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Highlighted terms – know origins and insertions as well as location and action
Everything else – know location and action
Muscle Origins, Insertions & Actions
Muscle Name
Biceps brachii
Biceps femoris
Primary Action
How Will I
Tip of coracoid process
Supraglenoid tubercle on
1. Ischial tuberosity
2. Linea aspera
Above the lateral epicondyle of
Radial tuberosity of radius
Supinator of arm, then elbow
Bicep curl, two heads, located
in arm, 2 brachiosaurus’
Fibres join and insert into the
head of the fibula
Styloid process of radius
Extensor of hip, flexor of knee,
externally rotates flexed knee
Elbow flexion when forearm is
midway between pronation
and supination
Clavicle, acromion, and spine of
the scapula
Anterior, lateral and posterior
heads meet at a common
insertion point on the humerus
– deltoid tuberosity
Cervical, thoracic, lumbar
vertebrae and ribs
Mastoid process (of temporal
bone), cervical, thoracic
vertebrae and ribs
Iliac crest and linea alba and
Flexes and medially rotates the
shoulder joint. Lateral head
abducts the arm, posterior
head extends and laterally
rotates arm
Extend and laterally flex the
spine (also head flexion – for
Flex and rotate the vertebral
column and compress abdomen
during forced expiration
Plantar flexion of ankle and
flexion of the knee
Two heads, located in thigh
(femoris = femur) HAMSTRING
“drinking muscle” - actually
plays a larger role than biceps
when forearm is pronated,
popeye (big forearms)
Delta – triangular letter of
Greek alphabet, shoulder cap...
Erector Spinae (group)
Lower eight ribs
External obliques
Lateral and medial heads from
lateral and medial condyles of
Gluteus maximus
Along the crest of the ilium, the
sacrum, and the coccyx
Gluteus medius
Lateral surface of ilium
Latissimus dorsi
Lumbar and lower half of
Common tendon which fuses
with tendon of soleus to form
calcaneal tendon which inserts
at calcaneus.
Posterior aspect of the greater
trochanter of the femur and
the iliotibial tract
Posterior surface of the greater
On the humerus on the floor of
PSK 4U Kinesiology
Erecting spine – stand up
Side abs
Standing calf raise
Hip extension and external
Big bum
Abduction and internal rotation
of the thigh
Adductor, extensor, internal
Medium bum , hip abduction
“wings”, lat pulldown
Pectoralis major
thoracic vertebrae and iliac
crest and sacrum
Upper part – clavicle
Lower part – sternum and
costal cartilage of first to sixth
ribs and abdominal portion
from external oblique muscle
Pubic crest and symphysis pubis
the intertubercular groove
under pec major’s tendon.
Two heads unite with common
tendon – insert on lateral lip of
intertubercular groove of
rotator of the arm
Internal rotation, adduction
and flexion of the arm
Josh Peck – up high!
Xiphoid process and inferior
“six pack”
Anterior inferior iliac crest
T2-T5 (major) and C7 to T1
Quadriceps tendon joins at
patellar tendon and inserts on
tibial tuberosity
Lower medial border of the
Flex trunk, also aids in
expiration, defecation and
Knee extension and hip flexion
“Rhomboid pushup”
Shaped like a rhombus
Anterior superior iliac spine
Medial surface of tibia
Ischial tuberosity
Fibres insert in the posterior
aspect of the medial tibial
Tendon inserts at the proximal
part of the tibia below the
medial condyle
Anterior surface of medial
border of the scapula
Inserts with gastrocnemius as
the calcaneal tendon
Mastoid process (temporal
bone behind ear)
Medial cuneiform and base of
first metatarsal
Spine of scapula, the acromion,
and clavicle
Assist trapezius in downward
rotation of scapula,
adduction/retraction of scapula
Flexion and outward rotation of
the hip, and helps to flex the
Flexes knee and rotates it
inward. Also extends the hip
Flexes and internally rotates
knee and extends the hip
HAMSTRING – long tendon
Upward rotation and abduction
or protraction of the scapula
Plantar flexes the ankle
Antagonist for “rhomboid
Sitting calf raise
Stabilizer during standing
Rectus abdominus
Rectus femoris
Ischial tuberosity
Serratus anterior
First eight to nine ribs
Upper part of fibula and the
arch connecting fibula to tibia
Sternum and clavicle
Tibialis anterior
Anterior shaft of tibia
Base of the occipital bone and
all cervical and thoracic
PSE4U Exercise Science
Flexes the head from side to
side and rotates it
Dorsiflexes the ankle and
inverts the foot
Scapular elevation,
adduction/retraction, upward
“tailor’s muscle” – criss cross
apple sauce and name comes
from sartor “to mend”
HAMSTRING – membrane
Shaped like a trapezoid,
shoulder massage
Triceps brachii
Lateral head – posterior
aspect of humerus
2. Long head – infraglenoid
3. Posterior aspect of
humerus, distal to origin of
lateral head
Anterior shaft of femur
Vastus intermedius
Vastus lateralis
Lateral side of linea aspera and
greater trochanter
Medial aspect of linea aspera
Vastus medialis
Olecranon of ulna
Quadriceps tendon joins at
patellar tendon and inserts on
tibial tuberosity
Quadriceps tendon joins at
patellar tendon and inserts on
tibial tuberosity
Quadriceps tendon joins at
patellar tendon and inserts on
tibial tuberosity
PSE4U Exercise Science
rotation, and depression. Also
extends the neck
Main extensor of the arm – also
works with biceps brachii
Knee extension
Knee extension
Knee extension
PSE4U Exercise Science