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Key Concepts
Mammals have a body covering of hair, maintain a constant warm body
temperature, and nourish their young with milk produced by the mammary glands
of the mother.
Sea otters have thick coats of fur and feed on marine invertebrates near shore.
Polar bears feed mainly on seals and are top predators in arctic food chains.
Pinnipeds have limbs modified to form flippers, and are better adapted to life at sea
than to life on land.
Sirenians are totally aquatic mammals that feed on a variety of aquatic vegetation.
Cetaceans have a fish-like body shape and are the mammals most suited to life in
the sea.
Special physiological adaptations allow cetaceans to dive to great depths and to
remain submerged for long periods.
Cetaceans are intelligent animals that display a range of behaviors for
communication and investigating their environment.
Some cetaceans use echolocation to navigate, find prey, and avoid predators.
Baleen whales have plates of baleen instead of teeth and feed primarily on plankton,
such as krill.
Toothed whales have teeth allowing them to feed on larger prey, primarily fish and
squid, although killer whales will eat marine birds and mammals.
Dolphins are intelligent animals that are capable of learning and sophisticated
intraspecies communication.
Characteristics of Marine Mammals
Most have hair insulating body
Mothers produce milk for their young
– mammary glands
Placental mammals
– placenta
Feed at various trophic levels
Sea Otters
Enhydra lutris; order Carnivora
Found from California coast to the Aleutian Islands
Short, erect ears
Dexterous 5-fingered forelimbs
Well-defined hind limbs with fin-like feet
Have thick fur with an air layer for insulation
Usually stay within a mile of shore
normally give birth to 1 pup on shoreline rocks, and it soon follows its mother into
the sea
Eat nearly 25% of their weight in each day
– sea urchins, molluscs, crustaceans, fish
Diurnal, gregarious, vocal and playful
Nearly hunted to extinction for fur
Polar Bears
Ursus maritimus; order Carnivora
Top predators in Arctic food chains
Adult male may be ~3 meters and 725 kilograms
Live on shifting ice sheets and floes
Well adapted to cold environment
– large body
– black skin
– dense layer of under-fur
Polar Bears
Eats mostly seals
In spring, males compete for available females
Give birth usually to 2 cubs each weighing 1 lbs
Climate change causing shrinkage of ice sheets
Considered endangered
Pinnipeds: Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses
Order carnivora; Suborder Pinnipedia
– seals, elephant seals, sea lions and walruses
Mate, give birth and molt on land
Eat fish, larger invertebrates
Predators - sharks, whales and humans
Pinniped Characteristics
3 families:
– eared seals (Otariidae)
– true seals (Phocidae)
– walruses (Odobenidae)
Eared seals have small external ears
True seals lack external ears
Spindle-shaped bodies
Many have thick layers of fat
Round head is carried on a distinct neck
Large brains, well-developed senses
2 pairs of limbs are modified into flippers
Swimming and Diving
Fast swimmers and expert divers
Adaptations for diving
– exhale before diving
– metabolism slows and heart rate decreases
– blood is redistributed
Have much more oxygen in their muscles than humans
Reproduction in Pinnipeds
Most congregate on well-established breeding beaches to mate/give birth
Some species are polygynous
Males arrive to establish territories
Females give birth to pups conceived the previous year, then mate again
Gestation is about 1 year
Seasonal delayed implantation
Lactation period varies
– coldest habitats = shortest lactation
– nursing stresses the mother
– some breed on pack ice, and must wean pups before it breaks up and
becomes dangerous to the pups
Eared Seals
Sea lions
– coarse coat of nothing but hair
– highly social; congregate when on shore
Fur seals
– distinguished by thick undercoats
– coats are prized in the fur market
Phocids, or True Seals
Forelimbs closer to the head and smaller than the hind limbs
– less adapted to life on land
– move on land by dragging their bodies
Most congregate during breeding season;
Harbor seals are a familiar type
Harp seal pups have a white coat, and are thus prized in the fur market
Leopard seal is only phocid that eats homeothermic prey, penguins, sea birds and
other seals make up bulk of diet
Elephant seals are the largest, and bulls have a unique proboscis that amplifies their
roar and attracts mates
Lack external ears but have a distinct neck and hind limbs that can be used for
walking on land
Can grow to 3 to 5 meters in length and weigh up to 1,364 kilograms
Canine teeth of males develop into tusks
Typical family group is 1 bull with up to 3 females and calves of various ages
– 11-month gestation period
– calves with the mother for 4 or 5 years
Found in the Arctic
Eat fishes, crustaceans, molluscs and echinoderms
Native people hunt them for meat, not tusks
Sirens: Manatees and Dugongs
Order Sirenia (sirenians)
Now confined to coastal areas and estuaries of tropical seas
Bodies, forelimbs, pelvis similar to whales
Completely aquatic, helpless on land
Gentle and often trusting of humans
Strictly marine
Live in coastal areas of Indian Ocean
Feed on shallow-water grasses
Distinguished from manatees by:
– larger heads
– shorter flippers
– notched tail
Only one species
Three species
Inhabit both the sea and inland rivers and lakes
Mate and give birth under water
– male remains with female
– female gives birth to 1 calf after 11 months gestation
Strict vegetarians
Motorboat propellers a great danger
Steller’s Sea Cow
First recorded by Georg Wilhelm Steller
Furs Steller brought from the Commander Islands attracted hunters to return
Used Steller’s Sea Cow as a food source, and hunted the species to extinction
General Characteristics of Cetaceans
Streamlined bodies closely resemble fishes
– blowhole
– blubber
– lack of neck
– internal ears with wax plugs
– essentially hairless
– no sweat glands
– forelimbs modified into flippers
– fluke - the main organ of propulsion
– countercurrent circulatory system with cold blood directed to un-insulated
flippers conserves heat
Adaptations for Diving
Small lungs exchange 80 to 90% of oxygen with their blood
Lungs and rib cage collapse easily
During a dive:
– metabolism and heart rate decrease
– blood is preferentially shunted to vital organs
Medulla oblongata is less sensitive to CO2
– can hold breath without urge to breathe
Large amounts of hemoglobin and myoglobin
Cetacean Behaviors
Spy hopping
– serial breaching
– head lunge
– tail slapping or lobbing
– tail cocking
– peduncle slapp
– tail slashing/swishing
– fluke up/fluke down
– flipper flapping
– pectoral stroking
Reproduction and Development
Limited knowledge on small whales in captivity
Baleen whales
– Mate and give birth in the same place and time
– 10-13 month gestation
Toothed whales
– Breed throughout the year,
– 7-10 month gestation
Produce extremely rich milk
– 40-50% fat, 10-12% protein
– infant grows rapidly
Many travel in pods (groups) of adults and young
Types of Whales
2 suborders
– Mysticeti – baleen whales
– Odontoceti – toothed whales
Baleen whales lack teeth, and filter food from the water using baleen
– largest whales are of this type
Toothed whales feed on larger prey
Baleen Whales
Enormous mouths with plates of baleen
– each plate has an elongated triangular shape
– composed of keratin
– hundreds of plates form a tight mesh
– used to capture plankton, especially krill, and fish
Feeds by swimming open-mouthed into dense groups of krill and fish
– bubble net
Baleen is protected by the underlip
Right Whales and Bowhead Whales
– distinguished by lack of dorsal fins
– name derived from identification of these whales as the “right whales” for
– the bowhead whale is rarest whale
Rorquals (family Balaenopteridae)
– have dorsal fin
– slender, streamlined, fast swimmers
– blue whale is the largest whale
– fin whale is second largest
– humpback whale has a hump, bosses, and very long pectoral fins
– modern whaling techniques
– blue whale given worldwide protection in 1966
Gray whale (Eschrictius gibbosus)
– only eastern Pacific population survives today
– migrate from Bering Sea to waters off Baja California to mate and give birth
– referred to as mossback whales
Toothed Whales
Sperm whales
– 3rd largest animal with massive blunt snout
– have a series of humps, no real dorsal fin
– aggressive attackers of squid and fish
– polygynous
– named for spermaceti
– ambergris
White whales
– Beluga whales
• are unique for their white color
• northern polar seas
• main predators are killer whales and polar bears
– Narwhals
• close relatives of beluga whales
• male have tusk developed from 1 of 2 tooth buds
• narwhals also inhabit Arctic waters, eskimos only remaining predators
– Related to dolphins
– porpoises have a rounded head with no beak
– harbor porpoises known for great intelligence
– widely distributed in the North Atlantic
– Dall’s porpoise might be the first animal to be protected by law
– common dolphin has a definite beak
– known for encircling and following ships
– bottlenose dolphins are used in research
– orca (killer whale) is the largest dolphin
Ears are modified to receive a wide range of underwater vibrations
Dolphins emit clicking sounds
– orientation clicks
– discrimination clicks
Echoes provide 4 types of information:
– direction from which echo is coming
– change in frequency
– amplitude
– time elapsed before the sound returns
Dolphin can then determines object’s range, bearing, size, shape, texture and
Traveling dolphins move their heads side to side and up and down, scanning for