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No. 51 April 2014
Welcome to the Newsletter of the Nottingham Prostate Cancer
Support Group.
The April 2014 edition includes the following topics:AGM
Robot Surgery
Carers Support Group
Inst of Cancer Research (Imaging, Centres of Excellence and Genetic discovery)
PCUK Behind the headlines and latest Enzalutamide news
Various Donations
Message from outgoing Steering Committee member Colin Boulter:
As you may know I decided not to stand for re-election to the Steering Group at this AGM after 7 very
exciting and enjoyable years. I really did appreciate the kind words, and the gift, during Stewart’s
presentation at the AGM. Enid too was extremely surprised – and very grateful – to receive the
wonderful arrangement of flowers. Thank you to everybody.
I’m fortunate (or not!) to have so many other interests and hobbies that I want to spend more time on,
and it’s also appropriate for the Support Group to have new faces and ideas on your Steering Group.
I’m really pleased Ray Sylvester has agreed to join the Steering Group, and wish them every success
for the future. I think the Support Group has achieved so much over the years – and this year we’re
due to celebrate its’ 10th Anniversary! The number of members has grown considerably, and in that
time we have seen massive advances in the detection and treatment of PC, especially at the
wonderful facility we are so lucky to have at the City NUH.
Enid & I will of course continue as members of the Support Group, and still intend to come along to as
many meetings as we can, and I look forward as ever to saying Hello to you all.
With our best wishes for 2014 and beyond
Colin & Enid Boulter
Message from Mark Petrovic, Newsletter Writer/Publisher and Website Manager:
I would on behalf of the Steering Committee like to thank Colin for all his hard work for the Support
Group these last 7 years supported by his lovely wife Enid and wish them both all the very best for the
future. Please see photo presentation to Colin in after the donation photos. Also we are very pleased
to welcome Ray Sylvester as his replacement on the Steering Committee.
Best Wishes
Mark Petrovic
email [email protected]
Dates for 2014
10th April 2014 – Professor Robert Rees - Director of the John van
Geest Research Centre, Nottingham Trent University. Also
Bridget Leech from Carers UK to give a 15min talk
12th June 2014 – Ellie Robinson - Urology Clinical Nurse
Specialist, Nottingham City Hospital
14th August 2014 – Chris Bisset Maggie’s Benefits Advisor
11th September 2014 – Summer Meal at Dibley’s
9th October 2014 – Colin Williamson (tbc)
11th December – Xmas Fuddle
Everybody welcome – especially partners and carers. Any ideas for
future topics, other suggestions, or feedback are most welcome.
General News Part 1
AGM: The 2014 AGM was held at the Support Group meeting on 14 th Feb. The
Chairman’s Report was made by Stewart Robinson and briefly, consisted of thanking
all those who have contributed to the Support Group over the last year, especially all
those who have raised funds for various organisations including Maggie’s where our
meetings are held. An overview of the accounts for 2013 provided by Chris Forde
our Treasurer read as follows:Opening Balance £3752
Plus Total Income £1186
Less Total Expenditure of £948
Closing Bal 31/12/13
All amounts are rounded to the nearest pound
Robot Surgery: £2.2m investment in new robot to treat prostate cancer
patients at Nottingham City Hospital
Men diagnosed with prostate cancer are to benefit from treatment using a new hightech surgical robot which will improve outcomes and recovery times.
To read the full article please press Ctrl + Click on the following link:
Carers Support Group: We are looking for carers who are interested in starting a
Carers Support Group for partners, relatives, or friends who are looking after
someone with prostate cancer. There will be a talk on the subject at the April
meeting by Bridget Leech from Carers UK.
Institute of Cancer Research: New imaging approach fast tracks drug testing for
incurable prostate cancer. Cancer Research UK-funded scientists have developed a
new way to test the effectiveness of a drug for prostate cancer that has spread to the
bone, which is currently incurable, according to research published in the Journal of
the National Cancer Institute.
To read the full article please press Ctrl + Click on the following link:
General News Part 2
Institute of Cancer Research: First ever UK Centres of Excellence in prostate
cancer research launched by the Movember Foundation in partnership with
Prostate Cancer UK. The world-class Movember Centres of Excellence Programme
in partnership with Prostate Cancer UK, comprises Belfast-Manchester and the
London Consortium, and will see an injection of £10 million over a 5 year period - the
largest single investment in to the disease by the partnership to date.
To read the full article please press Ctrl + Click on the following link:
Institute of Cancer Research: Discovery may help to explain mystery of
‘missing’ genetic risk. A new study could help to answer an important riddle in our
understanding of genetics: why research to look for the genetic causes of common
diseases has failed to explain more than a fraction of the heritable risk of developing
To read the full article please press Ctrl + Click on the following link:
Prostate Cancer UK: Behind the headlines: Cure for prostate cancer available
within two years – and with no side effects? It’s just as unlikely as it sounds
The Daily Express recently released a story with the headline ‘ Cure for prostate
cancer that has NO side-effects could be available on NHS in just TWO years’. This
sounds great, but is in fact hugely misleading. While dose-painting radiotherapy, the
treatment they’re talking about, could be a promising new addition to the arsenal of
available treatments for men with localised prostate cancer, the claims regarding
side effects and availability on the NHS have been rather overstated.
To read the full article please press Ctrl + Click on the following link:
Prostate Cancer UK: NICE urged to see sense and remove cruel enzalutamide
restrictions. PRESS RELEASE: Today 19 March 2014, the National Institute for
Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is holding its final committee meeting to appraise
advanced prostate cancer drug enzalutamide for use on the NHS in England and
Wales for men who have already had chemotherapy. Since January Prostate Cancer
UK has been spearheading a campaign against proposed restrictions in access to
the life-extending treatment which have sparked outrage among thousands affected
by the disease across the country.
To read the full article please press Ctrl + Click on the following link:
Chris Forde presenting a cheque for £1000 to Dr Sundar for Prostate Cancer
Research in Oncology on 3rd Feb 2014
Chris Forde and Stewart Robinson presenting a cheque for £500 to Ben Sherwood
(Urology) 14th Feb 2014
Chris Forde presenting a cheque for £500 to Professor Graham Pockley, Associate
Director at the John van Geest Cancer Research Centre Trent University Campus on
18th Feb 2014.
Graham Pockley Associate Director writes…
“Nottingham Trent University’s John van Geest Cancer Research Centre is a unique
purpose-built, dedicated cancer research facility which is dedicated to improving the
early diagnosis and treatment of cancer. State-of-the-art technology platforms are
focused on two key areas:
 To improve the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer
 To develop effective vaccines and immunotherapies that will significantly
improve survival rates and quality of life”
“We have identified a modification of the vaccine which we described in the
European Journal of Immunology before Christmas which appears to be even more
potent. We are now undertaking the pre-clinical studies on this new vaccine and also
evaluating two different delivery systems. If the data look promising, then we will
hopefully be able (funding permitted) to begin a Phase I clinical trial in 18 months or
“We are also currently trying to secure funding for a Phase II trial of the ANDROVAC
vaccine which we are working on in collaboration with Athens.”
Stewart Robinson performing the leaving presentation for Colin Boulter at the AGM
on 14th Feb 2014
Stewart Robinson
Chairman. Also lead contact and co-ordinator
of speakers and outside organisations
Robert Oldroyd
Group email address, Newsletter circulation by
Ray Sylvester
New member recruited to the Steering
Chris Forde
Treasurer. Also collects members’ car
registrations to enable free parking
John Onion
Establishes contact with other groups
Mark Petrovic
Newsletter Writer and Website Manager
Who we are
The Nottingham Prostate Cancer Support Group meets at Maggie’s drop-in centre on the
Nottingham City Hospital campus between 7.00 and 9.00pm on the second Thursday of
alternate months. A raffle in aid of Group funds is held at each meeting.
The Group aims:
To provide mutual support to men and their loved ones who are concerned about
prostate cancer and its consequences.
To receive information about prostate cancer and its treatment.
To share experiences of prostate cancer.
To raise awareness of prostate cancer.
To support fund-raising for research.
Prostate Cancer Support Group Steering Committee
Chris Forde
01509 820122
Bob Oldroyd
0115 9843448
John Onion
0115 9231861
Stewart Robinson
0115 922 6782
Mark Petrovic
0115 9430787
Ray Sylvester
Specialist Nurse Support - Lead Contact - Eleanor Robinson 0115 9691169 ext 54082
Contact us by email at [email protected]
“Buddies” – Patient to Patient telephone support
A number of our members are available to support newly diagnosed men by sharing experiences over
the telephone. Contact any of the Steering Group to find out more.