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99 Astro Hacks 1 -­‐ 5 Astro Hack 01 Guru Jupiter Astro Hack 02 The Houses Astro Hack 03 The Ruling Planet Astro Hack 04 The Modalities Astro Hack 05 Mars Plus Astro-Hack 01 – Guru Jupiter
El Corintio -­‐ Society 6 HAPPY JUPITER INTO VIRGO! Fittingly, the first Astro Hack will be all about Jupiter and how to max this beneficial vibe out for your advantage. Know thy Jupiter! Jupiter in your natal chart shows where you are blessed. One way or another, you have a natural advantage there that others just do not have. You look at the sign and the house of your Jupiter. Look also to anything is conjunct. That is, literally right next to. Think "adjacent." YES aspects and transits of Jupiter also count but we will be doing those later. 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 2 For now, find your natal Jupiter and understand it. First, some examples of Jupiter People: J.K. Rowling -­‐ the multi-­‐millionaire author -­‐ has Jupiter Rising in Gemini. She is our case study on the Astro-­‐Hacks page and her chart is posted there. Paul Newman, the archetypal Hollywood leading man with an extraordinarily enduring career, was Jupiter in Capricorn Rising. Jane Fonda has the same deal. Is Jupiter always just pure raw Awesome and endurance? Not necessarily. Jupiter can also be the influence of blow-­‐out and excess. It was William Blake, the artist, poet & a Sun-­‐Jupiter in Sagittarius man, who wrote "the path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." A sad note: River Phoenix, the talented young actor who died of a drug overdose at the Viper Club in 1993, was Jupiter Rising. The path of excess indeed. If you see a strong Jupiter -­‐ conjunct Ascendant, the Midheaven, Sun, Moon or personal planet -­‐ you think this person could max this WAY OUT. Jupiter can go over the top. It can be over the top ambition, over the top charisma or over the 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 3 top appetite for psychedelics. Jupiter needs management. Think "team of wild stallions." But generally speaking, Jupiter is a generous giver of raw talent and out-­‐size ego/sex appeal. Musicians Kanye West, Mick Jagger and Adele all have their Sun conjunct Jupiter. Actors Scarlett Johansson and Matthew McConaughey are Venus-­‐Jupiter people. Unless you let it go completely to seed, Jupiter GIVES. Jupiter is named Thor in the Norse pantheon and he is Zeus in the Greek one. His Ancient Sanskrit name is Guru and he is also linked with Ganesh, the remover of obstacles. Even in the solar system, Jupiter is so damn good that the planet is said to exert a protective effect on Earth/Gaia. His gravity field is so huge, he pulls stray asteroids out of our way and into his orbit. Jupiter is traditionally exalted in the sign of Cancer and in the 4th House. But don't worry too much about this for now. Saying planets are exalted or in their "detriment" is not particularly helpful in most cases and people freak out too much about them. But, should your Jupiter be "exalted", sure take that as a bonus on top of an already pretty much top planetary influence. Once you've found your Jupiter -­‐ then what? Meditate upon what this means for you. Jupiter is where you can push things. Jupiter is where you've got raw luck. Jupiter means GO FOR IT. Jupiter is where you are permanently green-­‐lit. Jupiter is your lush green field that just keeps on producing ripe beautiful juicy fruit. Good sound astrological management demands that you do not get complacent in your Jupiter zone -­‐ you treat it with respect, you don't take it for granted. It's not like Saturn, where you never turn your back on that mo-­‐fo. But it is an area where things can get a little flaccid, if you're not careful. Like how some people inherit wealth and don't feel it or appreciate it as they did not have to work for it. THAT can happen with Jupiter if you're not approaching his vibe with an attitude of gratitude. Jupiter also reigns over education -­‐ the getting of wisdom as a basically spiritual path -­‐ and religion. People with strong Jupiter placements tend to have an intense faith; in themselves, in God/Goddess, in the Earth as deity, in something. Even the atheists have faith in rationality and the power of science. So here are some ideas to get you thinking about YOUR Jupiter placement. And you will be thinking about it. Look at both the HOUSE and the SIGN of your natal Jupiter. They are both important. But remember, the whole chart is what counts. 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 4 Ultimately, you won't be looking at these or your Jupiter (or anything) in isolation. But this is how we learn. Jupiter in the 1st House/Aries: Original spunk, winning attitude, energy to rise. Eg Michael Buble. "When he was a teenager, he slept with his Bible and prayed to become a singer." They're plugged into some supernatural source of mojo that keeps them powering along but can often freak out the peeps with raw ambition. Jupiter in the 2nd House/Taurus: These Jupiter folk are canny with cash, they are automatic Law Of Awesome. Investing, earning and keeping $$$ is their specialty. Lavish appetites. Adele, Madonna, Bill Gates. Jupiter in the 3rd House/Gemini: The Power Of Glib. Ability to seemingly glomp genius ideas straight from the cosmos. Eloquence, oratory, fiendish interest in gossip. Information brokers. Colin Farrell. Toni Morrison: "If there is a book that you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." Jupiter in the 4th House/Cancer: Home is Fortune. Never neglect the Feng Shui nor resent domestic upkeep. Even if childhood was crappy, this Jupiter mines something rad out of it. Jennifer Lawrence turned to acting to overcome her childhood anxiety & depression. Magical Realists; Isabel Allende. Jupiter in the 5th House/Leo: Super-­‐star manifesting abilities, the party is with them, genuine dedication to the arts, parenting, quality of being. Star Power: Jim Morrison, Elizabeth Taylor, Mick Jagger, Catherine Deneuve, Tom Cruise, Bruce Lee. Charisma machine. Jupiter in the 6th House/Virgo: Nuance brokers. Like Jupiter in Gemini/3rd House, this gives peeps WITS & the ability to write/analyze their way out of any mess. Yoko Ono: "You may think I am small but i have a universe inside my mind." Jupiter in the 7th House/Libra: You SEEK expansive and amazing relationships. Sometimes with everyone. Definitely a power alliance booster. Traditionally; the Good Catch. Taylor Swift -­‐ note the working of her break-­‐ups into profitable music + power-­‐hook-­‐ups with also strong besties. Jupiter in the 8th House/Scorpio: Sexy Vibes, aptitude at conjuring up cult worship, libido, obsession with Sex/$$$/Power/the Occult. Justin Bieber, Elvis Presley, Britney Spears. Helen "Bridget Jones Diary" Fielding. Marina Abramovic. Think also; Kurt Vonnegut: "I want to stand as close to the edge as I can, without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see in the center." Jupiter in the 9th House/Sagittarius: Seekers, nomads and eternal students. Ebullient as fuq & with the ability to bounce back from more or less anything. They thrive on through different eras, perhaps in part because of their ease with knowledge. This lot will erase their "hard drive" and start over when the intuit it's right. Einstein, David Bowie, Jared Leto. 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 5 Jupiter in the 10th House/Capricorn: Contenders, fighters, scrappers. This is Jupiter in the sign or the house of Saturn. They blend vital life force and a mad desire for security with pure, raw hoof grip on even the most sheer of rock faces. This is the placement most likely to rise from adversity to triumph, along with Jupiter in 1st House/Aries. Bono, Eminem, Katy Perry. Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg. Cristian Ronaldo came from poverty to become one of (if not THE) highest ranked and best paid football players in the world. To be fair, sometimes Jupiter in Capricorn/10th House says Born To Rule. Eg; Prince Harry. It's a big-­‐
bucks placement, however you get there. Jupiter in the 11th House/Aquarius: You make a shit load of money/fame/happiness from avant garde ideas and rocking 'the boat.' You CAN! You can be an iconoclast and still be popular. Think columnist Christopher Hitchens, Ellen De Generes or the Twilight creator Stephenie Meyer. Jupiter in the 12th House/Pisces: These people specialize in what seems like supernatural intervention. Something often occurs in early life (not always something good) and it raises their spiritual consciousness. Think hefty spirit guides and sensational intuition which they use to make a raving fool out of everyone else who dares imitate their genius. Diana Vreeland, David Beckham, Beyonce, Isabel Allende, Da Vinci, Freud. They have secrets. Jupiter on Saturn is an especially MAJOR success indicator, as the expansive principles of Jupiter is balanced by the astringent vibe of Saturn. Ebullience put to work. But Jupiter Pluto is known as the Mogul Aspect by the ancients. Eg: Warren Buffett. Note: for the purposes of Astro-­‐Hacks, we are calling a five degree orb on conjunctions. So find your Jupiter and anything within 5 degrees of that is counted as conjunct your Jupiter. So literally, if your Jupiter is at 10 of any sign, whatever is between 5 and 15 degrees adjacency is conjunct. Don't worry about anything else. GO CHECK OUT YOUR JUPITER & I WILL SEE YOU IN THE COMMENTS -­‐ PLEASE ALSO SEE THE SAMPLE CHARTS & MORE FROM ME ON THE ASTRO-­‐HACKS PAGE! Astro-Hack 01 – Support Material
J.K Rowling is the super talented, multi-­‐millionaire author of the Harry Potter series. She represents many Jupiter values – she has enriched our culture, she is a champion of education, she has wisdom and she has risen from the proverbial rags to riches. Remember, rising is the same as ascendant. For example, J.K Rowling has Gemini Rising. She is a Gemini Ascendant. She has Jupiter Rising. Jupiter is conjunct (aka adjacent to) her Ascendant in Gemini. 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 6 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 7 All these statements are true. To be literal about it, Jupiter and the constellation of Gemini, were rising over the horizon at the time of her birth. And the birth chart is but a map of the stars, the astral scape, at the moment of our birth. As above, so below – we are a reflection of that moment in time. We share its characteristics and potential. For an example of her Jupiter Rising in Gemini in action, watch this – JK Rowling speaks at Harvard. And yes, we will be doing the Rising Signs in more detail later but Gemini IS the sign of the Scribe, the Wordsmith, the Magician with Words. So find YOUR natal Jupiter and work out what it is next to – if anything – its sign and its house. See the Astro Hacks 01 email for more. Don’t get too hung up on this diagram of the Astrological Houses – there are MANY different versions of this, some more fatalistic than others. This is just a ready reference. We will work through the houses in the hacks! 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 8 Astro-Hack 02 - The Houses
Essi Kimpinaki HELLO THERE & welcome to Astro Hack Number 2. Today we are going to talk about the Houses. The house system is basically a SIMPLE way to carve up the complex 'map' of the constellations that is your birth chart -­‐ or any chart -­‐ so that it is easier to understand. It has been around for a very long time. SO long that some astrologers shrug 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 9 "meh" and just chuck it out altogether, preferring to concentrate on the relationships (or aspects) between the Sun, Moon, planets and other points. You can ignore them and astrology still works. Others geek out totally on them and talk about the values/disadvantages of the different "house systems" such as Equal House, Koch, Placidus, Campanus etc. Unless you want to go totally bats and turn into the kind of astrology obsessive tragic who lies awake at night feverishly calculating different probabilities based on minute differences between house calculations, do not worry about that for the moment. The default house system on Astrodienst that you should all be working with is absolutely fine. So take a look at your birth chart to suss the Houses. It is divided into 12 of them. You can also think of them as sectors, zones or slices of a pizza. The term "houses" is medieval and in fact, some of the older descriptions of the houses can sound downright depressing. For example, the 12th House as the house of "self-­‐undoing" and other crap like that. Remember that some of the old-­‐school astrology sprang from a time in which people emptied bed pans out into the street over your head as you strutted by and there was next to no recognition of human rights, unless you were an aristocrat. My point: Don't go ape over old-­‐fashioned descriptions of what the houses or different sectors of a chart mean. At 17, I read in a Zohar's Almanac that my Mars in the 8th House indicated that i would die young of venereal disease. Terribly sad and all but hey i'm still here and you know, healthy. Another book warned of the danger of being assassinated by in-­‐laws. So the houses start at the Ascendant on the left -­‐ the 9 o-­‐clock position -­‐ as that is the beginning of House Number 1. And then you go clockwise from there. The house numbers are also depicted in each house or sector. And you get used to knowing which is which REAL fast. The best way to FEEL the houses is to look at yours. So for what's it worth here are MY loose descriptions for thinking about the Houses. House 1: Image, what you project out to the world. What others routinely guess you as being. House 2: The $$$ sector, also values and self-­‐esteem. House 3: The communications sector, also short journeys, media, how you talk. House 4: The chez You sector, your home, also the home of your childhood, ancestors etc. House 5: Parties, Dating, Fertility, kids, Art! Where you are mega creative. 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 10 House 6: Admin/Wellness/Service To Humanity. House 7: Vital one on one relationships -­‐ marriage, biz partnerships, significant friendships. House 8: Sex, Death, Power & the Occult. The Phoenix sector. House 9: The Vision Sector, Higher Education, Travel & Wisdom. House 10: The Career Sector -­‐ public profile. House 11: The Social Sector, community & idealism. House 12: The Soul Sector -­‐ secrets & subliminal you. There are longer, more complex definitions than these -­‐ obviously -­‐ but this is a good start to get you brewing your own insights. Now, some of you will note that these are a LOT like the 12 signs of the Zodiac and yes indeed, they correspond. There is a diagram on the Astro Hack 02 page that shows this more elegantly. So the 6th House IS like Virgo, the 6th sign. The 8th House IS like Scorpio, the 8th sign. And so on. So look at your chart and see how the planets, Sun, Moon etc fall. Are there are a few all clumped together into one sector? These so-­‐called Crowded Houses represent an area of life that is super important to you. It does not mean that the empty houses don't matter but the focus is definitely more in the more busy areas of your chart. For instance, people with crowded 2nd Houses or $$$ sectors DO tend relish being good with money and keeping their prosperity vibe humming along. It's vital to them. People with busy 10th Houses often DO achieve more recognition than that average person or would be considered super successful by any standards. People with intense 12th houses often do amazing, deeply spiritual work behind-­‐
the-­‐scenes. Like trauma counseling. Those with big 11th Houses have ludicrously huge networks. The founder of Facebook -­‐ Mark Zuckerberg -­‐ has a super crowded 11th House. If you have, for example, an empty House of Love -­‐ the 7th House -­‐ it does not mean you never hook up. It means you are not one of those people for whom it is vital. Besides, more often than not, an empty sector becomes active when a heavy-­‐
hitter, slow mover planet like Pluto comes a visiting. So TWO exercises to think about here: (1) Observe your busiest house & who lives there. Imagine that they ARE in a 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 11 house living together and think about how that would pan out. Don't worry too much about the meaning of the planet or whatever, just think of them as people. EG: Venus with Saturn in the 9th House. So that's like a sexy female type with an older scholarly guy living on a university campus or traveling all the time. How's that pan out? Or Mars with the Moon and Pluto in the 5th House...Pluto is King of the Underworld, Mars is like a solider, the Moon wants empathy, Yin and emotional cohesion. They're all in the party/art/breeding sector. Do these people get along? Do compromises need to be made? Thinking creatively about your most crowded house and who inhabits it will give you some genius aha moments. (2) Work out your House that has been most affected by Pluto -­‐ the Change God -­‐ for the last two years. Pluto takes over a decade to go through most sectors of your chart so it is a good sample to work with. We will be doing transits properly later but this exercise will help you understand the houses better. Where-­‐ever Pluto has been transiting is where you've been forced into growth and authenticity. EG; say he has been in your 11th house, you may be stunned at the level of flux and deepening (ready or not) that has gone down. You may literally be now rubbing shoulders with way more powerful people. Pluto in the 6th House is associated with big health evolutions. So since January 2013, Pluto has been going through Capricorn from Capricorn 9 to Capricorn 15. Find that bit of your chart for some thought fodder. The Capricorn glyph is on the Astro Hack 02 page, as is a sample chart in case you can't find this zone on your chart. Astro-Hack 02 – Support Material
This is the Capricorn glyph and this is how it is shown on the Astrodienst charts, below. 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 12 Also, each sign and house in the chart has a natural ruler, the ruling planet. This represents the energy that oversees the signs of the zodiac and the houses in the chart. It is called the natural wheel, and looks like this: 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 13 AND here is (sorry) Justin Bieber, our sample chart du jour. So he has had Pluto (you need to see the Astro-­‐Hack 02 email to be with all this) going from 9 Capricorn to 15 Capricorn since 2013 and that is in his 2nd house aka the $$$ sector. 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 14 Note also at the very bottom of the chart, it gives the house cusp numbers. So you can see that Justin’s 2nd House begins at Zero Capricorn. The 8th House, which is opposite the 2nd house, is not shown as it is exactly the same number (zero) only the in the opposite sign of Cancer/Kataka. So if you’re looking to get your bearings as to what degree of which sign a house begins at, look to the bottom left OR to a planet/Sun/Moon in that house. What happened to Justin Bieber when Pluto crossed into his $$$ sector? It was his breakout year, when he made it big, got taken under the wing of Usher and signed his first big record deal. It was the beginning of his empire. That whole time leading up to then was Pluto in his 1st house, honing his identity, painstakingly putting it out there via You Tube & Twitter. When Pluto gets to 8 Aquarius, it will be crossing into his 3rd House. I am not saying study Justin Bieber but the reason we look at celebrity charts is that their achievements are usually out-­‐there to grok. So see the Astro-­‐Hack 02 email for the two exercises & come comment when you are ready or to ask any questions! Here is Justin at the beginning of his Pluto through the $$$ house transit. Often times people come into your life who represent the energy of the planet being activated or strong via transit. Usher – with his Libra Sun conjunct Pluto and with a full on Mercury-­‐Uranus-­‐
Mars-­‐Venus in Scorpio presence, a singer, songwriter, actor, dancer and philanthropist Vegan with a personal fortune of $180 million was basically the ultimate Plutonic Mentor for a then 14 year old Bieber. Are you getting it? 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 15 Astro-Hack 03 - The Ruling Planet
Hello Beautiful Students! Today's topic is your RULING PLANET. This is, quite simply, the planet (or Sun/Moon) that "rules" your Ascendant. It is considered the most vital entity in your chart energies. YES, like many things in astrology, this is debatable. A planet conjunct (right next to) the Midheaven or Ascendant is important and an "outer" planet (Pluto, Uranus, Neptune) on an "inner point" (the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus) is considered important also. BUT the official chart ruler is the 'boss' of the Ascendant. For example, people with Scorpio Rising (Pluto ruling) are often super-­‐sensitive to Pluto transits and even just the once a month flashpoint that is the Moon on Pluto. 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 16 People with Crab Rising are super-­‐wired to the movements of the Moon. So go check out the Astro Hacks 3 page for more info and a sample chart -­‐ THEN: Identify your Ruling Planet and where it is/what is doing in your chart. Is it free and easy riding high at the top of your chart? Living with another planetary energy? In the 12th House aka maybe subconsciously operating, not fully in the open? Do you identify with any of the mythology or vibe of this planet? Could you see it as a guide? Astro-Hack 03 – Support Material
Hello Students! Note the chart of Ms Angelina Jolie, above. So she is Crab Rising – Cancer Rising – and you can see that on the left hand side of the chart. There is the AC symbol – for ascendant or rising sign – and the Cancer symbol. The Ascendant is the cusp or the start of the 1st house and the sign at 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 17 the beginning of that house is said to “rule” that House. Yes, even if that house or sector is mostly another sign. So as she has Cancer Rising, her chart ruler is the Moon. Her Moon is in the Vision Sector (the 9th House) conjunct Mars and Jupiter in fiery, action-­‐oriented Aries. So you can see how the compassionate, nurturing aspect of the Moon/Cancer has full expression in her activism, advocacy for rape victims and the other causes she is so famously associated with. So know your chart ruler, find it in your chart and begin to watch it in terms of transits. We will be doing transits properly later but in the meantime, when you read your horoscopes, keep an eye out for your ruling planet. Or, if you know your chart pretty well, practice a week or so of closely monitoring what your ruling planet is doing. You might be surprised at how apt it can seem. Aries Rising is ruled by Mars. Taurus Rising is ruled by Venus. Gemini Rising is ruled by Mercury. Cancer Rising is ruled by the Moon. Leo Rising is ruled by the Sun. Virgo Rising is ruled by Mercury. Libra Rising is ruled by Venus. Scorpio Rising is ruled by Pluto. Sagittarius Rising is ruled by Jupiter. Capricorn Rising is ruled by Saturn. Aquarius Rising is ruled by Uranus. 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 18 Pisces Rising is ruled by Neptune. If you don’t like the old-­‐style word or concept of “ruled” – think more it as your “patron planet” or “guide planet.” If you want to get really cosmically with it, go for a wander on a starry night and find it in the sky. If it is a harder to find one, use an app such as Night Sky 2. It is sort of an ancient meditation to gaze at the star or planet you have an affinity with and it can feel fabulous to notice something twinkling at you in the evening sky and recognize it as a particular planet. Astro-Hack 04 - The Modalities
So this Astro-­‐Hack is about The Modalities. Yes, i agree it sounds like a band name but it is actually the term for the different modes that any of the signs of the Zodiac can be in. Memorize this and it will be retained like riding a bike or the times tables for future reference. Very quickly, you will be able to glance at the Modality/Elements Grid on a chart and grok it in a nanosecond. So don't worry if this seems clunky at first. The Cardinal Signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn -­‐ they are like the Boss Signs. Their first instinct is to take charge and manage crap. If they have a "blind 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 19 spot" -­‐ it is that they Do have a gargantuan ego. The Cardinals think only THEY know how things are run. So the more Cardinal modality you have in your chart, there more like this you are. And yes, even if you do hide it behind a modest little Pisces Rising. The Fixed Signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius (oddly enough you can see the all the Fixed signs of the Zodiac on many a church stained glass window and several Tarot cards -­‐ some say is because they correspond to archangels but i think the solution is weirder.) They are the ones who stick at things, they build, they are strategic and impassive. They're staunch-­‐as. If they have a negativity, it's their intense truculence. You've got stickability in the Fixed bits of your chart. The Mutable Signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Their strength is getting with the Zeitgeist. IN fact, fuq that -­‐ they ARE the Zeitgeist. Change-­‐adept and trend-­‐sensitive, their only issue is that they can feel like they're permanently oscillating. One minute they're in hemp activating their almonds and the next thinking it would be good to get a designer wallet for their wealth activation. They can be oblivious to just how flaky and random their constant searching for the signal amongst the noise can be to other people. You're super adaptive in the Mutable part of your chart. But what is COOL to do is assess the GRID that is on your birth chart. Soon you will be able to tell with a quick glance just how mutable, fixed or cardinal anyone is but go see the Astro Hacks 4 page and the examples there (Steve Jobs, Bernie Madoff and Francoise Sagan) for more! And then, yes share in the comments please! The amazing examples and anecdotes being shared in there are totally a part of the learning experience. Astro-Hack 04 – Support Material
Hey people! Please refer to the Astro-Hacks 4 Email for more on this! Below are
some sample graphs screen-shotted off Astrodienst.
Our Sample Cardinal Dominant Character is Mr Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple.
“The musicians play the instruments. I play the
orchestra.” – Steve Jobs (2015)
“When Artists lead, hacks ask for a show of hands.”
When Apple began designating employee numbers,
Steve Jobs was offended that Wozniak received #1 while
he got #2. He believed he should be second to no one so
he took #0 instead
99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 20 So you see the C for Cardinal row
is more busy, compared to the
Fixed (F) and M or Mutable.
For more examples of Steve Jobs
cardinal nature, go here for these
epic disses.
Cardinal dominant people can be
scratchy, bossy and oblivious to
their raging ego but by Jove, they
make things happen.
Our Sample Fixed Dominant character is infamous: Bernie Madoff. He is the financier convicted
and sentenced to 150 years in jail for the biggest Ponzi swindle of all time.
“The whole government is a Ponzi scheme.”
So note the F or Fixed Row totally loaded
compared to the others. Nobody is suggesting,
btw, that if you are dominant in the Fixed
modality that you are a crook lol! These are just
examples. But you could argue that it was
Madoff’s fixed nature that kept him
maintaining the whole racket, when he could
have pulled out earlier and not lost people
billions of dollars in savings.
Our Sample Mutable Dominant Character is
the novelist Francoise Sagan.
Chic, witty, elusive as fuq and an accomplished novelist with celebrity at a very young age, Francoise
Sagan always brings to mind (for me) the words of another highly Mutable artist, Edna St Vincent
Millay: My candle burns at both ends, it will not last the night. But oh, my foes and oh my friends, it
gives a lovely light.
For the full Sagan vibe, read her novels but some of her quotes:
The illusion of great art is to make one believe that literature is very close to life, but exactly the
opposite is true.
99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 21 Instead of leaving for Chile with a band of gangsters, one stays in Paris and writes a novel. That seems
to be the great adventure
Nothing brings on jealousy like laughter
For me, writing is a question of finding a certain rhythm…I compare it to the rhythms of jazz.
Pueblo Pluto
Astro-Hack 05 – Mars
Astro-­‐Hack Number 05 is Mars Plus. We talk about Mars (and it is an Mp3 rant) by sign, house and (basic) aspect. You will also be having some basic predictive practice by trying to assess what Mars is up to in your chart next year. Hint; It's going to drill right down in one particular aspect of your life. Fore-­‐warned really does equal fore-­‐armed when it comes to Mars. So go here and have a look! See you in the Comments! 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 22 Astro Hacks 5 – Mars It Up Hey people, this is the symbol for Mars and below is my Mp3 rant + the birth chart of Prince Harry for
reference, the symbols for Scorpio and Sagittarius + the link to the online ephemeris for 2016. All this
is explained in the Mp3. We are going to be talking about Mars and introducing the concepts of transits
and aspects!
Mars Rant
Online Ephemeris for 2016.
99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 23 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 24 99 Astro Hacks 1-­‐5 25