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Chapter 1
Functions, Graphs, and Limits
Graph of a Function
Linear Functions
One-Sided Limits and Continuity
Section 1: Functions
A function is a rule that assigns to each object in a set A
exactly one object in a set B. The set A is called the
domain of the function, and the set of assigned objects in
B is called the range.
A function is denoted by a letter such as f, g, h…etc
The value that the function f assigns to the number x in
the domain is then denoted by f(x)
f(x) = 2x3 + 7
It may help to think of such a function as a "mapping"
from numbers in A to numbers in B, or as a "machine"
that takes a given number from A and converts it into a
number in B through a process indicated by the functional
 it is important to remember that a function assigns one
and only one number in the range (output) to each
number in the domain (input)
Find f(3) if f(x) = x2 + 4
f(3) = 32 + 4 = 13
A function assigns one and only one number in the range
to each number in the domain.
A functional relationship may be represented by an
equation y = f(x)
y is called the dependent variable and x the indepedent
variable since the value of y depends on that of x
Domain of a function
If a formula is used to define a function f, then we assume
the domain of f to be the set of all numbers for which f(x)
is defined. We refer to this as the natural domain of f
Example: f (x) = 1 / ( x - 1)
x can take any real number except 1 since x = 1 would
make the denominator equal to zero and the division by
zero is not allowed in mathematics. Hence the domain in
interval notation is given by:
(-infinity , 1) U (1 , +infinity)
Find the domain and range of each of these functions.
f(x) =
Since division by any number other than 0 is possible, the
domain of f is the set of all numbers x such that x - 3 ≠0;
that is, x ≠3. The range of f is the set of all numbers y
except 0, since for any y≠ 0, there is an x such that
y = 1/x-3 in particular, x= 3+
Find the domain and range of this function.
g(x) =
Since negative numbers do not have real square roots,
g(t) can be evaluated only when t- 2 ≥0, so the domain of g is
the set of all numbers t such that t≥2 . The range of g is the
set of all nonnegative numbers, if y≥0, there is a t such that y =
; namely, t = +2.
Composition of functions
Given functions f(u) and g(x), the composition f(g(x)) is the
function of x formed by substituting u = g(x) for u in the
formula for f(u).
In other words, it is a combination of two functions,
where you apply the first function, get an answer, and then
fill that answer into the second function.
Note that the composite function f(g(x)) "makes sense"
only if the domain of f contains the range of g
Here are two simple functions, which we'll label f and g:
f(x) = 4x2 - 1
g(x) = 3x + 2
The composite function value we want is f( g(2) )
First work out g(2) = 3(2) + 2 = 8
Then work out f(8) = 4(8)2 - 1 = 4(64) - 1 = 255
So f( g(2) ) = 255
Notice that you do the inside function first. Then you fill that
answer into the outside function.
The Difference Quotient
A difference quotient is an expression of the general
where f is a given function of x and h is a number
 The difference quotient is used in the definition of the
Section 2: The graph of a function
The graph of a function is a diagram that exhibits a
relationship between two sets of numbers as a set of
points (or plot) having coordinates determined by the
Graphs have visual impact. They also reveal information
that may not be evident from verbal or algebraic
Rectangular coordinate system
A rectangular coordinate system (or Cartesian coordinate
system) is defined by an ordered pair of perpendicular lines
(coordinate axes), generally a single unit of length for both
axes, and an orientation for each axis.
The coordinate axes separate the plane into four parts called
Any point P in the plane can be associated with a unique
ordered pair of numbers (a, b) called the coordinates of P.
a is the x coordinate (or abscissa) and b is called the y
coordinate (or ordinate).
The distance formula
The distance between the points P(Xl, Yl) and Q(X2,Y2) is
given by
To represent a function Y = f(x) geometrically as a graph,
we plot values of the independent variable X on the
(horizontal) X axis and values of the dependent variable Y
on the (vertical) y axis.
Find the distance between the points P(-2, 5) and Q(4, -1).
In the distance formula, we have Xl = -2, Y1 = 5, X2 = 4,
and Y2 = -1, so the distance between P and Q may be
found as follows:
The graph of a function
The graph of a function f consists of all points (x, y) where x is
in the domain of f and y = f(x); that is, all points of the form
Example of a graph of a function
Y and x intercepts
The points (if any) where a graph crosses the x axis are
called x intercepts, and similarly, a y intercept is a point
where the graph crosses the y axis.
To find any x intercept, set y = 0 and solve for x. To find
any Y intercept, set x = 0 and solve for y.
Y and x intercepts
Graph the function f(x) = - x2 + x + 2. Include all x and y intercepts.
The y intercept is f(O) = 2. To find the x intercepts, solve the equation: f(x)
= O. Factoring, we find that
- x2 + x + 2 = 0
factor -(x + 1)(x - 2) = 0
Note that: uv = 0, if and only if u = 0 or v = 0
x = -1 and x = 2, thus, the x intercepts are: (-1, 0) and (2, 0).
Next, make a table of values and plot the corresponding points (x, f(x)).
Here is the graph of the function f(x) = - x2 + x + 2 with the intercepts
Graphing Parabolas
In general, the graph of y = Ax2 + Bx + C is a parabola as
long as A #0. All parabolas have a "U shape," and the
parabola y = Ax2 + Bx + C opens up if A > 0 and down
if A < O. The "peak".
To graph a reasonable parabola, we should know:
The location of the vertex ( where x = -B/2A )
 Whether the parabola opens up (A > 0) or down (A < 0)
 Any intercepts
y = -x2 + x + 2
Intersection of Graphs
The values of x for 'which two functions f(x) and g(x) are
equal', are the x coordinates of the points where their
graphs intersect.
Find all points of intersection of the graphs of f(x) = x and g(x) = x2
You must solve the equation x2 = x. Rewrite the equation as x2 - x = 0
which leads to x(x - 1), so the solutions are 0 and 1
Power Functions, Polynomials, and Rational Functions
A polynomial is a function of the form
p(x) = an.xn" + an-1xx-1 +…………+ alx + ao
where n is a nonnegative integer and ao, a1, ……….., an
are constants. The integer n (when not equal to zero) is
called the degree of the polynomial
A quotient of two polynomials p(x) and q(x) is called a
rational function.
Power Functions, Polynomials, and Rational Functions
Example Polynomial
x2 + 2x +5
Since all of the variables have integer
exponents that are positive this is a polynomial.
(x7 + 2x4 - 5) * 3x
Since all of the variables have integer
exponents that are positive this is a polynomial.
5x-2 +1
Not a polynomial because a term has a
negative exponent
3x½ +2
Not a polynomial because a term has a
fraction exponent
(5x +1) ÷ (3x)
Not a polynomial because of the division
(2x2 +3x) ÷ (x)
Is actually a polynomial because it's possible
to simplify this to 2x + 3, which of course
satisfies the requirements of a polynomial.
Vertical line test
A curve is the graph of a function if and only if no vertical
line intersects the curve more than once.
Section 3: Linear Functions
A linear function is a function that changes at a constant
rate with respect to its independent variable.
The graph of a linear function is a straight line.
The equation of a linear function can be written in the
form y = mx+b
where m and b are constants.
The Slope of a Line
The slope of the nonvertical line passing through the points
(Xl,YI) and (X2,Y2) is given by the formula
Slope = (Y2 – Y1) / (X2 – X1)
Since the graph of a linear function (Y = mx + b) is represented
by a line it has only one Y intercept which is b
 We say that y=mx+b is the equation of the line whose slope is
m and whose Y intercept is (0, b).
The Slope of a Line
Find the slope of the line joining the points (-2, 5) and (3, -1).
Solution: Slope =
The Point-Slope Form
The equation
y - yo = m(x - xo)
is an equation of the line that passes through the point
(xo,yo) and that has slope equal to m.
The Point-Slope Form
Find the equation of the line that passes through the point (5,1) with a slope of ½
Use the formula y-y0=m(x-x0) with (x0,y0)=(5,1) and m = ½ to get y - 1 = ½(x - 5)
which you can rewrite as y =
Parallel, perpendicular lines
Let m1and m2 be the slopes of the nonvertical lines L1,
and L2. Then L1 and L2 are parallel if and only if m1 =m2
L1 and L2 are perpendicular if and only if m2 = -1/ m1
Let L be the line 4x + 3y = 3.
1) Find the equation of a line L, parallel to L through P(-1, 4).
2) Find the equation of a line L2 perpendicular to L through Q(2, -3).
 Solution
By rewriting the equation 4x + 3y = 3 in the slope-intercept form we get:
y = -4/3 x + 1 we can deduct that the slope of L is -4/3
1) Any line parallel to L must also have slope m = - 4/3 and the required line L1
contains P(-1, 4), so y-4 = -4/3 (x + 1) thus : y = - x +
2 ) A line perpendicular to L must have slope m = , Since the required
line L2, contains Q(2, -3), we have y + 3 = 3/4*(x-2)
Which means: y = x 
Section 4: Limits
Let f(x) = 2 x + 2 and compute f(x) as x takes values
closer to 1. We first consider values of x approaching 1
from the left (x < 1), then we consider x approaching 1
from the right (x > 1).
In both cases as x approaches 1, f(x) approaches 4.
Intuitively, we say that limx→1 f(x) = 4.
The limit of a Function
If f(x) gets closer and closer to a number L as x gets
closer and closer to c from both sides, then L is the limit
of f(x) as x approaches c. The behavior is expressed by
Lim f(x) = L
Note: the limit of a constant is the constant itself, and the
limit of f(x) = x as x approaches c is c.
Algebraic Properties of Limits
Limits of Two linear Functions
For any constant k,
That is, the limit of a constant is the constant itself, and the
limit of f(x) = x as x approaches c is c.
Limits of Polynomials and Rational Functions
If p(x) and q(x) are polynomials, then
lim(x→c) p(x) = p(c)
Note: q( c ) must be different from zero
Limits at infinity
If the values of the function f(x) approach the number L as
x increases without bound, we write
Similarly, we write
when the functional values f(x) approach the number M as x
decreases without bound.
Reciprocal Power Rules
If A and k are constants with k > 0 and xk is defined for all
x, then:
We say that
is an infinite limit if f(x) increases or
decreases without bound as X C.
We write
if f(x) increases without bound as X  C
if f(x) decreases without bound as X  C
Section 5: One-Sided Limits and Continuity
The graph of a continuous function can be drawn without
lifting the pencil from the paper
A function is not continuous where its graph has a "hole
or gap"
One-Sided Limits
If f(x) approaches L as x tends toward c from the left (x < c),
we write
Likewise, if f(x) approaches M as x tends toward c from the
right (c < x), then
Existence of a limit
The two-sided limit
one-sided limits
equal, and then
exists if and only if the two
both exist and are
A function is said to be continuous at c if all three of
these conditions are satisfied:
is defined.
If f(x) is not continuous at c, it is said to have a discontinuity
Continuity on an interval
A function f(x) is said to be continuous on an open interval
a < x < b if it is continuous at each point x = c in that
Moreover, f is continuous on the closed interval a ≤ x ≤ b if it
is continuous on the open interval a < x < b and: