Download Model of the Solar System

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Model of the Solar System
Follow the instructions below to make a scale model of your assigned planet.
Fill-in the information into the table as you complete your assigned planet.
When you are done, fill-in your information onto the table on the Smart Board, then make and
position your planet the correct distance in the model at the front of the room. Copy the other
information from the table that you do not have. Answer the questions on the back of the sheet.
1. Record the actual diameter in column #2.
2. Determine the scale diameter of the object by dividing the actual diameter by 10000 km.
Record the answer in column #3. This number needs to be entered in cm.
3. Record the actual distance from the Sun in column #4. Record the actual distance in
scientific notation.
4. Determine the actual distance from the Sun in A.U.’s and record this answer in column #5.
5. Determine the scale distance from the Sun by multiplying the A.U.’s by 20 cm. Record this
number in column #6.
6. Make your scale model of the planet from the paper at the front of the room. Then place it
into its correct position and distance in the model at the front of the room.
Column #1
Column #2
Column #3
Diameter (km)
Diameter (cm)
1 392 000 km
1 392 000 km
10 000 km
=139.2 cm
Column #4
Distance from
Sun (km)
Column #5
Distance from
Sun (A.U.)
Column #6
Distance from
1. If you could pick an object to represent each planet, what would you choose for each
2. What are the advantages of expressing distances in astronomical units rather than
3. Some of the planets in your model were very small. If you were to make them 10 times
larger, what would happen to the size of the Sun in the model?
4. Why would it not be practical to make a model of the solar system using the same scale for
both the planet diameters and the planet distances?
5. Our model showed the eight planets lined up in a row. What is the advantage of drawing the
solar system this way? What is the disadvantage?