* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
DISTRIBUTION THE AND HEAD THE S. The lying femoral on the the head neck, and SEVJTT From receives the Dunoyer 1955). the adult, the head; communicate than others-for the references loss of the because the arteriography therefore To studied main blood FEMUR supply capital (Trueta within ENGLAND Accident from retinacular arteries THE SUPPLYING Hospital the retinacular arteries (capsular) (Wolcott 1943, (lateral epiphysial) branches and Harrison 1953; Judet, the head are believed vessels Tucker 1949, of the superior Judet, Lagrange to anastomose freely in because injected preparations show vascular communications in various parts of and the terminal branches of the lateral epiphysial and ligamentum teres arteries in the subfovea (Wolcott 1943, Trueta and Harrison 1953, Judet et a!. 1955). the role of the vessels of the ligamentum teres is still in doubt even though it is a century since the report of Astley Cooper (1823) which was followed by many Nevertheless more The ARTERIES Birmingham superior the superior importance OF BIRMINGHAM, Departmezt, its main especially OF R. G. THOMPSON, Pathology Harty 1953); within the head retinacular supply are ofgreat and ANASTOMOSES AND NECK see cervical Nordenson arterial (1938) supply and after Wolcott (1943). intracapsular With fractures head would continue to receive blood through the ligamentum reveals a high incidence of avascularity of the head after the functional elucidate the by arteriographic anastomoses problem the injection areas within the head of the femoral post-mortem must be limited head supplied after procedures a free anastomosis, not be disastrous, would teres. However, these fractures and (Sevitt 1964). by various arteries designed to cut off were all vessels to the head except for one or more particular groups. The vessels injected then represented the distribution of the arteries left intact. The distribution of superior and inferior retinacular arteries and those from the bony neck and from the ligamentum teres were particularly studied and observations were made on the cervical supply. The vessels in the ligamentum teres were also examined histologically. MATERIALS The mostly investigation after injuries osteoarthritis sixty-five or other subjects were fifty-seven preparations acceptable are subjects, most the of with Prussian carried out on the and a few after burns hip disease made, but of whom blue were fifteen (thirty-four basis opposite hip, many are shown in Table Arterial injection-The this were of which I. fluid had been the dyed from a large millilitres were barium syringe injected, was more was injected 560 muscle division for the required, there had study This after (Sevitt femoral external but iliac the and it is very circumferential pass was a greater Between of artificial JOURNAL details veins manual fills “ medium BONE pressure 600 and 1,200 avascularity” to over-inject of the neck OF dyed but anastomoses are not the field of injection. by strong loss ofinjection THE into artery. difficult incision Other male of the (Micropaque) not artery possibility technically twenty a fracture 1964). have hips of The other were and suspension does to seventy-two grounds. which died at necropsy known female large capillaries ; capillary artery was ligated to limit the common required, femora) sulphate 1964). into was examined Those thirty-two another a barium through than left from Twenty-four (Sevitt from too little barium had to be avoided volume of 1 to 1 2 litres was injected after the extensive I). perhaps femoral of adults diseases. Preparations from rejected on technical came injected reported cannulated hips natural twenty-three They injected as previously or (Table elderly METHODS uninjured avoided. were right, report. arteries, arterioles, sinusoids and demonstrated. First, the superficial Then AND was AND the head. A because, with (see JOINT below). SURGERY DISTRIBUTION Successful AND injection ANASTOMOSES was internal iliac artery. Procedures on the heralded OF ARTERIES by Experience hip-One blueing SUPPLYING of the was gained or other of upper OF THE Main FIFTY-TWO clinical Subcapital of the femur Pertrochanteric fractures fractures of the femur Head injuries Other injuries Fatal disease . THE FIFTY-SEVEN Survival 561 OF FEMUR retrograde flow Dead on . I1 Less than . 3 I to 7 days PREPARATIONS arrival from fractured 11 and . in yea 17 and the hips. shown 24 50 to DERIvEn Number rs 2 . . 8 60 . 3 12 60 to 80 . 22 More . 8 1 to 4 weeks . 16 . . . . 9 4 to 8 weeks . 10 . . . . 3 More . 5 8 weeks than of patients . . TABLE WERE Age 2 . I day than of patients . no injury NECK intact and in Table Number time 13 NATURE Illustration in Figure and of many outlined . but AND I WHOM of patients Other . FROM Number state fractures Burns SUBJECTS thigh from injection the procedures TABLE DETAILS HEAD 80 25 4 11 OF THE FIFTY-SEVEN EXPERIMENTS Technique 1 Purpose 1 Controls 2 Loss 3 preparation for effect Supply 4 of of only only vessels only from Supply from teres Supply superior 7 Supply (3) (17) retinacular from inferior arteries (8) inferior teres Supply from vessels to Supply from vessels to head Intact Divided Transected Intact Incomplete transection and rim As retinacular Incomplete inferior and arteries 9 retinacular 10 Supply I1 and only Supply arteries retinacular head arteries ligamentum from bony Divided intact above Intact transection; rim intact As Divided above Intact (8) Superficial 8 ; teres (2) retinacular ligamentum Ligamentum Intact superior arteries neck Intact (2) teres retinacular teres from Femoral (4) superior only hips vessels in ligamentum ligamentum 6 of capsulotomy ligamentum arteries 5 number of posterior from Supply and except (6) except teres superior superior arteries transcervical superior or partial incision three-quarters to half left intact ; inferior Intact As above Divided (2) vessels (4) Circumferential from superior and inferior retinacular and from ligamentum teres vessels (1) incision Divided Incomplete transection; superior and inferior rims intact Intact I diagrammatically in Figure exposed posteriorly U-shaped internus flap tendon VOL. 47 B, NO. ; with 1 (numbers the in the buttock were divided 3, AUGUST 1965 body 1 to 1 1) was face down and undercutting near the ischial the done plane before injection. of the joint was The hip joint reached of the glutei ; the gemelli muscles and spine and stripped back to the acetabular with was a deep obturator margin. 562 S. SEVITT The capsule by converting was incised the incision R. G. THOMPSON the acetabular rim and the back of the femoral a T-shaped one. The posterior part of the superior all the the capsular fossa. To divide the ligamentum teres a large part of the posterior wall of the acetabulum removed, and the femur rotated medially to expose the ligament, which was hooked and through. The ligament was divided before anything was done to the femoral neck. The cut reflections the various (Desoutter). saw for blade sutured was retinaculum to prevent returned to because well of the bone cuts was Acetabular bone the the were head supine of the risk Care to for from the showing the various experimental procedures taken not falling to cut arteries oscillating muscles were arterial FIG. Diagram was anastomotic a power-driven and buttock femur position seen. neck exposed retinaculum and was inferior near into AND backwards in the laterally beyond intertrochanteric model fitted with replaced and the or twisting when a small buttock the body injection. 1 (numbered 2 to I 1) done on the neck of the femur and teres before arteriographic injection. 2, division of ligamentum teres ; 3, complete transection of the neck ; 4, incomplete cervical section but with the upper rim left intact and with division of ligamentum teres; 5, the same as 4 but the ligamentum teres has been left intact; 6, incomplete cervical section with the lower rim left intact and with division of ligamentum teres ; 7, the same as 6 but the ligamentum teres has been left intact ; 8, superficial or partial division of the upper part of the neck ; 9, the same as 8 but with division of the ligamentum teres ; 10, circumferential incision of soft tissues and cortical bone around the neck with division of ligamentum teres ; 1 1 , a “ diaphysial “ section of the neck leaving upper and lower rims intact. on the ligamentum For dislocated acetabular extreme the circumferential the neck was cut of all retinacular closed. Processing-After trochanteric the head. hydrogen incision ofthe neck (number 10 in Figure posteriorly by extending the posterior capsular incision margin and dividing the overlying muscles. This allowed adduction and medial rotation of the limb. After division circumferentially vessels. The injection area were divided the head a few millimetres was then restored upper part longitudinally They were fixed in formol saline, peroxide, dehydrated in alcohols 1) the femoral deep with a Gigli to the acetabulum of the femur was removed. into four to six slices decalcified and cleared saw JOURNAL was to ensure division and the wound was The head, according in 20 per cent in Spaltholz’s THE head antero-laterally along the the head to dislocate on of the ligamentum teres neck to the and size of formic acid, bleached in mixture. The cleared OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY DISTRIBUTION slices of AND ANASTOMOSES bone-arteriograph trochanter was OF ARTERIES preparation included because especially when there was lack with grain x-ray film arteriographs fine was complete. stained Transverse by Normal arterial pattern is required, retinacular the one, pass medially and inferior superior arteries, superior and give are and groups 1949). (see teres (Figs. head under with smaller circulus and less of the penetrate into the wax and the normal Harrison arteries, The especially The anterior, vascular (1953). main the vessels posterior are and other of William Hunter (1743). largest, with a mean diameter the head metaphysial on neck. constant vasculosus are processing in paraffin histologically. and femoral synovium articuli superior word Trueta radiology; before recognised 3)-A greater of injection, by results processed circumflex the The controlled gave 563 OF FEMUR the success easily from the NECK investigation. were 2 and to six in number, and this was were borrowed from They below) of AND demonstrated They arteries neck HEAD Decalcification ligamenta being the four basis obtained. Injected derived to the (Tucker off cervical of the head which together form retinacular arteries, 0#{149}84 millimetres filling. terminology which the of its vessels were eosin. of the some arteries, medial of capital and supply filling sections haematoxylin are good SUPPLYING at the medial The branches. end latter The of of the may neck be derived 2 FIG. 3 in mid-sections of the head and neck (see text). Note that in Figure 2 the lateral part of the head is supplied by lateral metaphysial arteries which spring from the lateral epiphysial supply ; but that in Figure 3 this area is supplied by medially directed vessels which arise from the cervical and superior metaphysial arteries. FIG. Normal arterial from the Harrison, the patterns former. continue fovea. cartilage. absent They superior off many vessels, called lateral epiphysial the line of the old epiphysial multi-arcaded supplied. The one ; they give off small vessels terminate as posterior retinacular vessels of the epiphysial to be injected teres locally The retinacular and laterally VOL. 47 B, neck supply to NO. 3, are vessels and ramify AUGUST not often of the ; these from do 1965 to join vessels the with important from the terminal superior cortex the branch trochanter and the both artery head, obturator after This transection when branches of cervical vessels and articular artery groups. but pursue the arteries are smaller than the cortex near the head quadrant. The anterior up into a local network. of from femoral into cervical a or comes common pass receives penetrate with the always seem femur from vessels, towards 2) but they vary and may be the medial and superior retinacular penetrate in the inferior capital the cortex and break derived femoral by Trueta and in a gentle curve to arteries plate branches inferior branches, through teres the circumflex ligament ramify arteries. pass ligamentum or two cervical branches vessels with Ligamentum metaphysial inferior the anastomoses they give superior along Metaphysial branches often come off laterally (Fig. (Fig. 3). Obviously a large part of the head-especially quadrants-is allows The main prominently they the a straight with cervical ofthe neck. the fovea lateral course which anastomosis enter from the and and The epiphysial the superior downwards branches of the 564 S. SEVITT inferior and lateral other retinacular nietaphysial metaphysial arteries; vessels or from vessels. AND The R. G. vessels they arise from the lateral epiphysial THOMPSON in the the lateral part of the head we cervical anastomosis or from arteries or from a variable mixture will term the superior of sources. RESULTS Controls (three capsule incised found in each experiments, number to the determine experiment (Figs. 1 in possible 2 and 3). Figure 1)-The effect of this, Thus the hip but joint operative exposed vascular approach 4 FIG. was a normal had and the pattern was no effect. 5 FIG. FIG. 6 FIG. 7 Complete transections of the neck. Figure 4 shows one vessel in the ligamentum teres injected proximally but not distally and none of the head is injected. In Figure 5 vessels in the ligamentum teres penetrate the head and ramify in a relatively small subfoveal area, but the remainder of the head is not injected. Figure 6 shows, in addition, anastomotic area in the upper filling of many vessels beyond half of the neck next to the saw-cut. the vessels Division ofthe was also The results Complete experiments ligamentum without also the filling in experiments teres on the supplement transection of capital sixteen effect role after (two experiments, capital arterial controls. of the neck (seventeen of the all the subfovea. In Figure of ligamentum number pattern Note 7 nearly teres. also the all the head 2 in Figure including the well defined has been 1)-Cutting uninjected injected this subfoveal part through ligament of the head. the arteries other (94 per in the vessels cent). experiments, ligamentum had been number teres was divided. In six preparations 3 in Ligamentum (35 THE Figure 1)-By that is, the amount were injected determined, per cent) JOURNAL vessels no capital OF BONE AND these vessels JOINT were SURGERY DISTRIBUTION filled (Fig. In the one AND 4) and other in six others five or two ANASTOMOSES (294 epiphysial metaphysial vessels were or two lateral epiphysial injection of most Injection the injection head (five head ligament only cent) were specimens) SUPPLYING filled HEAD a small subfoveal capital vessels other in both hips AND NECK area were of one (Fig. 7). and of the head were related. or when vessels Capital was subject and was Incomplete section rim and the superior a normal which shows is from normal from vascular of the inferior absent when did not penetrated reach the 10 of the neck retinacular 8 a section Figure shows 5). 9 8 TO FIGS. (Fig. much much filling of one cent) had a normal filling FIG. In injected injected: injection of vessels along the ligament 8 565 OF FEMUR also on the left side ; two other heads showed (Fig. 6); and one preparation (59 per absent (one specimen) (Fig. 4). When injected was FIG. cent) per vessels injected arteries of the of the ligamentum (35 per preparations lateral OF ARTERIES the with the superior arteries left intact. middle pattern; the anterior part vascular injection. of the and of the In Figure head, Figure head 9, also 10 there is normal vascular filling except in part of the head and neck on either side of the saw-cut. FIG. fovea, at least Only the the subfovea ligament (one subfovea was to 10 was injected three injected in four arteries) but and sometimes part of the five specimens the other also showed of the head (eleven specimens). with few injected vessels in the anastomotic capital injection (Fig. 6). On the other hand four of the six preparations with more numerous injected vessels in the ligament had anastomotic capital filling, one of which was very extensive (Fig. 7). Histology of the ligaments showed that the arteries visibly injected ranged from 0#{149}2 to 0#{149}8 millimetres microns relatively in diameter (mostly 03 to 05 diameter) were often present and large vessel was not injected. Incomplete Figure VOL. section 1)-These 47 B, NO. with the superior experiments 3, AUGUST 1965 millimetres). were not Vessels infrequently rim of the neck intact demonstrated the importance (six of arteriole injected. size (50 to 100 Occasionally a experiments, numbers 4 and of the superior retinacular 5 in and 566 S. SEVITF AND R. G. THOMPSON lateral epiphysial supplies to the head and the extensive anastomoses anterior, posterior and medial capital areas and, usually, with the lateral In four preparations all vessels except the superior retinacular arteries the ligamenta including the teres were divided. Three showed a normal vascular pattern anterior (Fig. 9) and posterior segments. Filling was good for a relatively lateral epiphysial was not Incomplete usual uninjected supply (see section infero-lateral area. although injection of FIG. 11 FiG. 13 neck the lower teres were also divided. ligamenta teres in one were preparation left rim and the inferior The infero-lateral the intact head injected in two there (Fig. 10). In the head this was because lateral epiphysial arteries and to interruption ofthe The loss of cervical filling is discussed below. Incomplete transection with the inferior 1)-Of in two); 14 arteries left intact. the sixteen in five the retinacular distribution of the inferior In Figures metaphysial 1 1) to a more extensive area of the head (Fig. 12). retrograde injection (Fig. 13) but only occasionally in which saw-cut 6 and 7 in Figure (a possible artefact 12 FIG. with all except (Fig. 8) except was always injected from the the ligamentum teres vessels FIG. varies from a small zone near the cortex (Fig. parts of the lateral epiphysial arteries sustained The The subfovea the head from in the head in the fourth above). of the 11 to 13 the ligamenta normal with vessels in the and inferior arteries. were interrupted and (Fig. 14). experiments. were arteries Sometimes was nearly The uninjected injection areas of the on either head side was of the of the absence of lateral branches from the superior metaphysial vessels by the saw-cut. rim of the neck preparations, injection was intact (sixteen experiments, five showed little or no confined to the lower part THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND numbers capital of the JOINT filling head; SURGERY DISTRIBUTION and AND in six there head was ANASTOMOSES also OF anastomotic ARTERIES SUPPLYING injection HEAD elsewhere, AND which NECK filled OF 567 FEMUR nearly all parts intact only of the in two. In eight experiments retinacular filling (Fig. the ligamentum vessels : three 1 1) but technical teres heads were interference nearly with was also avascular the inferior divided leaving showing retinacular only very slight vessels cannot the inferior infero-lateral be eliminated in one specimen ; two others showed infero-lateral (mainly posterior) filling involving 20 to 33 per cent of the head but without anastomotic injection elsewhere (Fig. 12) ; and the other three also had retrograde filling of one or two lateral epiphysial vessels, centrally in one, in posterior slices In of another (Fig. 13) whilst three-quarters eight experiments the ligamentum variations noted and : the limitations of filling ligamentum teres teres from was the injected of the was other left inferior only head intact. was retinacular proximally injected. The results and in two teres reflected supplies specimens and one not injected ; five heads showed ligamentum and filling varying from a small zone in one to larger subfoveal injection ; and seven had cross-sectional areas (20 to 50 per the head. considerable in four heads, One of these Anastomotic filling filling of lateral injected (Fig. 14). Thus, inferior or not the teres into vessels. was rarely superior saw-cut of the ligamentum ligamentum Partial filling rim were of early latter including deeper filling of which head was (Figs. vessels quarters had was was through in its upper 15 and 17). posterior offilling injected In head, which the lateral considerable were in Figure the neck. divided to decide if it was entirely three-quarters preparations can explained 47B, incision the on head none was of the by interruption retinacular NO. from 3, vessels AUGUST the was eighth to the anatomical subfoveal zone. 1965 (see These with division all head could the retinacular uninjected head and of the below). be was superior (such The neck, as ligamentum subject also side there of the importance of where lateral special the (four and preparation but threeshowed inferior metaphysial experiments. teres neck cervical medial seventeen anteriorly the of epiphysial and also the variable, but often left intact. These anastomoses injected through and ligamentum of the filling of lateral in the showed usually preparations, of the partial neck. from neck, of vascular eight aged of filling vessels in each little were preparations filling a man in other retinacular 1)-A retinacular the superior epiphysis (Fig. 16). The The other hip of this of ligamentum the Figure cuts of the injection groups intact in the section of the varied in depth one-half of the In four no of the head of vessels vessel left out whether vessels reduction from experiments isolated 9 in The anastomotic there ; and teres) experiments whether dependent of the In two superior than these was the superior part the combination ligamentum cervical 1)-In two neck. same the the superior cutting off a greater of the there the that ligaments. superior part of the head but this (Fig. 17). There was also a lack into about synovium and the effect of was inferior cent) of specimens showed nearly completely supply of the head. numbers 8 and so-in half specimen the of the Circumferential but ofvessels restricted but supplied only greater or those be part epiphysial supply for anastomoses from naturally vessels upper head extended three was evidence producing virtually the of the a lack of filling in the anastomotic injection were other divided obliquity another third filling the with the reduced of the an absence teres was VOL. preparations anteriorly, the cut and heads led to the preparations with incomplete teres were also transected. The cut experiments) to between one-third and in the posterior part of the head. Filling of the head was normal-or in one the two than anastomotic supports divided the to investigate neck experiments the posteriorly and This the retinacular supply and the results In two preparations the ligamenta one restricted to the cortex (two the or slight vessels. significantly to the neck (eight experiments, of the upper These head divided. contribute division the was absent epiphysial the already number ligamentum teres vessels within teres supplies. but were the injected arteries none experiments, the of the near head, the neck or The medial lateral (Fig. their was 10 were part 1 8). varied. The origin injected from latter the in the 568 S. SEVITT division lower of half injected the direct epiphysial teres. of the partial section channels, while even retinacular anastomotic division of the with much the of distal arteries-have connections. Figures 16 and 17-Preparations (Fig. 16) and left (Fig. 17) femora after 16 Vessels in the head have been vessels-and of the superior filled through THOMPSON FIG. cervical ligamentum lateral part through lateral ends been superior the and G. 15-17 FIGS. 1 5-Partial R. 15 FIG. Figure AND from the ofa young upper part right man of the femoral neck with the ligamenta teres left intact. In Figure 16 all the old epiphysis is left uninjected but elsewhere the head is fIlled. Note also that only the local through subfoveal area the ligamentum has teres. been In Figure injected 17 lateral epiphysial vessels have been injected through anastomoses from vessels in the inferior and/or medial parts of the head, but few medial or superior branches within the epiphysis have been filled. Much of the lateral part of the head and medial because part of and of the neck interruption metaphysial are not injected, of the superior arteries FIG. The In necks Figure adjoining have been 18 neither lateral by the of the head FIG. 17 FIG. 19 saw-cut. 18 circumferentially the head nor part probably cervical incised to divide the adjoining neck were filled but the all retinacular arteries and the ligamenta teres were cut. have been injected. In Figure 19 all the neck and the medial three-quarters THE JOURNAL of the OF head was BONE AND not injected. JOINT SURGERY DISTRIBUTION third preparation the head Thus, any 19). cular lateral ofthe must the anastomosis arteries supply-Judet leagues (1955) found cervical vessels lateral half of but that they would part of of the head. Itsnormal neck and : #{149} off the the concept per was is vessels among transected. the The 20 “ diaphysial “ section divides all the neck except for the upper and lower rims. The effect was to prevent injection of vessels in the lateral third of the head, which in this specimen must have been supplied from the neck. of This cervical - FIG. The cent head. tested completely \ the postulated that of much of the neck superior St superior retinacular the They ‘. col- from 20 near avascularity his would at forty whole follow their a subcapital fracture because this origin. preparations neck in which was well filled the neck was in all except completely six specimens in which there was an uninjected zone next to the saw cut. In three specimens area was about a centimetre wide and restricted to the upper half of the neck 6) mainly anteriorly in one and centrally in the other two; in two and in the middle ofthe neck (Fig. 10), and in one it was relatively large wide) involving the whole depth of the neck centrally and posteriorly. with part anastomoses. rims, epiphysial superior cases per cent) uninjected (Fig. lateral pattern arose in about interrupt The (15 the the came or nearly lateral the cervical uninjected the that experience. in such to the and the retina- and usually arteries our inferior the lateral neck also neck from 569 FEMUR defective. Femoral cases is limited the OF the except inferior from from was of arose NECK to (Fig.20). been injection ANI) 1)-This a large head have HEAD (one vascular for SUPPLYING arteries neck neck cut through The except part supply the the and intact. normal good and superior vessels was was superior the showed metaphysial complementary neck narrow leaving fourth lateral 1 1 in Figure was All the ARTERIES through of number preparatioll for supply section “ OF the These vascular experiment, above. ANASTOMOSES while (Fig. Diaphysial “ AND cervical injection is shown in Figures 17 and others it was narrower (1 to 15 centimetres Similar interference 18. DISCUSSION It has retinacular, and then been possible transcervical injecting the arterial blood supply The findings explain neck and after some Superior when the retinacular only nature medial, branches the delineate and lateral the distribution teres arteries the common epiphysial retinacular experiment, subfovea and arteries-All, vessels generally central and usually lateral of the lateral epiphysial segments, the of the superior by cutting femoral retinacular, inferior off other vessels to the head artery. The results reflect the because the injection agent filled few capillaries and did not enter adequately avascular necrosis of the head after many fractures dislocations of the hip. superior of the to and ligamentum hip vessels through interfered parts vessels; the inferior were with of the these sector, or nearly left head also intact; but the filling are supplied extend into all of which receive all, of the head their division, of the head. veins. of the was injected according to The superior, by the widely distributed the anterior and posterior arteries from other sources. the inferior or lateral connections are defective so that the inferior or the lateral part of the head remains uninjected when the inferior retinacular or transcervical arteries are cut off. That the superior retinacular and lateral epiphysial arteries are the most important Sometimes vessels for 47 B, VOL. M head the NO. 3, is confirmed. AUGUST 1965 s. 570 Ligamentum conflicting. SEVITT AND R. G. THOMPSON teres-Studies of the importance of the vessels in the ligamentum From histological studies of 1 14 adult ligaments Chandler and thought that its vessels were important and they showed that vessels in the head. On the other hand, Nordenson (1938) examined and found that, with advancing age, there were more insignificant there were connections with 129 ligaments histologically arteries and vessels which divided into fine branches before reaching the head ; in half his subjects years the vessels in the ligament did not reach the head. Kolodny (1925), thought that the ligament later in life the small teres the the those least circulation problems head, and the are other in the ligamentum Our results indicate in elderly adults, in adult involved. life. is the amount vessels reached the and they concluded One the because all the head-including ligament. After cervical transection, quality of vessels between the none filling, injected numerous there was extensively was often-but injected. partly, partly, but in only This to the contrast not in adults; Wolcott (1943), head after these birth they did not vessels contributed along the the arteries ligament are unimportant important. or which of the join to reach head and of for most heads, at Teres vessels are not well injected after only a small subfoveal division of the area was the ligament in about two-thirds of the preparations. Other parts of the head in the others but only one head was extensively filled. Absence of subfoveal to lack of distal injection of the ligamentum vessels although (in all except with subfoveal were few, the anastomoses. be subfovea-was of the one) they were injected proximally. Defective technical artefact from injection of the femoral from the internal iliac artery (from which the observed as part of the injection technique. associated ligament head that of anastomosis is teres. that the vessels in the ligament but that occasionally they can essential injected through were also injected filling was related but of sixty studies, that in only 20 per cent of specimens did injected vessels of the the fovea ; at least one artery in the others reached the head and vessels. Similar studies by Trueta and Harrison (1953) and Trueta that, although ligament for three or four years; capital Two over the age from injection vessels were important to the head in children vessels could not be followed to the foveal insertion. also by injections, found ligament fail to penetrate anastomosed with other (1957) showed its circulation teres have been Kreuscher (1932) not Thus related curious regular proving foveal the to penetration zone was of the head. generally small always-anastomotic limitation of poor and almost anastomotic branches. Inferior retinacular arteries-These arteries. After all the other sources posterior and lateral-was injected filling of the ligamentum vessels was not a artery, because retrograde anastomotic flow ligamentum vessels are derived) was regularly Injection of vessels along the ligament was vessels constant filling When injected vessels ; but when they were filling anastomoses in the ligamentum failure of the of the head, but only beyond the subfovea teres to inject subfovea and beyond through there may in the more one is be no the subfovea was lateral epiphysial are much less important than the superior retinacular have been cut off, the inferior part of the head-generally through the inferior metaphysial branches. Sometimes the area was very small and sometimes it was relatively large. Central and superior capital vessels were injected through anastomoses in a small number, but only rarely was most of the head injected. The differences in the capability of anastomosis between the lateral epiphysial and inferior metaphysial vessels, according to the direction of injection, was similar to that already noted between Transcervical or only the the lateral arteries-After lateral part epiphysial division of the head and teres supplies. of all retinacular was injected. importance except for the lateral metaphysial supply is no connection between the branches of the nutrient vessels because Wolcott (1943) found that injection the capsular (retinacular) vessels and vice vessels Thus, and vessels in some. This artery in the of the nutrient the inside ligamentum the neck teres none are of no does not mean that there diaphysis and the capital artery successfully filled versa. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY DISTRIBUTION Cervical AND ANASTOMOSES arteries-The cervical superior branches. short cervical Other to the arising of saw-cut. medial avascularity the in the avascular of good anastomoses. Anterior and posterior or posterior these vessels locally to the for a They were successfully head were limited generally are not area from fractures after intracapsular particularly above of the injected through a pinned and vulnerable teres other the Considerable upward or subtotal capital through the intact VOL. 47 B, viable NO. 3, intact the fractures. only because the anterior contribution, to be more areas because when all other but than these vessels displacement either capital area of the and vascular AUGUST 22 1965 had depends lower been the teres at necropsy. vessels entirely fragment kept retinacular findings and vessels head except Figure 5). is avascular and with Figure explain make then When the 4). results on the teres dependent Arteriography cent of the heads had necrosis (Sevitt 1964). associated with subfoveal area kept 21). When necrosis in a few had head supply. generally of the (Fig. the capital distribution and the inferior retinacular or was intact but injected ligaments alive with vessels are very often torn, have been widely displaced. would was is avascular teres (compare and the size restricted head (compare All the bony showed that 64 per cent total or partial been torn by the nail necrosis with vascular, after ligamentum vessels important. at necropsy and 84 per of the head The experimental retinacular head at necropsy. and retinacular when the fragments necrosis. With subtotal necrosis teres supply was generally very the ligament had examples of total medial left the vessels of the ligamentum synovium especially superior the injected and inferior retinacular vessels becomes very of the torn of necrosis-Our subjects necrosis remained fracture avascular future a larger experiments injected vessels through in twenty-five or almost total total were arteries presumably be sure of the extent of their absent so they were unlikely fracture the subcapital and histology suffered total also postulated, except found concerning intracapsular for the anterior and posterior the lateral epiphysial arteries transcervical fractures. Cervical and anteriorly, and on the ligamentum anastomoses with are of our they anterior cervical (1955) FIG. a pinned only the foveal soft tissue has been injected Interruption than situated through the of the neck zone was superior et al. 21 from subfoveal Intracapsular of the of Judet superior upwards from on injection an uninjected medially smaller essential through probably their of divided. 22-Specimen vessels by certain vessels-None injected 21-Specimen Figure were retinacular FIG. Figure neck trochanter, 571 OF FEMUR because and division hypothesis NECK the no effect in which with the retinacular supply; so we cannot were generally small and sometimes important. zones the of from had AND important arteries, consistent support HEAD also laterally retinacular were and zones come are Cervical section of the preparations zones part SUPPLYING arteries inferior vessels. per cent) saw-cut caused However, the These to ARTERIES retinacular contributions branches and posterior retinacular in a small number (15 next OF been not injected, (Fig. 22). specimens interrupted but total alive was there Sometimes all the (Fig. head 23). 572 S. SEVITT There were which also two specimens inferior retinacular These findings are roles the of the superior and lateral teres of the with the necrosis retinacular and limited lateral vessels, when clinical which and have necropsy this radiological been included has (Fig. 24). a posterior been 23-Specimen Figure 24-Specimen The the head retinacular posterior the femoral 1 At necropsy avascular by of the by arteriographic 2. Before which day femoral by had been injected at necropsy. The the fracture line (compare part the lateral have or its avascular, no part lateral the arterial distribution vessels to or in the the been This supply which admission. because is normal is avascular of damage and tearing The would remaining head all the head mechanisms. avascularity. studied after stretching both of One by not be of ruptured influenced intact. CONCLUSIONS AND the head uninjured head have few 24 Virtually must from be injuries soon origin-from metaphysial within in fifty-seven this at their attachment, played possible and neck-or to vascular pattern of the with Figure 7). around followed a (1957). multiple reduced of source are head, first severe in branches Not- main Laufer the after in great all dislocations the apparently the are the hip FIG. its head contributions they reported was injection injection that as died hip of dislocated hip injected at necropsy. (compare with Figures 18 and 19). at of the part ofthe head. to the dominant restricted vessels necrosis arteriography, years SUMMARY . teres a posteriorly could neck the from vessels teres by studied sector the superior with regard vessels, ligamentum such a subcapital fracture for disruption at capsule ligamentum all except especially 23 from except femoral the to to a superior supply results epiphysial of ofeighteen dislocation FIG. Figure restricted histologically, A man THOMPSON head (Sevitt 1964). necrosis of the head-Some evidence confirmed specimen means G. and the poverty of their anastomoses with the superior retinacular supply is interrupted. of the contribution of revascularisation of the necrotic Dislocation of the hip and avascular by R. and teres vessels could explained by the present inferior retinacular epiphysial arteries withstanding ANI) hips except for and neck of the femur of mostly one or elderly more was investigated subjects. particular groups were divided. 3. The superior retinacular arteries were found to be the most important arterial supply to the head. Through the widely distributed branches of their lateral epiphysial vessels (superior capital) they supplied the superior, medial, central and usually the lateral parts ofthe head: through anastomoses they could also supply the anterior and posterior segments, the subfovea and lateral the inferior connections sector, were which receive defective. separate contributions. THE Sometimes JOURNAL OF BONE the AND inferior JOINT or the SURGERY DISTRIBUTION 4. The AND arteries ANASTOMOSES in the ligamentum OF ARTERIES teres were SUPPLYING either absent most subjects. Either the vessels in the ligament never a limited subfoveal zone. In only one out of sixteen through the vessels of the ligamentum teres. The 5. inferior retinacular arteries were supplied a variable infero-lateral there was an anastomotic supply specimens 6. was The nearly regular all the anastomotic to the inferior of the lateral 7. Vessels medial three-quarters. The neck of the femur but only We are within the head injected supply from in a small indebted to femoral received (15 per sometimes for branches part was head in supplied only head injected importance posteriorly. but only the 573 and generally In a small number in two out of sixteen vessels. supplied cent) OF FEMUR unimportant retinacular important R. Gill and his colleagues Mr these superior NECK the head or they was the whole to be of subsidiary through the AND arteries to the was in curious contrast to the infrequent from the inferior retinacular or ligamentum neck number or reached specimens part of the head, particularly to other parts of the head, part of the head epiphysial arteries the 8. found HEAD the lateral from of the Photographic part the of it entirely subfovea of the head superior retinacular dependent on this Department and anastomotic filling teres arteries. but never arteries supply. of this hospital for their help. REFERENCES S. B., and CHANDLER, P. H. 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