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Era 6: Renaissance and Reformation
1. What was the Renaissance a rebirth of?
a. Christian devotion
b. art and learning
c. chivalry and tournaments
d. good health after the plague
2. The study of classical texts caused humanists to focus on what subject?
a. human potential and achievements
b. an understanding of early Christianity
c. an understanding of ancient Muslim values
d. Roman law and government
3. What was the first full-sized book Gutenberg printed?
a. Utopia
b. Romeo and Juliet
c. the Bible
d. The Prince
4. In what way did Leonardo da Vinci represent the Renaissance Man?
a. He was a painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist.
b. He painted the Mona Lisa while holding scientific discussions.
c. He lived in Italy during the 1500s.
d. He used perspective in all of his drawings and paintings.
5. Luther protested the practice of selling indulgences. What was that practice?
a. Clergy members bought indulgences to reach higher offices.
b. The clergy sold pardons that released people from performing penalties for their sins.
c. Charles V told his people that buying indulgences was a way to earn a way to heaven.
d. Indulgences permitted priests to marry and have children.
6. Who declared himself the head of the English Church?
a. Henry VIII
b. John Knox
c. Martin Luther
d. Emperor Charles V
7. What was one of John Calvin's major teachings?
a. humanism
b. adult baptism
c. indulgences
d. predestination
9. Which cities were the centers of Calvinism and Lutheranism? (Map)
a. Rotterdam and London
b. Geneva and Wittenberg
c. Wittenberg and Rotterdam
d. Worms and Geneva
10. In which two countries was Calvinism the dominant religion? (Map)
a. England and Ireland
b. France and Poland
c. Scotland and the Netherlands
d. Sweden and Norway
11. Which European country was the leader in developing and applying 15th century sailing innovations?
a. Italy
b. Spain
c. Portugal
d. the Netherlands
13. Who captained the first European ship to sail around the tip of Africa, now known as the Cape of Good
a. Prince Henry
b. Vasco da Gama
c. Bartolomeu Dias
d. Christopher Columbus
14. Who conquered the Aztec empire?
a. Hernando Cortés
b. Francisco Pizarro
c. Ferdinand Magellan
d. Vasco Núñez de Balboa
15. Why did Europeans see Africans as a better a source of labor than Native Americans?
a. Africans had complete immunity to all diseases, so they wouldn't die off.
b. Africans had no experience in farming, so they wouldn't try to do things their way.
c. Africans were strangers in the Americas, so they wouldn't have allies or places to hide.
d. Africans were already Christians, so they didn't have to be converted.
16. What did the encomienda system provide for New Spain?
a. more land
b. more settlers
c. military protection
d. a cheap labor source
17. What did ships transport on the "middle passage"? (Illustration)
a. coins, enslaved Africans, and sugar
b. gold and enslaved Africans
c. rum, trade goods, and currency
d. sugar, molasses, and enslaved Africans
18. Which places were part of all three triangular trade routes? (Illustration)
a. England
b. West Indies and southern colonies
c. New England, New York, and Philadelphia
d. Africa
19. What did England export? (Illustration)
a. salt, fruit, and wines
b. sugar, molasses, and fruit
c. bills of exchange
d. manufactured goods
20. The heliocentric, or sun-centered, theory was proposed by
a. Galileo Galilei.
b. Nicolaus Copernicus.
c. Francis Bacon.
d. Isaac Newton.
21. Isaac Newton explained the
a. law of universal gravitation.
b. anatomy of the human body.
c. chemical composition of matter.
d. function of blood vessels.
22. The heliocentric theory challenged the
a. political scientists.
b. observed patterns.
c. geocentric theory
d. mathematical theories.
23. The followers of John Knox became known as
a. Amish.
b. Quakers.
c. Lutherans.
d. Presbyterians.
24. Predestination was one of the main doctrines of
a. theocracy.
b. Calvinism.
c. Lutheranism.
d. the Catholic Reformation.
26. The Council of Trent agreed that
a. Christians need only faith for salvation.
b. the Church's interpretation of the Bible is final.
c. priests cannot pardon sinners for committing sins.
d. the Bible is the only authority for guiding Christian life.
28. What prompted a wave of new businesses and trade practices in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries?
a. the global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during colonization
b. new wealth from the Americas and the growth in overseas trade
c. people pooling their wealth for a common purpose
d. European countries becoming able to sell more goods than they bought
29. Which European country was the first to import enslaved Africans to the Americas?
a. the Netherlands
b. France
c. England
d. Spain
30. The Americas were named in honor of whom?
a. Amerigo Vespucci
b. Christopher Columbus
c. Prince Henry the Navigator
d. Vasco da Gama
31. Who sponsored the voyage of Columbus to reach the Indies by sailing west?
a. Ferdinand and Isabella
b. Henry VIII
c. Mary Tudor
d. Prince Henry the Navigator
32. Spain and Portugal worked out the details of the Line of Demarcation in the ________ of 1494.
a. Lisbon Peace Treaty
b. Madrid Accords
c. Mexican Revolution
d. Treaty of Tordesillas
33. The ceiling of Rome’s Sistine Chapel was painted by __________________________.
a. Donatello
b. Leonardo
c. Michelangelo
d. Raphael
34. __________________________ describes the everyday language used by almost all people in their daily
a. Vernacular
b. Greek
c. Latin
d. Slang
35. _____________________ supported the arts financially.
a. Patroons
b. Plebians
c. Patrons
d. Practitioners
36. Who famously states: “I think therefore I am”?
a. Descartes
b. Galileo
c. Kepler
d. Newton
37. The Age of Exploration led directly to the ______________.
a. Establishment of European colonies in the Americas
b. Extinction of the Mayan language in the Yucatan
c. Failure of the Treaty of Tordesillas
d. Settlement of English Puritans in North America
38. What economic system is based on the belief that a nation’s true wealth should be measured by its stores of
gold and silver?
a. Capitalism
b. Communism
c. Socialism
d. Mercantilism
39. The Protestant Reformation represents a turning point in European history because it
a. allowed reformers like Luther and Calvin to escape persecution.
b. made all religious writings the same.
c. ended religious unity by creating different branches of Christianity.
d. forced most of Europe’s monarchs to become Protestants.
Compared to medieval art, Renaissance art was
a. flatter and less lifelike.
b. more realistic.
c. more religious.
d. less accurate.
Era 6: Renaissance and Reformation
1. What was the Renaissance a rebirth of?
a. Christian devotion
b. art and learning
c. chivalry and tournaments
d. good health after the plague
2. The study of classical texts caused humanists to focus on what subject?
a. human potential and achievements
b. an understanding of early Christianity
c. an understanding of ancient Muslim values
d. Roman law and government
3. What was the first full-sized book Gutenberg printed?
a. Utopia
b. Romeo and Juliet
c. the Bible
d. The Prince
4.In what way did Leonardo da Vinci represent the Renaissance Man?
a. He was a painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist.
b. He painted the Mona Lisa while holding scientific discussions.
c. He lived in Italy during the 1500s.
d. He used perspective in all of his drawings and paintings.
5. Luther protested the practice of selling indulgences. What was that practice?
a. Clergy members bought indulgences to reach higher offices.
b. The clergy sold pardons that released people from performing penalties for their sins.
c. Charles V told his people that buying indulgences was a way to earn a way to heaven.
d. Indulgences permitted priests to marry and have children.
6. Who declared himself the head of the English Church?
Henry VIII
John Knox
Martin Luther
Emperor Charles V
7. What was one of John Calvin's major teachings?
a. humanism
b. adult baptism
c. indulgences
d. predestination
9. Which cities were the centers of Calvinism and Lutheranism? (Map)
a. Rotterdam and London
b. Geneva and Wittenberg
c. Wittenberg and Rotterdam
d. Worms and Geneva
10. In which two countries was Calvinism the dominant religion? (Map)
a. England and Ireland
b. France and Poland
c. Scotland and the Netherlands
d. Sweden and Norway
11. Which European country was the leader in developing and applying 15th century sailing innovations?
a. Italy
b. Spain
c. Portugal
d. the Netherlands
13. Who captained the first European ship to sail around the tip of Africa, now known as the Cape of Good
a. Prince Henry
b. Vasco da Gama
c. Bartolomeu Dias
d. Christopher Columbus
14. Who conquered the Aztec empire?
a. Hernando Cortés
b. Francisco Pizarro
c. Ferdinand Magellan
d. Vasco Núñez de Balboa
15. Why did Europeans see Africans as a better a source of labor than Native Americans?
a. Africans had complete immunity to all diseases, so they wouldn't die off.
b. Africans had no experience in farming, so they wouldn't try to do things their way.
c. Africans were strangers in the Americas, so they wouldn't have allies or places to hide.
d. Africans were already Christians, so they didn't have to be converted.
16. What did the encomienda system provide for New Spain?
a. more land
b. more settlers
c. military protection
d. a cheap labor source
17. What did ships transport on the "middle passage"? (Illustration)
a. coins, enslaved Africans, and sugar
b. gold and enslaved Africans
c. rum, trade goods, and currency
d. sugar, molasses, and enslaved Africans
18. Which places were part of all three triangular trade routes? (Illustration)
a. England
b. West Indies and southern colonies
c. New England, New York, and Philadelphia
d. Africa
19. What did England export? (Illustration)
a. salt, fruit, and wines
b. sugar, molasses, and fruit
c. bills of exchange
d. manufactured goods
20. The heliocentric, or sun-centered, theory was proposed by
a. Galileo Galilei.
b. Nicolaus Copernicus.
c. Francis Bacon.
d. Isaac Newton.
21. Isaac Newton explained the
a. law of universal gravitation.
b. anatomy of the human body.
c. chemical composition of matter.
d. function of blood vessels.
22. The heliocentric theory challenged the
a. political scientists.
b. observed patterns.
c. geocentric theory
d. mathematical theories.
23. The followers of John Knox became known as
a. Amish.
b. Quakers.
c. Lutherans.
d. Presbyterians.
24. Predestination was one of the main doctrines of
a. theocracy.
b. Calvinism.
c. Lutheranism.
d. the Catholic Reformation.
26. The Council of Trent agreed that
a. Christians need only faith for salvation.
b. the Church's interpretation of the Bible is final.
c. priests cannot pardon sinners for committing sins.
d. the Bible is the only authority for guiding Christian life.
28. What prompted a wave of new businesses and trade practices in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries?
a. the global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during colonization
b. new wealth from the Americas and the growth in overseas trade
c. people pooling their wealth for a common purpose
d. European countries becoming able to sell more goods than they bought
29. Which European country was the first to import enslaved Africans to the Americas?
a. the Netherlands
b. France
c. England
d. Spain
30. The Americas were named in honor of whom?
e. Amerigo Vespucci
f. Christopher Columbus
g. Prince Henry the Navigator
h. Vasco da Gama
31. Who sponsored the voyage of Columbus to reach the Indies by sailing west?
e. Ferdinand and Isabella
f. Henry VIII
g. Mary Tudor
h. Prince Henry the Navigator
32. Spain and Portugal worked out the details of the Line of Demarcation in the ________ of 1494.
e. Lisbon Peace Treaty
f. Madrid Accords
g. Mexican Revolution
h. Treaty of Tordesillas
33. The ceiling of Rome’s Sistine Chapel was painted by __________________________.
e. Donatello
f. Leonardo
g. Michelangelo
h. Raphael
34. __________________________ describes the everyday language used by almost all people in their daily
e. Vernacular
f. Greek
g. Latin
h. Slang
35. _____________________ supported the arts financially.
e. Patroons
f. Plebians
g. Patrons
h. Practitioners
36. Who famously states: “I think therefore I am”?
e. Descartes
f. Galileo
g. Kepler
h. Newton
37. The Age of Exploration led directly to the ______________.
Establishment of European colonies in the Americas
Extinction of the Mayan language in the Yucatan
Failure of the Treaty of Tordesillas
Settlement of English Puritans in North America
38. What economic system is based on the belief that a nation’s true wealth should be measured by its stores of
gold and silver?
e. Capitalism
f. Communism
g. Socialism
h. Mercantilism
39. The Protestant Reformation represents a turning point in European history because it
a. allowed reformers like Luther and Calvin to escape persecution.
b. made all religious writings the same.
c. ended religious unity by creating different branches of Christianity.
d. forced most of Europe’s monarchs to become Protestants.
Compared to medieval art, Renaissance art was
a. flatter and less lifelike.
b. more realistic.
c. more religious.
d. less accurate.