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DBMaker Overview
We can help you change your software for the better with one simple solution - DBMaker - the no-hassle
database engine that is perfect for extending your application capabilities.
DBMaker brings cost-effective
scalability and reliability to
Independent Software Vendors
looking to improve functionality and
database performance of their
software. DBMaker has everything
you could wish for in a relational
database - powerful engine, open
interface, multimedia capabilities,
large database features, crossplatform support, but the main
benefit of DBMaker is that it is
EASY. Easy-to-install, easy-toconfigure, easy-to-scale, easy-to
package and easy-to-maintain. We
would like to make your product
better without complicating it.
We would like to make your life EASY
DBMaker provides a multitude of
robust features that enhance the
power, performance and flexibility of
any software suite. Here are a few
of these features.
High Performance Database Engine
DBMaker has a powerful high
performance internal database
engine responsible for
generating and storing a variety
of complex data types and it is
designed to provide high
efficiency for accessing
relational data. A powerful
query optimizer combined with
multiple indexing methods
results in faster searches and
more efficient storage. Highspeed Performance is ensured
by full integration of a native
ODBC API, multimedia
handling and efficient data
access routines.
To optimize the speed and concurrency of data accessed by multiple users DBMaker dynamically
adjusts between table, page and row locking levels. The automatic cost-based query optimizer
guarantees that query results are returned as quickly as possible. Moreover, DBMaker uses multithreading where possible, ensuring improved performance of SMP systems.
Open Interface
Using the native ODBC
interface and ANSI SQL-99
support, you can quickly
create high-performance
applications using variety of
popular development tools,
including Visual C++, Visual
Basic, Delphi, Perl and PHP.
Thus DBMaker allows you to
work with the tools that you
already have, and does not
restrict you to a proprietary
development environment.
DBMaker JDBC-ODBC Bridge
enables greater flexibility and
connectivity by supporting
Java applications and applets
as well as granting these
applications access to
DBMaker databases. The
bridge provides high levels of
adaptability, power and ease
of use.
High Portability and Scalability
Extensive cross-platform
support and unique open
architecture ensure that your
needs will never outgrow
DBMaker. You can deploy
database applications across
several platforms and easily
scale from a small single-user
system on a notebook
computer all the way up to
large multi-user system
distributed around the world.
In order to facilitate this around-the-world distribution CASEMaker offers great features for
managing large volumes of interactive information on a Web Server. DBMaker comes with several
basic functions such as SQL, multi-user capability, transaction management, security management,
consistency management, crash recovery, online backup, etc., making it a great database
management solution for any ISV seeking to add value to its current software suite.
Multimedia Data Management
Powerful multimedia
management capabilities built
into the database engine allow
your clients to efficiently store
and manipulate large amounts
of multimedia data including
text, graphics, audio, video and
animation. Multimedia
management capabilities also
provide exceptional flexibility,
allowing for easy storage of
multimedia data in different
ways depending on the needs.
You may store multimedia data
directly in the database as
Binary Large Objects (BLOBs),
or you may store your
multimedia data as File
Objects, granting third-party
multimedia tools full access to
your multimedia data while still
keeping it under database
XML Data Bridge
XML is quickly becoming the industry standard for publishing and sharing data across the
internet. Responding to this trend DBMaker now allows you to easily publish tables as
XML documents with the help of DBMaker XML Data Bridge. It enables great flexibility and
connectivity as it supports transfer of XML data to and from DBMaker.
DBMaker COBOL Interface
Interface (DCI) is a new
interface that does not require
critical COBOL operations such
DELETE, and READ to be
translated into SQL syntax. DCI
saves programmers the time of
rewriting their existing COBOL
applications, while at the same
time providing them with
modern and secure database
Enterprise Database Functions
DBMaker is a full service
database, offering a multitude of
advanced features including all the
functionality of a complete
enterprise database. With
DBMaker you will save a bundle
and still will be able to equip your
software with the highest database
performance level using standard
enterprise database features like
automatic simultaneous replication
of data and updates across the
database system, distributed
database management, complete
backup and restore functions and
DBMaker Features
Open Interface
 ANSI SQL-99 compliant
 ODBC 3.0 Level 2 support
 JDBC type I & II support
 ESQL/C preprocessor COBOL interface
Security Management
 User- and group-level security
 Privilege management on both
 Tables and individual columns
 Privilege management on stored
commands and stored procedures
Network encryption
Embedded Application Support
 Embedded database engine
 Read-only media application support
Data Reliability
 Online transaction processing
 Online full and incremental backup
 Automatic crash recovery
 Automatic statistic updates
 Database consistency checking
 MTS (Microsoft Transaction Service)
Extended Relational Database Functions
 Trigger
 Stored procedure
 User Defined Function
 Intelligent cost base optimizer
 Referential constraint actions
Full-text Search
 Built-in high performance text search
 Low requirement text search kernel
Database Administration Tool
 Multi-language support
 Java-based database administration tool
 Exact, near and fuzzy search
 Database monitor for run-time status and
historical statistics
 Data transfer tool
 Database diagnose and repair tool
Distributed Database Management
 Distributed queries
 Two-phase commit
 Access to remote data objects
Storage Management
 Asynchronous/synchronous table
 Auto extend and regular table spaces
 Raw device support on UNIX
 Database mirror replication
 Maximum database size of 32 TB
DCI (DBMaker COBOL Interface) Overview
DCI allows COBOL applications to
store and access data in database
tables, rather than traditional COBOL
records. Once stored in the database,
data may be also accessed and
manipulated using ad-hoc SQL queries
and commands, and by any ODBC
compliant software applications.
With DCI, the performance of COBOL
applications are preserved on the front
end, while DBMaker provides the
flexibility to enable decision support
queries and a distributed storage and
retrieval architecture at the back end.
Mapping Files to the Database
Engineers in the DBMaker development team have worked closely with ACUCOBOL® and
Micro Focus partners and distributors. The result is an interface that allows COBOL
records to be mapped directly to the rows of a DBMaker table. Fields and records from the
COBOL file are used to create the structure of an XML file, which is then used to create
database table schema. The data type and name of each field is precisely mapped, so a
COBOL field defined as ADDRESS pic X(20) automatically becomes a CHAR(20) type
column called ADDRESS in the database table. As the database tables are mapped to the
original COBOL file structure, COBOL data can be stored in a database with no changes
to the structure of the original COBOL source code. Multiple record formats are also
accepted, and with the addition of directives (COBOL source code commands that are
understood by DCI) they can also be exactly mapped to a database table.
Once in the database, a variety of tools can be used to access and manipulate the data.
For SQL users DBMaker provides dmSQL, a command line driven tool for executing SQL
commands on the DBMaker database. DBMaker also provides three graphical, crossplatform database management tools: JDBA, JServer Manager, and JConfiguration Tool.
These Java-based applications can run on any machine that supports the Java run-time
environment (JRE). Using the Java application suite requires very little prior knowledge of
database management, yet still allows you to make full use of the database's features.
Efficient Access
DCI provides a direct link into
the internal database engine.
This eliminates most overhead
processing associated with
moving to an RDBMS, so
queries have a response time
that is similar to the old COBOL
file storage.
This is very important as most
databases are accessed
through an outside query
process. This external process
greatly increases the time
required to process data, so
data access becomes
unacceptably slow, and
application performance is
COBOL continues to be used for a huge variety of business applications, and data
handled by these applications is often stored using the traditional COBOL B-tree filing
technique. This method is very suitable for repeated high speed access to the same data
sets. However, many types of analysis and decision support require broad access to a
wide variety of data and flexible querying techniques. Increasing the value of existing data
by referencing it to other data sets or enabling ad-hoc queries is virtually impossible with
traditional COBOL filing techniques, but is straightforward in an relational database
environment. DBMaker now bridges the gap between traditional COBOL systems and
modern relational database systems with DCI.
Visit to learn more DBMaker COBOL solution.
JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver for DBMaker
The "Write Once, Run Anywhere" Java Platform is a safe, flexible and complete
cross-platform solution for developing robust Java applications for the Internet and
corporate intranets. The open and extensible Java Platform APIs are a set of
essential interfaces that enable developers to build their Java applications and
JDBC is short for Java DataBase Connectivity, and is a Java API that enables Java
programs to execute SQL statements. The interface allows Java programs to
interact with any SQL-compliant database. Since most relational database
management systems (DBMSs) support SQL syntax, and Java can run on most
platforms, JDBC provides the flexibility to write a database application that can run
on different platforms and interact with different DBMSs.
JDBC is designed specially for Java programs. Sun Microsystems defined the JDBC
standard that allows Java applications or Java Applets to access a database. Like
ODBC, Java applications can access different databases through the same
interface, but there is no need for client-side configuration, like a data source name.
Therefore, JDBC is ideal for internet/intranet application design.
Another standard part of Java is the JDBC-to-ODBC bridge, which is a layer of code
that implements the JDBC driver API by calls to the ODBC driver API. You can use
this bridge and an ODBC driver, instead of a JDBC driver, to provide access to any
database with an ODBC driver.
What is the JDBC-ODBC Bridge?
The JDBC-ODBC bridge provides JDBC API access via most ODBC drivers. Note
that some ODBC binary code, and in many cases database client code, must be
loaded on each client machine that uses this driver. This kind of driver is most
appropriate on a corporate network, or for application server code written in the Java
programming language in a 3-tier architecture.
How to install DBMaker JDBC-ODBC Bridge?
JDBC-ODBC Bridge is a driver for the client-end. In the server-end, you don't need
to install any components or make special settings. DBMaker JDBC-ODBC Bridge
includes two files for UNIX; and, and one file for Windows;
dmjdbc.jar. You can find those files in the "driver/JDBC" directory after installing
The following steps teach you how to install and use the DBMaker JDBC driver in a
UNIX environment.
Please note "/DBMAKER_HOME" stands for dbmaker's home directory.
1. Add "/DBMAKER_HOME/driver/JDBC" into your shell initialization file.
If you use sh or bash, please use the following command. For sh (.profile), bash
(.bashrc), add
Shell> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
If you use csh or tcsh, please use the following command. For csh/tcsh (.cshrc), add
2. In order to find "" while executing your java program, add the class path
as below.
Shell> java -classpath
The following step teaches you how to install and use the DBMaker JDBC driver in a
Windows environment.
1. Add the class path when executing Java programs For example, if you use JDK
% java -classpath
You can also set "classpath" in autoexec.bat.
How to connect DBMaker via JDBC-ODBC Bridge
Step 1: register JDBC-ODBC Bridge
In order to use the JDBC-ODBC Bridge, first of all, you need to use the Java Class
Loader to register the class of JDBC-ODBC Bridge. The syntax is below:
Then, the Java Class Loader can find the assigned class according to CLASSPATH.
Step 2: Connect database
The syntax to connect to DBMaker is as below:
DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:dbmaker:DSN", User, Password);
DSN is Data Source Name, User is login account, and Password is login password.
Using those two steps, you should be able to retrieve and update your database.
import*; /* Import IO classes */
import java.sql.*; /* Import SQL classes */
public class my {
/* define my class */
private static final String dbUser = "SYSADM";
/* define a string variable */
private static final String dbPwd = "";
/* define a string variable */
private static final String dbSrc = "DBSAMPLE";
/* define a string variable */
public static void main(String argv[]) { /* declare main program */
System.out.println("register dbmaker driver \n"); /* print a string */
try {
String jdbcDriver = "dbmaker.sql.JdbcOdbcDriver";
/* define a string variable */
Class.forName(jdbcDriver).newInstance(); /* register jdbc-odbc bridge*/
System.out.println("connect to database \n"); /* print a string */
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:dbmaker:"+dbSrc,
DbUser, dbPwd);
/* connect database */
System.out.println("get a statement object to create table
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); /* create a statement */
Stmt.executeUpdate("create table jdbc_employee (id int, name char(20),
salay float, hired_date date)");
System.out.println("insert constant data into table jdbc_employee\n");
Stmt.executeUpdate("insert into jdbc_employee values (1,'Charles
Brown', 555.32, '1999/01/01')");
System.out.println("commit work \n");
System.out.println("drop table jdbc_employee \n");
Stmt.executeUpdate("drop table jdbc_employee");
System.out.println("close statements \n");
System.out.println("close connection \n");
} catch( Exception ex )
} /* end of main() */
} /* end of class */
DBMaker Online Manuals
The following is a list of manuals covering virtually every aspect of DBMaker. All manuals
may be downloaded in PDF formby clicking a book title below or by visiting the download
page. A short description is provided of the manual. For quick access to a specific topic,
use the search button in the header.
DBMaker Tutorial - provides an introduction to some of DBMaker's functions and also
some basic SQL commands to get you started. Learn how DBMaker operates through the
use of a sample database built by working through the examples provided in this tutorial.
Database Administrator's Reference - general information on the concepts and principles a
database administrator should understand when using the DBMaker DBMS, and an
overview of how to use the DBMaker SQL commands necessary to create, maintain, and
optimize a database.
ESQL/C Programmer's Guide - describes how to access a DBMaker database from your C
application programs by writing ESQL/C commands directly into the source code, and how
to run the ESQL/C preprocessor to convert the embedded SQL commands to C code.
Goes into detail about the differences between static and dynamic ESQL, and how to use
them in a program.
ODBC Programmer's Guide - provides an introduction to the DBMaker ODBC API and
outlines how to construct a front-end application for a database using the DBMaker ODBC
SQL Command and Function Reference - a complete list of all SQL commands, built-in
functions, and data types available in DBMaker.
Error and Message Reference - provides definitions for error and warning messages used
by DBMaker.
JDBATool User's Guide - tells how to manage a database with the java based JDBATool.
JServer Manager User's Guide - instructs users on creating, starting, stopping, and
backing up a database using the java based JServer Manager.
JConfiguration Tool Reference - gives instructions on how to configure a database using
the java based JConfiguration Tool.
DCI User's Guide - Gives instructions on how to set up a database to work with COBOL
dmSQL User's Guide - gives instructions on how to use the command line based dmSQL
XML Tool User's Guide - gives instructions on how to use DBMaker Java-based, platformindependent tools for passing data between database and XML docum
We are pleased to offer DBMaker with a 5-user license and 90-day evaluation limit. If you
do not see a particular platform listed, please send us an e-mail, or contact us by phone or
fax to find out when a free download or trial version of the product will be available. The
following products are available for download:
DBMaker 4.3
DBMaker 4.2
DBMaker 4.14
DBMaker 4.1
DCI (DBMaker COBOL Interface)
DBMaker Migration Tool
DBMaker Drivers
DBMaker Manual Books
To get older releases, please contact our representatives at CASEMaker.
If you encounter any difficulty with our download section, please contact us at
[email protected].
DBMaker 4.3
Please contact us at [email protected] to download the full installation of DBMaker
Version 4.3, which includes the DBMaker server, client tools, samples, ODBC drivers, and
online books.
DBMaker 4.2
Download the full installation of DBMaker Version 4.2, which includes the DBMaker server,
client tools, samples, ODBC drivers, and online books.
Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP
Download Windows self-extracting setup
53.9 MB
Download gzipped tar file
33 MB
Download gzipped tar file
32.9 MB
Download gzipped tar file
35.5 MB
Download gzipped tar file
35.2 MB
DBMaker 4.14
Download the full installation of DBMaker Version 4.14, which includes the DBMaker
server, client tools, samples, ODBC drivers, and online books.
Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP
Download Windows self-extracting setup
10.5 MB
Download gzipped tar file
39.7 MB
Download gzipped tar file
39.8 MB
SCO x86
Download gzipped tar file
38.1 MB
Free BSD
Download gzipped tar file
39.3 MB
Download gzipped tar file
41.8 MB
Due to the DBMaker 4.14 download source does not include JRE , if your system has not
installed DBMaker4.0x or JRE yet.
For running Java Tools smoothly , please download/install JRE as well.
Download gzipped tar file
25.9 MB
Download gzipped tar file
25.2 MB
Download gzipped tar file
30.4 MB
Download gzipped tar file
20.9 MB
DBMaker 4.1
Download the full installation of DBMaker Version 4.1, which includes the DBMaker server,
client tools, samples, ODBC drivers, and online books.
Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP
Download Windows self-extracting setup
62.0 MB
Download gzipped tar file
69.4 MB
Download gzipped tar file
40.9 MB
Sun Solaris
Download gzipped tar file
38.0 MB
SCO OpenServer
Download gzipped tar file
38.0 MB
DCI (DBMaker COBOL Interface) Driver for ACUCOBOL-GT®
The DCI 4.0 file includes drivers for ACUCOBOL-GT®, as well as the DCI Readme file and
migration tool. All supported platform drivers are included in each file (Windows
98/NT/2000/XP, Linux 2.x, SCO OpenServer, Sun Solaris). To get DBMaker DCI driver,
please fill out the request form or contact our representatives at CASEMaker.
DCI (DBMaker COBOL Interface) Driver for Micro Focus COBOL
The DCI 4.0 file includes drivers for Micro Focus, as well as the DCI Readme file and
migration tool. All supported platform drivers are included in each file (Windows
98/NT/2000/XP, Linux 2.x, SCO OpenServer, Sun Solaris). To get DBMaker DCI driver,
please fill out the request form or contact our representatives at CASEMaker.
DBMaker Migration Tool
Download the DBMaker Migration Tool for Windows. The Migration Tool provides an
interface for quickly migrating DBMaker 3.x databases to work with the new DBMaker 4.0
engine. Compatibility with older databases is not a concern if you use the Migration Tool.
DBMaker Migration Tool
Download zip file
1.7 MB
DBMaker Drivers
Download the DBMaker Drivers, which includes the DBMaker for Java, DBMaker for PHP,
and DBMaker for Perl drivers. Also includes the DBMaker COBOL Interface files.
DBD::DBMaker version 0.14
PHP 4.0.4pl1
DBMaker Manual Books
Download gzipped tar file
55 KB
Download Source code gzipped tar file
2.2 MB
Download the DBMaker Manual Books in PDF format. You will need the free Acrobat
Reader from Adobe to view these documents.
All Manuals
Adobe PDF zip file
39.8 MB