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Lesson Plans for Noise Pollutions
Richard Miske, Deb Severson, Lynn Bernard, Jill Abrahamson
Grade Level: 3rd grade
Lesson one: Parts of the Ear
State standard: Understands and applies knowledge of the behavior of organisms.
Demonstrates knowledge of how organisms are influenced by internal
and external factors
School: Standard: Students will know the five senses and how they help our bodies.
Goal: Students will name the three parts of the ear. Students will name three ways that
hearing helps us in our environment.
Vocabulary: outer ear, middle ear, inner ear, eardrum, cochlea, hair cells
Language vocabulary: three little bones
Materials: Model of the ear, acrylic model of real cochlear and bones. Dosimeter in the
classroom to measure noise in the classroom. Youtube video of part of the ear: Work
sheet from Knowledge is Power regarding parts of the ear.
HOTS: These are a list of questions that the teacher can draw from to ask the students
to think about regarding hearing.
Knowledge: What are the parts of the ear?
Comprehension: What is the job of the eardrum?
Application: What are some sounds we hear in the classroom?
Analysis: How are some sounds different from other sounds?
Synthesis: Tell me some places where you hear really loud sounds.
Evaluation: What are some of your favorite sounds in your house?
Activities: Take an unfair hearing test. Track 4 text only AAA “Say what”. Divide
children into groups of 4 students. Have them brainstorm what problems could happen
to each part of the major parts of the ear. Select children to represent the various parts
of the ear. Discuss what each part does as sounds waves go from the outer ear to the
Evaluation: Have students label and color the parts of the ear.
Additional activities and websites:
Students create the parts of the ear. Have students come up and create the outer ear,
the middle ear and the inner ear. Outer ear: After a student create the pinna and the
ear canal, ear drum. Select a student dress in yellow to represent ear wax. Inner ear:
Start with ear drum, have three students do the bones and move together. Have
several students dressed in green to “cover” the bone students to show how fluid slows
down the movement. When showing the inner ear move to using pipe cleaner to show
the many hairs in the cochlea. Have the students move up and down slow to show
quiet sounds. Move rapidly to show loud sounds. Discuss why the pipe cleaners get
Youtube videos;
Unfair hearing test: Each student needs a paper and pencil and number the paper from
1-6. Each word is presented one time in either normal voice or reduced voice.
1. Present word to the class
2. Turn your back and face the board and say the word.
3. Say the word behind a book.
4. Drop the book as you say the next word.
5. Have a radio or music going as you present a word.
6. Crumple paper as you present the word.
Some of the words you can select: goat, wing, wish, neck, ghost, gun, nest, gum, ring,
Lesson two: The effect of noise on the ear
State standard: Understands and applies knowledge of the behavior of
· Demonstrates knowledge of how organisms are influenced by internal and external
School: Standard: Students will know the five sense and how they help our bodies.
Goal: Students will name one problem that may occur in each of the three parts of the
ear. Students will name three places in our environment where it might be too noisy for
our ears.
Vocabulary: noise pollution
Language vocabulary:
Materials: Play song “Turn it to the left” AAA CD
HOTS: Review the questions from yesterday and build upon the discussion with
questions at a higher level.
Activities: Bring in pipe cleaners as hair cells.
Evaluation: Finish with everyone singing “Turn it to the Left” Have children find 3
images on Google Images that shows loud noises. Create a poster about saving your
ears from noise pollution.