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How many Gods do Jews believe in? How many
Gods do Jews believe in?
a. Two
b. Many
c. None
d. One
2. What is the holy book of Judaism?
a. The Torah
b. The Bible
c. The Qu’ran
d. The Vedas
3. What is Shabbat?
a. The leader of a Jewish house of worship.
b. The Sabbath Day
c. The Jewish New Year
d. A Jewish house of Worship.
4. What is the Jewish holy building called?
a. Mosque
b. Church
c. Covenant
d. Synagogue
5. On what day do Jews fast to show sorrow for their
a. Rosh Hashanah
b. Yom Kippur
c. Passover
d. Hanukkah
6. The Jewish Diaspora is an example of what
geographic principle?
a. Hierarchy
b. Accessibilty
c. Diffusion
d. Complimentarity
7. This event in Europe led to the creation of modern
day Israel.
a. Diaspora
b. Palestine
c. Yom Kippur
d. Holocaust
8. Which country has the most Jews in the world
a. Israel
b. USA
c. Germany
d. China
9. What country has the 2nd most Jews in the world
a. Israel
b. USA
c. Germany
d. China
10. Who was the founder of Judaism?
a. Jesus
b. Abraham
c. Muhammad
d. David
How many Gods do Jews believe in? How many
Gods do Jews believe in?
a. Two
b. Many
c. None
d. One
2. What is the holy book of Judaism?
a. The Torah
b. The Bible
c. The Qu’ran
d. The Vedas
3. What is Shabbat?
a. The leader of a Jewish house of worship.
b. The Sabbath Day
c. The Jewish New Year
d. A Jewish house of Worship.
4. What is the Jewish holy building called?
a. Mosque
b. Church
c. Covenant
d. Synagogue
5. On what day do Jews fast to show sorrow for their
a. Rosh Hashanah
b. Yom Kippur
c. Passover
d. Hanukkah
6. The Jewish Diaspora is an example of what
geographic principle?
a. Hierarchy
b. Accessibilty
c. Diffusion
d. Complimentarity
7. This event in Europe led to the creation of modern
day Israel.
a. Diaspora
b. Palestine
c. Yom Kippur
d. Holocaust
8. Which country has the most Jews in the world
a. Israel
b. USA
c. Germany
d. China
9. What country has the 2nd most Jews in the world
a. Israel
b. USA
c. Germany
d. China
10. Who was the founder of Judaism?
a. Jesus
b. Abraham
c. Muhammad
d. David