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Nervous System
Lesson 7 Vocab
neurons – nerve cells, which
make up your nervous system
cerebrum – the largest part of
the brain; where most of your
thinking takes place
cerebellum – the part of the
brain that makes your
muscles work together;
controls most movements
that you do without thinking
hemispheres – two halves of a
sphere, or ball-shaped object,
such as the brain
brain – the major organ in the nervous
spinal cord – an organ that carries
messages to and from the brain
nerve – is a bundle of cells that
conducts messages from one part of
the body to another
reflex – an automatic response to
Nervous System
1. The nervous system controls all the
systems in your body
2. What do your nerve cells and nerves
a. Cells of your nervous system are called
nerve cells, or neurons
i. Neurons have long branches that come out both
ii. They are long and thin
iii. Bundles of neurons
make up nerves
– b. nerves receive and send messages
– c. some carry messages to the brain to
let it know what is happening in and
around your body – sensory nerves
– d. others carry messages from the
brain to muscles, telling muscles what
to do – motor nerves
How Does your Brain Work
– a. The brain is the “control center” of the
– b. Always receiving messages and sorts
them out looking for meaning, then tells
the body what to do
c. 3 main parts
i. Cerebrum – largest part, where most
thinking takes place, solves problems,
forms emotions (feelings), makes
decisions, and controls how you learn,
receives and answers messages from
– 1. divided into 2 halves called hemispheres, each
side responsible for different tasks
– 2. 2 halves connected by the corpus callosum
– 3. right side deals with imagination and the arts
– 4. left side deals with words and facts, math
– 5. both are always working together
A concussion is a brain injury which occurs when the head takes a sudden
blow, banging the brain against the side of the skull. Concussions range
from mild (no loss of consciousness) to severe (loss of consciousness).
Patients typically suffer headaches, nausea and dizziness in the short run
and some develop enduring headaches, dizziness and confusion for
Athletes at Central Dauphin East have to take an Impact test to give a
baseline for how their brains function prior to a concussion. If they hit
their head playing sports and can’t pass the same test, they have to get
treatment for concussion.
ii. Cerebellum – the part of the brain that makes
muscles work together, helps move and keep
balance, cerebellum directs most movement
without you thinking about it
iii. Brain stem – lowest part of the brain,
messages moving between brain and the rest of
the body pass through the brain stem
– 1. medulla oblongata takes care of critical life functions
– breathing, heartbeat, swallowing, blood vessels,
controls inner organs
4. What is the job of
your spinal cord?
– a. Starts at the base of
the brain, main path for
messages entering and
leaving the brain
– b. Surround and protects
spinal cord connecting
nerves to brain
– c. Sudden actions that
are done without
thinking are reflexes
Peripheral Nervous System
Nerves connect all parts of the body
to the Central Nervous System (the
brain and spinal cord)
Nerves serve as a means of
communication between the Central
Nervous System and the body
Common Problems of the
Nervous System
Meningitis – an infection of the protective
coverings of the brain and spinal cord caused by
bacteria or a virus… bacteria is treated by
antibiotics and there is a vaccine. The viral form
is most common and milder… the West Nile Virus
is one! No vaccine, just avoid mosquito bites if
you can!
Rabies – viral infection of the brain… passed by
the bite of an infected animal – avoid animals
acting strangely and get immediate medical
attention if bitten
Concussion – an injury to the
brain caused by a blow to the
head – may cause loss of
memory or consciousness… can
be prevented by wearing
protective headgear
Stroke – the death of brain
tissue due to a lack of blood to
the brain – requires immediate
medical attention and
Paralysis – partial or total loss of
the ability to use muscles
usually caused by damage to
the brain or spinal cord – may
be permanent
Epilepsy – a disorder of the nerves
and brain that is characterized by
uncontrollable muscle activity
(seizures)… treated with medication
Cerebral Palsy – poor muscle control
caused by damage to the brain,
often at birth … no cure or
prevention but may be helped by
physical therapy
Review lesson 7
Review – Lesson 7
1. What does your nervous system
2. How are sensory and motor
nerves different?
3. What are the jobs of the
4. How are the hemispheres of your
brain able to exchange nerve