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AH 120 Human Diseases
Studying Diseases
Disease : Altered function/physiology of a
body organ or system
Etiology : The cause of the disease
Pathology : the abnormal physiology that
produces the disease and its manifestations
Terminology (cont.)
 Physical observations or measurements
 Pulse, Blood Pressure, Temperature, etc
 What the patient says or feels
 Pain, difficulty breathing, etc
Test Findings
Terminology (cont.)
 Determining the disease process by evaluating the
 Also includes:
 History
 Chief complaint, past medical history, social
history, occupational history
 Physical exam and tests to obtain signs and
Prognosis : prediction of the outcome, usually
expressed as likelihood of recovery or survival
Besides signs and symptoms, test
findings are the other category of
disease manifestations used to make
the diagnosis
Laboratory Tests
Blood and body fluids tests: CBC,
electrolytes, UA, etc
Cytology: biopsies, sputum samples
Bacteriologic studies: C & S, Gram
staining, AFB
Radiologic Tests
Simple chest x-ray showing Tuberculosis in the left lung
Radiologic Tests
Using a contrast medium
Angiogram of carotid artery
Radionuclide Tests (Scintiscans)
Administering a
radioisoptope and then
scanning the area with
a Geiger counter-type
imaging device
Bone scan of head chest and pelvis showing tumors
Computerized Tomography
-CT ScansDifferent planes or slices are x-rayed and then a
computer generates a composite image
CT Scans
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Similar to CT scan
BUT uses magnetism
and radio frequencies
INSTEAD of ionizing
radiation to create
(EKG or ECG)
Tracing of the
electrical activity of
the heart by placing
electrodes on the arms,
legs, and chest
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Tracing of the
electrical activity in
the brain by placing
electrodes on the head
During grand mal seizure
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Image created by the echoes of high frequency sound
Using a scope to view the inside of the body through a
natural orifice or through a small surgical incision
Examples : Colonoscopy, Bronchoscopy,
Esophagogastroscopy, Laparoscopy, etc
Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs)
Measurement of lung volumes and flow rates
Disease Treatment
Therapeutic treatment : affects the outcome of
the disease
 Includes drugs, radiation, surgery, nutrition,
exercise, etc
Palliative treatment: Treating symptoms only
without affecting the outcome
 Surgery for pain relief with a terminal
The response of living tissue to injury.
The inflammatory process removes
injured cells and debris and contains
the area of injury.
Triggers of Inflammation
NOTE! Infection and Inflammation are not the same thing!
Septicemia (Sepsis)
Infection spreads via the blood stream
and causes infectious inflammation
in many body tissues/systems.
White Blood Cells: PMNs
Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes
 Largest quantity of the WBCs
 Perform phagocytosis
 Number increases with allergy
 Contain histamine
 Migrate out of the blood and become mast cells
White Blood Cells: Mononuclear
 Largest in size of WBCs
 Perform phagocytosis
 Called Macrophages or Histiocytes when they
migrate out of blood
 Second largest in quantity
 Release lymphotoxin and lymphokine
 More active in the immune process
The Inflammatory Process
Trigger: Trauma and Infection
4 Stages
Histamine released
and blood flow
increases as does
Neutrophil exudation
Monocyte exudation
Repair & Restoration
The Inflammatory process may end in
one of three ways:
Tissue Restoration with Varying
Amounts of Scarring
Abscess Formation
Brain Abscess
Seen with infectious inflammation
Pus consists of dead tissue, WBCs, and microbes
Granuloma Formation
(when foreign material or
microbes can’t be phagocytosed)
Non-phagocytosed material surrounded by WBCs and fibrous
tissue. Granuloma has a solid center while an abscess has a
liquid (pus) center.
Acute Inflammation
Local (due to increased
bloodflow and
 Redness
 Heat
 Swelling/Edema
 Pain
 Fever
 Leukocytosis
Chronic Inflammation
Insidious and long lasting. Exudation and
repair occur together
 There is less exudate and it has monocytes,
lymphocytes, and plasma cells but no
 Fibrosis (Scarring)
 Manifestations are less severe than acute
 Anti-inflammatory drugs: aspirin, acetaminophen
(Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil), naprosin (Alleve)
 All reduce severity of process and its signs and
 Steroids – inhibit severity of exudation and edema
 Antihistaminies – decrease severity of
inflammation when caused by allergy
 Antimicrobials – for infectious inflammation
Rest and gradual exercise
Drainage of abscess