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Study Guide for QCA4 Answer Key
Quarter 4
Simple Machines
1. Which picture shows a greater mechanical advantage? A
2. How do you know that it has a greater mechanical advantage? Angle of the
inclined plane A is less than the angle in inclined plane B
3. Explain what is happening between the force and the
load. Effort force is moving downward, load is
moving upward.
4. Is there a mechanical advantage? No MA on a single
Newton’s Laws
5. What does Newton’s First Law state? An obj. at rest will stay at rest. An obj.
in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
6. Give an example of Newton’s First Law and explain it. You are driving in a car,
without your seatbelt, and the car hits a wall. The car stops because of the
unbalanced force (wall), but you keep moving through the windshield because
an obj. in motion will stay in motion.
7. What does Newton’s Second Law state? The amount of force needed to move
an obj. depends on the mass of the obj. and how fast it is moving.
8. Give an example of Newton’s Second Law and explain it. A big truck will hit
you with greater force than a toy truck because the mass is greater.
9. What does Newton’s Third Law state? For every action there is an equal &
opposite reaction.
10. Give an example of Newton’s Third Law and explain it. You inflate a balloon.
If you let it go, the rubber of the balloon will push out the same amount of air
you put into it and it will move away from you.
Using Speed Formula
11. What is the formula for speed? S=d/t
12. Use the formula to determine which runner is the fastest. Jimmy completed the
10 km. race in 50 mins. Brian completed the shorter 5 km. race in 25 mins.
Jimmy: 10 km/50 min. = .2 km/min. Brian: 5 km/25 min. = .2 km/min.
Both the same.
13. What is the formula for average speed? Ave. S=Total distance/Total time
14. Use the formula to determine the average speed of the walker.
25 miles/2.5 hours = 10 mi./hr.
15. What is a balanced force? Forces are equal; no movement
16. What is an unbalanced force? Forces are unequal; movement
17. Which picture illustrates a balanced force (B) and which one illustrates an
unbalanced force (UB)?
18. What force keeps the moon in orbit around the Earth? Gravity
19. Why do the planets orbit the Sun and not the Earth? Sun has greater
gravitational pull because its mass is greater.
Energy Transformations
20. What is the difference between potential and kinetic energy? PE is stored
energy, energy of position. KE is moving energy.
21. Label the picture with potential energy (PE), greatest potential energy (GPE),
kinetic energy (KE), & greatest kinetic energy (GKE).
22. Give an example of an object going from potential energy to kinetic energy. A
soccer ball is sitting on the ground (PE). It is kicked and moves through
the air (KE).
23. What energy transformations are occurring in the following object? Indicate
where they are occurring.
24. What energy transformations are occurring in the following:
Radiant to chemical
25. What is the Law of Conservation of Energy? If energy is not destroyed where
does the “unused” energy go? Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Any
energy that is not used transforms into heat & is released into
Quarter 1
26. What is the difference between a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell?
Procaryotic cell-no nucleus Eukaryotic cell-nucleus
27. Which organelles does a plant cell have that an animal cell does not? Plant cell
has a cell wall & chloroplasts. Both have vacuole. Plant’s vacuole is
large & centrally located. Animal has many very small vacuoles.
28. What is the order for the levels of cellular organization?
celltissuesorgansorgan systemsorganism (remember: CT3O)
Define the following words:
29. Unicellular-made up of only 1 cell
30. Multi-cellular-made up of many cells
31. Autotroph-organism can make its own food (ex: plant)
32. Heterotroph-organism cannot make its own food (ex: animal)
33. List the 4 kingdoms in Domain Eukarya. Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, Protista
Quarter 2
34. What is the meaning of biotic factors? Give 3 examples of biotic factors.
Biotic=living (animals, plants, people, fish)
35. What is the meaning of abiotic factors? Give 3 examples of abiotic factors.
Abiotic=nonliving (air, water, sunshine, soil)
36. Circle the elements: Ca
37. Circle the compounds: CaCl
H2 O
H 2 O2
38. Complete the table:
State of matter
usually solid
Usually gas
39. What is the density of the sample?
142 g
110 mL - 90 mL = 20 mL
D=M/V 142 g/20 mL = 7.1 g/mL
Quarter 3
Earth’s Layers & Plate Tectonics
Explain and draw a picture of the following boundaries:
40. Convergent-when 2 plates come together
41. Divergent-when 2 plates move away from each other
42. Transform-when 2 plates rub against each other
43. What geological event occurs at a convergent boundary? Mountains &
44. What geological event occurs at a divergent boundary? Mid-ocean ridge or rift
45. What geological event occurs at a transform boundary? Earthquakes
Rock Cycle
46. What 2 processes make an igneous rock? Cooling & crystallization
47. What 2 processes make a sedimentary rock? Compaction & cementation
48. What 2 processes make a metamorphic rock? Heat & pressure
49. What is the difference between weathering and erosion? Weathering breaks
down rocks. Erosion breaks down rocks & moves the sediments to another
50. What are sediments? Pieces of rock
51. Define Astronomical Unit-distance from Earth to Sun; approx. 149.6 million
52. Explain the difference between speed and velocity. Speed is rate of motion.
Velocity is rate of motion plus direction.
53. Explain acceleration. Acceleration is the change of velocity (change in
speed or direction.)
54. Identify what is happening in the following motion graphs.
constant speed
no movement
speeding up then
slowing down