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Neolithic Age
Switched from nomad wanderers
Discovered Farming
Developed Civilizations
Ancient Greece
Many mountains = not united city states
Sparta: military
Athens: Democracy
Alexander the Great: spread Hellenstic culture
Pax Romana: Roman Peace
Built roads = trade
Twelve Tables of Rome: Written laws
Maurya Dynasty: Wrote laws, kind treatment of people
Gupta Dynasty: Golden Age, invention of zero
Caste System: social classes
Qin Dynasty: Legalism (humans are evil and harsh punishments needed)
Han Dynasty: Trade, Government jobs given to skilled people
Silk Road
Long trade route
Led to CULTURAL DIFFUSION: exchange of ideas
Caste System
Reincarnation & Karma
Goal is Nirvana: stops the cycle of death and rebirth
Four Noble Truths: suffering is caused by selfish desires
Eightfold Path: Code of behavior which helps end suffering
Byzantine Empire
Constantinople: Capital location good for trade
Justinian Code: written system of laws
Preserved Greek & Roman Culture
Was a major influence on Russia
Middle Ages
Feudalism: kings gave away land to nobles in return for military service
Manorialism: self sufficient land owned by nobles, decrease in trade
Early Japanese History
Long and irregular coastlines with mountains
Terrace Farming: Dug flat areas into sides of mountains for farming
Bantu Migrations: one of the largest migrations due to land shortage.
Diverse geographic features (deserts, grasslands, rainforests) & diverse
West African Civilizations
Ghana, Mali, Songhai
Mansa Musa: Famous ruler of Mali who spread Islam
Located near Trans-Saharan trade routes & part of Gold-Salt trade
Migrated frequently
Genghis Khan: killed military leader who created the LARGEST EMPIRE
Marco Polo: Italian trade who visited China and wrote his experiences
Trade between Asia & Europe increased
Mongols conquered Russia and kept them isolated & had a centralized government with one ruler
Created tribute system: conquered people had to pay money to Mongols
Black Death
Bubonic Plague
Disease spread through trade routes
Trade decreased
Feudalism decreased: looked for better opportunities
Started in Italy: Golden Age
Humanism: focus on humans and life on earth
Niccolo Machiavelli: Wrote The Prince – guide for government leaders
on how to gain power
Protestant Reformation
Challenged the Catholic Church and led to division of Christianity
Martin Luther: Wrote 95 Thesis or arguments against indulgences
John Calvin: Idea that God knows who will be saved or punished
Henry VIII: separated from Catholic Church because he wanted a divorce
Age of Exploration
Navigation technology improved
Encomienda System: Native Americans forced to work for Spanish farms
Middle Passage: Voyage from Africa to Americas
Mercantilism: colonies exist to make Mother country wealthy
Triangular Trade: Europeans traveled to Africa to get slaves
Columbian Exchange: exchange of goods between Europe & the Americas
Age of Absolutism
Nations ruled by monarchs
Divine right & centralized political control
*Peter the Great
*Louis XIV
Philip II
Henry VIII
*Suleiman the Magnificent
Ottoman Empire
*Expanded their territory
Scientific Revolution
Logic & Reason – no longer relied just on the Bible
Challenged the Catholic Church
Reason, Thought & Power of the Individual
Spread of new ideas
John Locke: natural rights
Montesquieu: separation of powers
Voltaire: freedom of speech and religion
Effects: caused political revolutions
English/Glorious Revolution
People of England successfully limited the power of the monarchy (king)
Absolute Monarchy  Limited Monarchy
Laws that limited king’s power:
Magna Carta, Petition of Right, Bill of Rights, Habeas Corpus
French Revolution
Overthrow of their king Louis XVI and fought for more rights
Third Estate: angry for having few rights
Inspired by Enlightenment
Declaration of the Rights of Man: document giving equal rights to people
Reign of Terror: Executed those who were loyal to the king
Napoleon: Ruler at the end of the revolution, defeated when trying to invade Russia during winter
Latin American Revolution
Fought to gain independence
Governments controlled by Peninsulares (people born in Spain & Portugal)
Inspired by Enlightenment
Leaders who helped gain independence:
Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, Miguel Hidalgo, Toussaint L’Ouverture
Industrial Revolution
Factories, Working Conditions, Living Conditions
Started in Great Britain: had natural resources and geography
Effects: Urbanization (growth of cities), formation of labor unions, minimum wage
Laissez Faire: Government is “hands off”, businesses owned by individuals
Karl Marx: Believed Laissez Faire was bad because factory owners could take advantage of workers
Marx ideas became the foundation of Communism
Definition: When a strong country takes over a weaker one
Countries wanted natural resources
Wanted to teach their religion and customs
Social Darwinism: It was natural for strong countries to take over
Effects of Imperialism
Africa: Ruled by European Countries
China: Ruled by Britain and fought back with Opium war & Boxer Rebellion to gain
India: Ruled by Britain fought back with Sepoy Mutiny to gain independence
World War 1
M ilitarism: built up armies
A lliances divided into 2 groups
I mperialism competition for
lands in Africa & Asia
N ationalism
Treaty of Versailles: Treaty that ended that war
and punished Germany causing WWII
Countries were broken apart and formed new
Women gained right to vote (suffrage) because
they helped out in the war
Russian Revolution
Overthrow of Czar (king)
Causes: Czar Nicholas II abused his power by denying rights of people
& suffered casualties and food shortage from WW1
Bolskeviks: Radial (extreme) group who led by Lenin, promising “Peace, Land and Bread”
and eventual came to power
Became a communist country