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Geometry CP
Chapter 1 Midterm Review
Use the diagram below to complete the following.
1. Give two other names for
AB .
2. Name three points that are collinear.
3. Give another name for plane F.
4. Name a point that is not coplanar with A, B, and C.
5. Give another name for
6. Name three rays with endpoint B.
7. Name a pair of opposite rays.
8. Give another name for
Use the diagram below to complete the following.
9. Are points J, K, and L collinear?
10. Are points J, K, and L coplanar?
11. Are points J, K, and M collinear?
12. Are points J, K, and M coplanar?
13. Name the intersection of
15. Name the intersection of plane R and plane S.
14. Name the intersection of
and plane KMN.
16. Name three pairs of opposite rays.
You are given an equation of a line and a point. Use substitution to determine whether the point is on the line.
17. y =x + 4; A(3, 7)
18. y = x –5; A(1, 6)
19. y = –x –2; A(–8, –10)
Find the indicated length.
20. Find GJ.
21. Find KM.
22. Find ST.
23. Find UV.
Plot the given points in a coordinate plane. Then determine
whether the line segments named are congruent.
Use the number line to find the indicated distance.
24. A(2, 2), B(2, 1), C(0, 2), D(3, 2); AB and CD .
Line l bisects the segment. Find the indicated length.
31. Find AC if AB = 6 cm.
25. JK
26. KL
27. LM
28. JL
29. JM
30. KM
32. Find GJ if HJ = 8
In each diagram M is the midpoint of the segment. Find the indicated length.
33. Find XM.
34. Find JK.
Find the coordinates of the midpoint of the segment with the given endpoints.
35. R(3, 1) and S(3, 7)
36. V(2, 4) and W(6, 6)
Use the given endpoint Y and midpoint M of YZ to find the coordinates of the other endpoint Z.
37. Y(0, 5), M(3, 3)
38. Y(–l, –3), M(5, 9)
Find the length of the segment. Round to the nearest tenth of a unit.
Write three names for the angle shown. Then name the vertex and sides of the angle.
Classify the angle with the given measure as acute, right or obtuse.
43. mA = 115°
44. mA = 85°
45. mA = 90°
46. mA = 170°
Find the indicated angle measure.
47. mPRS = __?__
48. mWXZ = __?__
Use the given information to find the indicated angle measure.
49. Given mADC = 135°, find mBDC.
50. Given mNRQ = 78°, find mPRQ.
Given that
bisectsWXY, find the two angle measures not given in the diagram.
In each diagram
bisects ABC. Find m ABC.
1 and 2 are complementary angles. Given the m1, find m2.
1 and 2 are supplementary angles. Given the m1, find m2.
55. m 1=52
58. m1=94
56. m 1=76
59. m1 =38
57. m 1=19
60. m1=121
Find mABD and mDBC.
Find the values of x and y.
Tell whether the figure is a polygon. If it is not, explain why. If it is a polygon, tell whether it is convex or concave.
Classify the polygon by the number of sides. Tell whether the polygon is equilateral, equiangular, or regular. Explain your reasoning.
Tell whether the statement is always, sometimes or never true.
71. A convex polygon is
72. A regular pentagon is
73. A regular heptagon is
Each figure is a regular polygon. Expression are given for two side length. Find the value of x.
74. A square is convex.
Find the perimeter and area of the figure.
Find the circumference and area if the circle. Round to the nearest tenth.
Use the information about the figure to find the indicated measure.
85.Perimeter = 84 ft; Find the length, l.
86. Area = 189 cm2 ; Find the height, h.
Answer the following to the best of your ability.
87. Line CD bisects
AB at point C. Find AC if AB = 56 feet.
88. Name a pair of complementary angles and a pair of
supplementary angles.