tihuanaco and Huari was
35) The capital of the Inca Empire was 
36) The Inca ruler associated with the first creation of the Inca Empire in 1438 was… 
37) What do the authors suggest was the principal reason for Inca conquest and expansion? 
38) What was the Inca practice of split inheritance? 
39) The religious practice most closely associated with the state and the person of the Inca in Andean civilization was the cult of:
40) Which of the following was utilized in the Inca Empire, but NOT by the Aztecs?
A) A semi-divine emperor B) extensive use of colonization C) use of local rulers in exchange for recognition of sovereignty
D) Identification of the nobility with the administrative and military functions of the state E) elaborate road systems 
41) Which of the following existed in the Aztec empire, but NOT in the Inca Empire? A) a tribute system B) redistribution of tribute
by the state C) extraction of labor for use on temple projects D) an extensive merchant class E) recognition of local groups and leaders
42) Tambos were: 
43) What was parallel descent? 
44) Where were Inca nobility drawn from? 
45) In terms of the integration of a centralized empire, how did the Incas and Aztecs compare? 
46) What were the difference between the Incas and Aztecs? 
47) What were the significant differences between the Andean and Mesoamerican civilizations? 
48) Compare the population in the Americas with that of Europe (excluding Russia)? 
49) By 1500, what was agriculture like in the Americas? 
50) What were the characteristic cultural patterns of most Indian societies? 
Stearns, et al. World Civilizations Advanced Placement Edition