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The Quest of China …
Geographical Map
• China is surrounded by
deserts, mountains, and the
Pacific ocean.
• China has thrived along side of
the Yellow (Huang He) and
Yangtze Rivers.
Welcome to Ancient China!
Did you know? The ancient
Chinese invented:
The compass
A seismograph to measure
The umbrella
Porcelain and china
The clock
The wheelbarrow
The crossbow
The animal harness
The printing press
And playing cards.
Musically Inclined…
• Archaeologists
have found the
world's oldest
playable flute in
• Like other ancient
peoples, the Chinese
developed unique
• Their form of writing,
developed by 2000 BC,
was a complex system
of picture writing using
forms called ideograms,
pictograms, and
• Today there are over
80,000 Chinese
Oracle Bones
• Such early forms of Chinese became
known through the discovery by
archaeologists of oracle bones.
• Oracle bones were bones with writings
inscribed on them. They were used for
fortune-telling and record keeping in
ancient China.
• Records of the Shang dynasty were
written on animal bones and tortoise
• The Shang Dynasty was then the first
documented dynasty of Ancient China.
• Archaeologists have found over
100,000 oracle bones.
• Chinese civilization, as
described in mythology,
begins with Pangu, the
creator of the universe who
taught the ancient Chinese
to communicate and to find
sustenance, clothing, and
• The Chinese had settled in
the Huang He, or Yellow
River, valley of northern
China by 3000 BC.
• They had pottery, wheels,
farms, baked brick houses,
and silk, but they had not
yet discovered writing or
the uses of metals.
Emperors and Dynasties
The Ancient Chinese were
ruled by various dynasties.
A dynasty is a time period that
is ruled by a specific family.
When a new dynasty was to
come into power it would
overthrow the existing dynasty.
There were several dynasties
that lasted up to thousands of
years. In the early Chinese age
the Xia ruled.
In the Bronze age the Shang
and Zhou ruled. In the
Classical Age the main
dynasties were the Qin and the
The Shang and Chou Dynasties
Shang and Chou times are known for
their use of jade, bronze, horse-drawn
chariots, ancestor worship, highly
organized armies, and human sacrifice.
Cities were surrounded by protective
walls. One city was surrounded by a
wall 30 feet high, 65 feet thick, and 4 1/2
miles long!
Inside these walled cities lived the
rulers, priests, and warriors. Merchants
and craftsmen lived in mud houses
built up against the outside walls of the
Farmers lived in nearby villages.
Chopsticks were invented, which
changed the way people ate their food.
•Ancestor worship was very important to the early Shang kings and
nobles. It was a way of life. (About 1700 BCE to 250 BCE )
• When a man died, the ancient Chinese believed his spirit lived on in the
•They believed their ancestors had magical powers that could punish
them or could help them make wise decisions. Sometimes the Chinese
would use Oracle bones to contact ancestors.
•To keep their ancestors happy, they brought gifts of food
and wine to special places or temples.
•They held many celebrations to honor their ancestors.
Han Culture
• Philosophies and institutions
that began in the Zhou and Qin
periods reached maturity under
the Han. These consisted of
Buddhism, Confucianism, and
• During Han times, the Chinese
distinguished themselves in
making scientific discoveries,
many of which were not known
to Westerners until centuries
• The Chinese were most
advanced in astronomy.
~ The Yin Yang is
the main symbol
of contrasting
forces in Taoism.
~ Ancient Chinese star map
The Great Wall of China
• The Great Wall of China was built
in the year 220 BC. It was mostly
built in the Qin Dynasty.
• During this time over 300,000
people worked for 10 years to
build a defense against Northern
• It stretches for 2400 kilometers
and is about eight meters high
along the wall. This equals 1,491
miles or 26,246 football fields!
Pyramids Are Not Just in Egypt!
• A three-story pyramid
dating 5000 years
back has been
discovered in north
China's Region.
• One was said to be
three stories high!
The Terra-Cotta Soldiers
• In 1973, a man was digging
a well, when he discovered
a life-size terra-cotta
• Since then, over six
thousand individual terracotta soldiers have been
found, each with different
hair, posture, and facial
• All of the terra-cotta soldiers
were discovered near an
emperor's tomb.
• The first true evidence of
mathematical activity in China
can be found in numeration
symbols on tortoise shells
(oracle bones) and flat cattle
• Chinese were one of the first
civilization to understand and
efficiently use a decimal
numeration system.
• The Chinese also discovered
the concept of Zero
Mathematics: It’s China’s Fault!
•The need to control the floodprone rivers of China, such as
the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers,
was an important factor in the
development of mathematics
in ancient China.
•The problem of providing a
safe environment in a waterdependent society were solved
using science and
mathematics, including the
construction of canals, dams,
Dragons in China
• Dragons are referred to as the
divine mythical creature that
brings with it ultimate
abundance, prosperity and
good fortune.
• Dragons are an important part
of many Chinese festivals,
including Chinese New Year.
In ancient China, dragons did
not breathe fire.
• Dragons were wise and caring.
They guarded the wind, the
rain, the rivers, precious
metals and gems.
Ready for a Quiz?...
It’s Quiz
Which invention did the
Chinese not make?
A. The umbrella
C. Gunpowder
B. The Wheelbarrow
D. Paper clips
Try again!
The Ancient Chinese did in
fact invent this!
Click to go back.
Paper clips were not invented by the
What are Oracle bones?
Old tortoise shells used
for record keeping and
fortune telling.
Remains found in ancient
Chinese tombs.
Ancient cattle bones in
which Chinese farmers
predicted weather
New tasty dog treats from
an ancient Chinese recipe.
Try again!
Click to go back.
Oracle bones are tortoise shells
with recorded history and
fortunes on them.
Which statement is False?
China’s culture is full of
mythology, invention, and
The Yangtze and Yellow
Rivers were not an
important factor in the
development of
mathematics in ancient
Chinese dragons were
wise and caring, and
contrary to popular belief,
did not breath fire.
Try again!
This is a true statement.
Click to go back.
Correct! This Statement is
The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers
were an important factor in the
development of Mathematics in
Ancient China.
The Great Wall
of China was
used to keep
out wild
Try again!
Click to go back.
Correct! This statement is
The Great Wall of China was built
to keep out foreign invaders.
You are at the end of your journey!
Click here to end the show.
And that was only a taste of ancient China … stay tuned!
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